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Sasaki is a supporting antagonist of the anime and manga series One Piece. He was a very high ranking member of the Beasts Pirates, and a member of the Tobiroppo. He also is the former member of Sasaki Pirates.

He was voiced by Volcano Ōta (who also voiced Commander Magenta in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Eyesmon in Digimon Adventure, Andromon in Digimon Adventure: reboot, Oboromon (Red) in Digimon Ghost Game, and Uden in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger) in Japanese and Heath Morrow (who also voiced Boss Ninja in Ninja Kumai) in English.


Sasaki is a tall man with light pale skin pretty build, long green shaggy hair reach out of the bottom back and blue eyes are upper note by create a terrier. His black tattoos are local though on the chest, back, both shoulders, and upward arms, has much curves, shapes like brought at his resembles as wings. He is just a bluespine unicornfish about 3 itches of 2 milds, slope and intelligent, his two teeths are pertaining to mammalian which are cuspids (just like other has been mouth closed), as known as thin chin.

He wears a white military cap and black, white crown and early-set which means a side to side, puffiness, a shallow breadth has his middle raise, and a splitted from the knowledge folded back. His two yellow horns which has upper, slim, lower below, middle portion of something and front, despite himself (all together has fingers) better than style. His coat are white colored under has upward less, who last although stomach leveled has the over face fire recurring, set in opposition to orange and rest of his coat. It's seen has shirt clothes on only the capable of being pertaining Japanese and military's look as one wear. Therefore, they has outer garment worn over the shoulders as a seaman's, often with a slung sleeves holding back, this wears foiled stand-up collar beam in side to simple version of hat's badge. He's body form has just sufficient, pretty showed out of the stated tattoo. About his back side of the bottom edge (disoriented for at) ran from black band lines has gold studs, helding at his front of yellow badge despite from two-cross shapes (eight-arm, a definition more has standing out bottom horse). Now for the worn, he has a samurai segment resemble as a middle less at the two-bodied narrow ditch coat, that was fire-pattern as a same of his often (now has a upward half yellowish-coloring expect white), eight gray buttons, orangle bucket belt, and close by the yellow. Golden earrings, two pair of gray-brown teethed sandals, and brown gloves.


Despite being a member of one of the most Beast Pirates, Sasaki was to be a kind, very calm and ongoing person, although his not to be above to treating and lying about scorn of the half-ranking section. However, Sasaki acting like sincere coward these his thinking about loyal, as former Denjiro now it's was not allow of any brunch of partner, then he's gets treachery, he was be struck of guarantee on surrender to earn his sheep prize. While Sasaki that known about his subordinate having being turning onto the aim to as Devil Fruit power, he was indicating that a claim or statement of betrays still taking their off distinct from things.

Like Who's-Who, Sasaki desired to take down the Allstars to replace them. When Kaido assigned Sasaki and the other Tobiroppo to bring his son, Yamato in exchange to challenge the Allstars, Sasaki gleefully obliges.


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World Government
Five Elders: Jaygarcia Saturn | Marcus Mars | Topman Warcury | Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro | Shepherd Ju Peter | Figarland Garling

Celestial Dragons
Saint Charlos | Saint Rosward | Saint Shalria | Saint Jalmack | Saint Mjosgard | Donquixote Doflamingo

God's Holy Knights
Figarland Garling | Figarland Shamrock | Gunko

Cipher Pol
Factions: CP9 | CP0
Agents: Rob Lucci | Kaku | Kalifa | Blueno | Jabra | Kumadori | Fukuro | Spandam | Spandine | Nero | Stussy | Guernica | Joseph | Gismonda | Maha | Blueno | Alpha | Wanze | Jerry |

Fleet Admiral: Akainu
Admirals: Aokiji | Kizaru | Ryokugyu | Zephyr
Vice Admirals: Vergo | Onigumo | Doberman
Officers: Nezumi | Sengoku | Captain Morgan | Ratel

