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No wife. No life. No home. Vengeance... it's all you have.
~ Santino D'Antonio talking to John Wick.
I understand if you're upset, and I know it might feel personal... but what kind of man would I be if I didn't avenge my sister's murder?
~ Santino betrays John.
Winston: Jonathan, just walk away.
Santino: Yeah, Jonathan. Walk awa-
~ Santino's last words before John shoots him dead.

Santino D'Antonio is the main antagonist of the 2017 neo-noir action-thriller film John Wick: Chapter 2 and one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside The Elder) of its 2019 sequel John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum.

He is an Italian Camorra boss and the head of the D'Antonio Crime Family who seeks to join the High Table by killing his sister and taking her seat. To accomplish this, he hires John Wick, who owes a debt to him, to assassinate his sister.

He was portrayed by Riccardo Scamarcio.


Pre-John Wick[]

John Wick, to complete his "impossible task" assigned by Viggo Tarasov, which allowed him to retire and marry his deceased wife, Helen, asked Santino for help. As a form of contract, Santino swore John to a "Marker," an unbreakable promise symbolized by a "blood oath" medallion.

John Wick: Chapter 2[]

A few days after John came out of retirement to seek revenge on Viggo and Iosef, Santino decides to visit John Wick and presents the medallion to demand service from him. However, John refuses to honor the oath, claiming that he is retired. Santino leaves the house displeased, and opens the back of his truck, revealing a grenade launcher which he uses to destroy the house.

John later decides to honor his oath, with some convincing from Winston, and goes to see Santino to find out what his mission for him is. Santino tasks him with assassinating his sister, Gianna D'Antonio, so he could take her spot at the High Table, a council of leaders of the world's most powerful criminal organizations.

After John succeeds in his mission, Santino sends Ares, his personal (and mute) bodyguard, and several of his goons to kill John to tie up loose ends. However, John kills most of his men and escapes. Santino then tries to phone call John, but Wick refuses to listen. Santino then places a $7 million bounty on John Wick's head, prompting hitmen from all over the world to try and assassinate him.


Santino opening a contract to kill John Wick.

John fends off most of the assassins, but is wounded while doing so. He later finds out Santino's location at an art exhibit from the Bowery King. John goes to confront the Mafia boss while he is holding a party. Upon noticing John, Santino quickly flees while his henchmen fight the ex-hitman.

Santino escapes into the "Reflections of the Soul" exhibit and mocks John, saying he has nothing left but revenge. While John heads into the exhibit to confront him, Ares arrives with several grunts. Although John manages to kill all of the grunts as well as Ares, Santino manages to escape.


Santino just before Wick shoots and kills him.

Santino flees to the Continental Hotel, knowing that John can't kill him there because the rules forbid it. While there, Santino demanded that Winston revoke John's membership to the Continental, but Winston refused as John had not broken any rules. When John arrives in search of Santino and confronts him as he is eating, Santino smugly makes it clear to John that he intends to remain in its sanctuary indefinitely, protected by the rules. However, despite Winston's warnings, John knows full well that even if he lets Santino live, he will still be hunted and then shoots and kills Santino in the Continental lounge much to the shock and dismay of Winston and everyone present.

The next day. John meets Winston at the Bethesda Fountain. Winston informs him that as a direct result of Santino's death, Santino's contract is, per the High Table, doubled and offered globally. John is also declared "excommunicado" from the Continental as a consequence for killing Santino on organization grounds, losing access to the Continental's resources and privileges, almost certainly dooming him to a future of being actively hunted by assassins.

John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum[]

After his death, it was planned that his body was to be cremated by the furnace on the underground of the Continental Hotel that was used by Charlie and his cleaning crew to dispose bodies. Before that happens, The Adjudicator visits the Continental Hotel and examines his body, while discussing Winston's involvement with John, and how that will serve as a detriment.


Winston: You have no idea what's coming, do you?
Santino: I have everyone in New York looking for him. I doubt we will see him again.
Winston: Do you now? You stabbed the devil in the back, and forced him back into the life that he had just left. You incinerated the priest's temple, burnt it to the ground. Now he’s free of the marker, what do you think he’ll do? He had a glimpse of the other side. And he embraced it. But you, señor D'Antonio, you took it away from him.
Santino: He was already back.
Winston: Oh, he came back for love, not for you.
Santino: He owed me! I had every right.
Winston: And now, he's coming again. He did tell you not to do this. He did warn you. Addio, Santino.
~ Winston informing Santino that John Wick is coming for him





  • Even if John Wick never violated the rule of the Continental in not killing Santino, the result would be the same as Santino would have just continued to pour his money into increasing the bounty on John's head indefinitely. As a result, John decided that killing him was the right choice since at least then, he could get his revenge and prevent him from claiming New York.
  • It is indicated that both Winston and Charon despise him due to his action in hiring people to kill his sister as Winston coldly refuses his pledge to revoke Wick's membership and Charon simply ignores Wick when he knew fully well that Wick came to kill Santino. Even when John kills him, they're not horrified that he died, but rather that John knowingly broke the rules of the Continental.
  • Judging his impulsive nature of forcing John Wick to kill sister and hire assassins to kill him, it is possible that his father chose his sister over him as he was unfit to lead the crime family. 
  • The surname "Santino" literally translates as "Little Saint."

External Links[]


           JohnWickTitle Villains

Tarasov Crime Family
Viggo Tarasov | Iosef Tarasov | Avi | Kirill | Victor | Gregori | Abram Tarasov

D'Antonio Crime Family
Santino D'Antonio | Ares | Gianna D'Antonio | Cassian

High Table
The Elders | The Adjudicator | Zero | The Shinobi | Winston Scott | Berrada | Myrmidons (Marquis de Gramont | Caine | Chidi | The Harbinger) | Killa Harkan

Ms. Perkins | Calamity | Hex | Edgar Wu | Osborn | The Harbor Master | Ernest | Tracker | Cormac O'Connor | Hansel and Gretel
