Sanguinarch is one of the three secondary antagonists (alongside Nachzehrer King and Damazti Cluster) in the mobile game Arknights. He is the king of the vampire Sarkaz tribe in the nation of Kazdel that has been in civil war for years, not until a Sarkaz warlord, Theresis, came to power and united the Sarkaz tribes so they can take over Terra. Sanguinarch is one of the three secondary antagonists (alongside Nachzehrer King and Damazti Cluster) in the mobile game Arknights. He is the king of the vampire Sarkaz tribe in the nation of Kazdel that has been in civil war for years, not until a Sarkaz warlord, Theresis, came to power and united the Sarkaz tribes so they can take over Terra.
Sanguinarch is the king of the vampires a subrace of the sarkaz, he is a cunning yet powerful sarkaz who is known for his sadistic cruelty and psychopathic tendencies, his stories show him as an evil and cruel person that even his own race is terrafied of him, he is also known for being the master the blood arts which could explode anyone into a bloody mess, he is also can give his fellow sarkaz "blessings" which is him implanting them with a parasitic leech.
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Military Commission of Kazdel Sarkaz
Armorless Union Crimson Troupe Church of the Deep Shanhaizhong Reunion Others | ||