Seraphim: S-Snake | S-Hawk | S-Bear | S-Shark

Impel Down Staff
Magellan | Shiryu | Blue Gorilla | Minotaurus | Minokoala | Minorhinoceros | Minozebra | Sadi | Domino

Four Emperors & Crews
Blackbeard Pirates
Admiral: "Blackbeard" Marshall D. Teach
Ten Titanic Captains: "Champion" Jesus Burgess | Shiryu "of the Rain" | "Supersonic" Van Augur | "Corrupt King" Avalo Pizarro | "Demon Sheriff" Laffitte | "Crescent Moon Hunter" Catarina Devon | "Colossal Battleship" Sanjuan Wolf | "Heavy Drinker" Vasco Shot | "Death God" Doc Q | Kuzan

Big Mom Pirates
Captain: "Big Mom" Charlotte Linlin
Sweet 3 Generals: Charlotte Katakuri | "Thousand Arms" Charlotte Cracker | Charlotte Smoothie |
Officers: Charlotte Perospero | Charlotte Compote | Charlotte Daifuku | Charlotte Oven | "Demon Lady" Charlotte Amande | Charlotte Opera | Charlotte Brûlée | Charlotte Broyé | "Scribe" Charlotte Mont-d'Or | Charlotte Cinnamon | Charlotte Galette | Charlotte Snack | Charlotte Prim | Charlotte Kato | Charlotte Akimeg | Charlotte Fuyumeg | Charlotte Pudding | Charlotte Flampe
Combatants: Baron Tamago | "Sweeper" Bobbin | Streusen

Beast Pirates
Govenor-General: Kaido "of the Beasts"
All-Stars: King "the Conflagration" | Queen "the Plague" | Jack "the Drought"
Tobiroppo: Page One | Ulti | Who's-Who | Black Maria | Sasaki
Shinuchi: Sheepshead | Ginrummy | Basil Hawkins | Holdem | Speed | Dobon | Daifugo | Babanuki | Solitaire | Bao Huang | Briscola | Fourtricks | Hamlet | Mizerka | Poker
Numbers: Inbi | Fuga | Zanki | Jaki | Goki | Rokki | Nangi | Hatcha | Kunyun | Juki
Orochi Oniwabanshu: Fukurokuju | Daikoku | Fujin | Raijin | Hanzo | Chome | Jigoku Benten | Bishamon | Yazaemon | Kazekage | Sarutobi
Mimawarigumi: Hotei | Himuro | Hatsume | Gangaru | Garudan
Gifters: Batman | Gazelleman | Mouseman | Alpacaman | Madilloman | Rokuro | Snakeman | Rabbitman | Sarahebi | Alpacaman | Madilloman | Dachoman | Tenjo-Sagari | Nure-Onna | Caimanlady | Wanyudo | Armored Division | Wolf Gifter | Eagle Gifter | Butterfly Gifter | Stag Beetle Gifter | Mantis Gifter | Tortoise Gifter | Hedgehog Gifter | Rooftop Mary | Trio the Grip | Bearman
Others: Scotch | Scratchmen Apoo | Pleasures | Waiters | Sarahebi

Cross Guild
Commanders: Buggy "the Clown" | Crocodile | Dracule Mihawk
Others: Daz Bonez | Mohji | Cabaji | Richie | Alvida | Galdino

Seven Warlords of the Sea & Crews
Baroque Works
Administration: Mr. 0 | Miss All-Sunday
Officer Agents: Mr. 1 | Miss Doublefinger | Mr. 2 Bon Kurei | Miss Goldenweek | Mr. 3 | Mr. 4 | Miss Merry Christmas | Mr. 5 | Miss Valentine
Frontier Agents: Mr. 7 | Miss Father's Day | Miss Monday | Mr. 9 | Mr. 11 | The Unluckies

