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The unnamed entity known by the alias of Samir Duran, and later known under the name Emil Narud, is an ancient Xel'Naga serving Amon, and the secondary antagonist of the Starcraft real-time strategy video game series.

Initially appearing as the leader of the Confederate Resistance Forces that join forces with the UED Expeditionary Fleet, Duran later defects to the Zerg Swarm under Sarah Kerrigan before revealing himself as a mysterious being involved with the creation of the Hybrids. He eventually resurfaces as Emil Narud, head of the Moebius Foundation, and is revealed to be a servant of Amon. He later met his end at the hands of his archenemy Alexi Stukov, in revenge for killing the latter.


Duran was one of Amon's most loyal Xel'Naga and spent millennia trying to resurrect his dead master. Over this time, he has had "many names".

Confederate Warrior[]

Around the time of the first war, Duran assumed the identity of a Terran soldier and claimed to have served in Alpha Squadron before Arcturus Mengsk brought down the Terran Confederacy. Realizing a shift in the power structure was coming to the Koprulu Sector, he assumed command of a small commando squad called the Confederate Resistance Forces. Its stated purpose was striking at Mengsk and his new Terran Dominion.

A Meeting on Braxis[]

When the United Earth Directorate launched its first attack against the Dominion on Braxis, Duran monitored the attack before offering his services to Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov. Stukov accepted, but only because both men had the same enemy. Even though Duran had the potential to be a valuable asset, Stukov was nevertheless suspicious. However, Duran won him over, and provided the UED with a route to the 'back door' of Boralis, aiding the invaders in capturing the planet's capital.

The UED gained access to confidential Dominion information from Braxis. Duran used the information to plan an assassination attempt on Arcturus Mengsk, who was visiting Umoja at the time. He did not take part in the operation as he was required to journey to Dylar IV for the UED's attack on the Dylarian Shipyards. Instead, the failed assassination mission was led by Captain Angelina Emillian – Mengsk's former instructor.

Special Advisor to the UED[]

The UED sought to steal Dominion battlecruisers dry-docked at the Dylarian Shipyards. During operational planning, Duran warned DuGalle that the Dominion could reinforce its outlying bases within sixteen hours. The stolen battlecruiser fleet was ready in time to defeat Dominion reinforcements led by General Edmund Duke.

Duran accompanied the UED fleet to Tarsonis. His research team located the psi disrupter, a lost Confederate weapon capable of disrupting zerg communication. Duran advised that it be destroyed, and DuGalle concurred; if it was captured by the Dominion, it would jeopardize the UED's plan to enslave the Second Overmind. Stukov's dissenting opinion, to use the disrupter against the zerg, was overruled.

As Duran had shown such concern over the matter, DuGalle ordered him to personally secure the disrupter. Duran's strategy of destroying surrounding hives to render surrounding the zerg dormant was successful. Duran's preparations to demolish the disrupter were interrupted by the intervention of Stukov's ghosts, who had orders to relieve Duran and take over the weapon's disassembly. Duran did not challenge them.

Duran participated in planning the UED assault on Korhal, the Dominion throne world. He suggested destroying a large cluster of missile silos on the outskirts of Augustgrad, the capital city, to disable the defender's core nuclear capabilities. The UED subsequently captured Augustgrad. Mengsk escaped capture with the aid of Raynor's Raiders and a small protoss fleet.

The Turncoat[]

The UED pursued Mengsk and his rescuers to Aiur, where the fugitives prepared to escape through the warp gate. The UED's quarry were entrenched in a large protoss base, surrounded by nesting, but apparently passive, zerg.

While one UED force struck for the gate and the fugitives, Stukov and Duran were assigned to guard the flanks and prevent potential interference by the zerg. As the main attack neared its objective, the warp gate activated and incited the zerg. Duran's forces were out of position as a large zerg force swept in from the northeast. He claimed not to detect the enemy force, and claimed communications difficulties prevented him from receiving Stukov's frantic warnings. The ensuing chaos allowed Mengsk and Commander Jim Raynor to escape through the gate in a dropship. The gate subsequently self-destructed.

Stukov took an unauthorized leave of absence to Braxis as the operation on Aiur concluded. DuGalle and Duran tracked him there and found the vice-admiral had secretly had the psi disrupter reassembled, in contravention of previous orders. Duran convinced DuGalle that Stukov was acting treacherously, and was authorized by the aggrieved admiral to find and execute the vice admiral. Duran and a marine strike force entered the disrupter and broke through the Stukov's Elite Guard to confront Stukov.

