Samuel Shaw is a professional wrestler from impact wrestling. He first came in as a gut check contestant. He was chosen recently from Impact Wrestling as a TNA gut check winner. Samuel Shaw got a new house seemingly and Christy Hemme the ring announcer was invited to look in his house.

The two had a glass of wine and when Samuel was touring the house he almost got into his basement when Christy asked what is in here. Samuel Shaw sent her to get more wine. When the lights turned on it was a collection of Christy Hemme posters and a manequin with a wig that looks like Christy Hemme's hair. The next episode of TNA impact Christy after watching last weeks episode would tell Samuel that they want to keep it professional between them. Then Samuel would then stalk Christy Hemme the next few episodes of impact wresting. This led into a feud with Mr.Anderson. Sameul Shaw saw Christy Hemme with Mr.Anderson as Anderson was showing pictures of the twins him and his wife had recently. Samuel would then sneak attack Mr.Anderson and then that would knock out Christy Hemme. Samuel would then take her into a room where he kicked the camera out so they could get private time. The first match between Anderson and Shaw was a TNA lockdown where Samuel Shaw won the match using a Christy Hemme like wig stand. The 2nd Match between them was the next episode of impact when Mr.Anderson would him when he threw the wigstand somewhere and Samuel went after it and then Anderson would hit the mic check and pick up the win. The 3rd match was a straight jacket match the Samuel Shaw won after using the Kata Gatame hold to win the match uo. The 4th match was at TNA sacrifice where Mr.Anderson won the match, the stipulation there would be the loser would be commited to an insane asylum and Samuel is now in an insane asylum. Nobody knows when he will return the impact zone or if he ever will.