Thriller Bark Pirates
Gecko Moria | Hogback | Absalom | Perona | Victoria Cindry | John

Donquixote Pirates
Captain: Donquixote Doflamingo
Elite Officers: Trebol | Diamante | Pica | Vergo
Officers: Sugar | Giolla | Lao G | Senor Pink | Machvise | Dellinger | Gladius | Buffalo | Baby 5 | Monet
Others: Bellamy | Caesar Clown

Dracule Mihawk | Bartholomew Kuma | Edward Weevil

Other Pirate Crews
Rocks Pirates
Captain: Rocks D. Xebec
Others: Kaido of the Beasts | Charlotte Linlin | Shiki the Golden Lion | John | Buckingham Stussy | Streusen

Kid Pirates
Eustass Kid | Killer | Heat | Wire

Alvida Pirates
Alvida | Heppoko | Peppoko | Poppoko

Black Cat Pirates
Kuro "of a Hundred Plans" | Jango | Sham & Buchi

Krieg Pirates
Don Krieg | Gin | Pearl

Arlong Pirates
Arlong "the Saw" | Chew | Kuroobi | Hatchan | Pisaro | Kaneshiro | Take | Shioyaki

Bellamy Pirates
Bellamy | Sarquiss | Lily | Eddy | Muret | Rivers | Hewitt | Mani

Foxy Pirates
Foxy "the Silver Fox" | Porche | Hamburg | Itomimizu | Chuchun | Capote | Monda | Pickles | Big Pan | Referee | Gina

Macro Pirates
Macro | Gyaro | Tansui

Caribou Pirates
Caribou | Coribou

New Fishman Pirates
Hody Jones | Dosun | Zeo | Daruma | Ikaros Much | Hyouzou | Hammond | Kasagoba | Harisenbon

Flying Pirates
Vander Decken IX | Wadatsumi

Golden Lion Pirates
Captain: Shiki the Golden Lion
Others: Dr. Indigo | Scarlet

Bluejam Pirates
Bluejam | Porchemy

Fake Straw Hat Pirates
Demaro Black | Manjaro | Chocalat | Mounblutain | Drip | Nora Gitsune | Cocoa | Turco

Other Groups
Black Drum Kingdom
Wapol | Chess | Kuromarimo | Chessmarimo | Musshuru | Kinderella

God's Army
God: Enel
Priests: Ohm | Satori | Shura | Gedatsu
50 Divine Soldiers: Yama | Hotori & Kotori

Franky Family
Franky | Zambai | Square Sisters | Tamagon | Kiev | Schollzo | Kop

Sea Kings
Lord of the Coast | Master of the Waters

Germa 66/Vinsmoke Family
Vinsmoke Judge | Vinsmoke Ichiji | Vinsmoke Niji | Vinsmoke Yonji

Kurozumi Family
Members: Kurozumi Orochi | Kurozumi Higurashi | Kurozumi Semimaru | Kurozumi Kanjuro | Kurozumi Daimyo
Subordinates: Orochi Oniwabanshu (Fukurokuju | Daikoku | Fujin | Raijin | Hanzo)

Bekori | Buckingham Stussy | Caesar Clown | Duval | Hakuba | Higuma | Loki | Smiley | Uta | York

Trump Pirates
Bear King | Honey Queen | Pin Joker | Boo Jack | Skunk One

Zephyr | Ain | Binz

Eric the Whirlwind | Nelson | El Drago | Hyena Three | Commander Shepherd (One Piece) | Gasparde | Needless | Noko | Tatsu | Baron Omatsuri | Lily Carnation | Loki | Jessica | Don Accino | Arbell | Breed | Byrnndi World | Bill | Lola | "Crescent-Moon" Gally | Shupeal the Hexagon | Mad Treasure | Gild Tesoro | Baccarat | Douglas Bullet | Tot Musica | Adio Suerte | Isaac | Kagero | Patrick Redfield | Fang