Duran shot Stukov and disappeared to activate the disrupter's self-destruct. A dying Stukov convinced DuGalle that the psi disrupter was critical to defeating the Zerg and that Duran was the real traitor, and possibly infested. So alerted, the UED quickly shut down the self-destruct.


Duran escaped to join the Zerg. The UED used the disrupter to severely weaken the Zerg and claim the second Overmind on Char. As the UED claimed victory, Duran appeared to introduce DuGalle to Sarah Kerrigan. After some verbal sparring with DuGalle, the two departed, as a swarm of mutalisks covered their retreat from the UED forces.

Kerrigan and Duran traveled to Tarsonis, where Duran interrupted a conversation between her, Raynor, and Fenix to inform Kerrigan that the psi disrupter's signal had reached them on Tarsonis and shattered the unity of her broods.

Aboard the Hyperion, in orbit around Moria, Duran and Kerrigan discussed whether Raynor, Fenix, and Mengsk suspected them of anything. Kerrigan said they must suspect something, but preferred working with her rather than with the UED.

After the Swarm conquered Korhal for Mengsk, Kerrigan decided her allies outlived their usefulness to her, so Duran suggested that the Swarm strike while the allies were resting from the last fight.

When the UED and renegade Zerg struck back on Tarsonis, Duran identified a group of scientists who were needed to coordinate the renegades' attacks due to trouble the UED had controlling them, so he ordered the cerebrate loyal to Kerrigan to focus its attacks on them.

After routing the UED from Tarsonis, he advised a diversionary tactic on Shakuras involving him personally setting up the detonation of a series of pylons in the city of Talematros so that Kerrigan could kidnap matriarch Raszagal from the protoss.

The Mystery Deepens[]

When Zeratul recovered Raszagal, Duran advised that Kerrigan send her broods after the protoss on Char before they could warp away. During this time, he secretly disappeared from the Swarm and escaped to the Dark Moon to oversee the hybrid project in development there. It is here that Zeratul eventually received a hint of Duran's true nature and learned of the hybrid threat which Duran said would cause the universe to be "changed... forever."


Within the next four years, Duran had assumed a new Terran identity: Dr. Emil Narud, a middle-aged scientist with white hair and a slight German accent who was viewed as an expert on Protoss and Xel'Naga technology. He was put in charge of the Dominion's Hybrid Breeding Program, creating super-soldiers that Mengsk wrongly assumed would be loyal to him. The technology required for the program was far beyond anything the Terrans as a whole could ever achieve without Narud's input.

Narud built Skygeirr Station on top of a Xel'Naga temple where some Tal'Darim warriors stood guard. The platform served as the heart of the Dominion's hybrid program. Narud had also crafted a new plan for Amon's resurrection: the Xel'Naga Keystone would absorb the Zerg mutagen in the Queen of Blades and her Swarm and that would provide enough energy for Amon to return to the material universe.

He and Valerian, son of Arcturus, founded the Moebius Foundation to study the Xel'Naga. They had a seeming friendship, but Narud secretly needed both Terran followers and eventually thralls once the hybrid were numerous and powerful enough to mentally enslave the scientists and soldiers working for him. While working on the Hybrid at Skygeirr, Narud kept Valerian informed of the hybrid, but not the amount of progress he made with them.

Stukov, who held Duran/Narud for everything that happened to him since he was fatally shot, including being captured by the Zerg, resurrected and infested, was eventually captured by Narud and Moebius to be tortured and experimented on. The result was Stukov was infested on a micro-scale that the Swarm was incapable of achieving with any of its infested Terrans. Stukov eventually escaped and sought Kerrigan's aid for getting revenge against Narud.


           StarCraft LogoVillains

Terran Confederacy
Edmund Duke | Magistrate Collins | Samir Duran | Lieutenant Rumm

Terran Dominion
Arcturus Mengsk | Edmund Duke | Nova | Emil Narud | Carolina Davis | Defenders of Man

United Earth Directorate
Gerard DuGalle | Alexei Stukov | Samir Duran

Overmind | Sarah Kerrigan | Daggoth | Zasz | Zagara | Abathur | The Cerebrate | Alexei Stukov

Ma'lash | Alarak | Nyon

Forces of Amon
Amon | Samir Duran | Hybrids | Maar
