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Sanctuary Guardians are major antagonists of the Mother 2/EarthBound 1994 video game. They are a group of eight bosses that guard eight location called Your Sanctuary.


Titanic Ant[]

Titanic Ant Clay Model

The Titanic Ant guards the first Your Sanctuary location, at Onett called Giant Step. It resembles a giant, grey bipedal ant with four arms, black stripes on it's abdomen, white mandibles, small white eyes and antennas atop it's head; green (left), red (right). It attacks by biting, uses Lifeup, PSI Shield Alpha and Defense down. It is accompanied by two Black Antoids.

An enemy called the Gigantic Ant resembles it, except for being golden in colour.

Mondo Mole[]

The Mondo Mole guards the second Your Sanctuary location, at Happy Happy Village called Lilliput Steps. It resembles a giant, brown mole with red eyes and blood trickling down it's mouth and claws. It can bash, tear into, or claw at a single party member, and use Lifeup, PSI Shield and Offense up. It vulnerable to PSI Flash and Paralysis.

Bosses called Guardian Diggers resemble it, except for being bluish-green in colour.

Trillonage Sprout[]

The Trillonage Sprout guards the third Your Sanctuary location, at Saturn Valley called Milky Well. It is aided by two Tough Mobile Sprouts, which can heal the Trillonage Sprout or Lifeup. It can Diamondize party members. It is vulnerable to PSI Fire.


Shroom! guards the fourth Your Sanctuary location, at Winters called Rainy Circle. It can mushroomize party members, not unlike other mushroom enemies. It is first encountered by Jeff Andonuts, however, he cannot fight it until he rescues Ness and Paula, as it is Ness' sanctuary. It is vulnerable to PSI Fire.


            Mother Logo Villains

Giygas's Army
Giygas (2 Novelization | Manga) | Starmen (Starman Junior | Starman Deluxe) | Mooks (Dept. Store Spook) | Evil Mani Mani | Master Belch | Mini Barf | Octobots

Pigmask Army
Porky Minch (Novelization) | Masked Man | Fassad | Pigmasks | Natural Killer Cyborg | Pork Trooper | Li'l Miss Marshmallow | Mr. Genetor | King Statue | Mecha-Drago | Claymen | Chimeras (Ultimate Chimera)

Minch Family
Aloysius Minch (Novelization) | Lardna Minch

Giygas's Race | Sharks (Frank Fly) | Onett Police Force (Captain Strong) | Everdred | Happy Happyists (Mr. Carpainter) | Mr. Poochyfud | Ms. Fake | Guardian Diggers | Geldegarde Monotoli | Krakens | Sanctuary Guardians | Jealous Bass | Mr. Passion | Oh-So-Snake
