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The story of Scar/Taka from The Lion King live-action film series.
Early life[]
“ | I have one more secret, Mufasa: I always wanted a brother. | „ |
~ Taka to Mufasa, during their race. |

Young Taka after he saved young Mufasa
Scar was born as "Taka" to King Obasi and Queen Eshe. As a cub, he was raised to be the future king of his pride. One day, Taka found a fellow lion cub named Mufasa floating down a river. He warned Mufasa that he was about to be eaten by crocodiles, and Mufasa tried to scramble up the riverbank, begging for help. Despite his reluctance to help a stray, Taka pulled him to safety, with help from his mother, Eshe. She scolded him for having risked his life and pointed out that Obasi would never allow a stray to join their pride. However, Taka insisted that Mufasa join in the pride, with Mufasa adding that he was simply lost. Moved by pity, Eshe finally agreed to bring Mufasa before Obasi. Upon seeing Mufasa, Obasi nearly ate him and pointed out that he was worthless. Mufasa countered that he was fast, and so, Obasi proposed that he race Taka; if he won, he could join their pride, but if he lost, he would get eaten. The race began, with Taka quickly assuming the upper hand. As they ran, Taka told Mufasa that he had always wanted a brother and deliberately let him win the race. Furious, Obasi reprimanded Taka for having lost to a stray and declared that Mufasa would live with the females, not the males. Despite this, Mufasa and Taka formed an inseparable bond as adoptive brothers.
Self-exile from Obasi's pride[]

Adolescent Taka and Mufasa bonding
As he grew older, Taka was forced to lounge and laze with the males of his pride, while Mufasa learned to hunt and track with the females. Of course, Taka longed to join his mother and brother in the hunts, but Obasi claimed that Mufasa would betray Taka someday and insisted that Taka learn to act like a king. One day, Eshe and Mufasa left on a hunt, and Taka secretly tailed them. Suddenly, they were attacked by two white lions, and though Eshe looked at him pleadingly, Taka fled in fear. Upon their return to the pride, Eshe and Mufasa revealed that they had been attacked by white lions, and Obasi complimented Mufasa for fighting back against the white lions before reprimanding Taka for his cowardice. That night, he told Taka that he must pretend he had been brave and not run away, as deceit was the trait of a great king.

Mufasa and Taka preparing to leave their pride.
Shortly afterwards, a member of Obasi's pride spied on the Outsiders and reported that their numbers were twice of Obasi's own. Fearful that his bloodline would be snuffed out, Obasi sent Taka away to start a new life; even ordering Mufasa to accompany Taka and pledge loyalty to him. Together, the brothers fled their home.
Before long, the brothers reached a river, and Mufasa refused to enter the water for fear of drowning. Though Taka used his royal status to order his brother to swim, Mufasa refused, and the Outsiders caught up to them. Their leader, Kiros, demanded to know which of them had killed his son, and Mufasa immediately took the blame. He attempted to lie that Taka was nothing more than a stray, but Akua and Amara sensed that he was the son of the king, and so, the Outsiders attacked. Mufasa and Taka fled to the edge of a waterfall, and Taka knocked them both into the river below in a desperate attempt to escape. The plan worked, with the brothers evading the Outsiders.
Meeting Sarabi, Rafiki, and Zazu[]
“ | Like clouds and rain, like a meal in a field of grain, like the flecks of gold in your mane, Sarabi, you and me, we go together. | „ |
~ Taka during "We Go Together". |
As Mufasa and Taka continued their journey, Mufasa scented a nearby lioness named Sarabi. She confessed that she had been following them in the hopes of finding her pride, which had been decimated by the Outsiders. Though she attempted to leave, Taka stopped her and remarked that he knew what it was like to lose everything, then invited her to join them. She refused and revealed that she was being accompanied by a hornbill scout named Zazu. As Mufasa and Taka moved off to hunt, Zazu urged Sarabi to reconsider their offer, and she reluctantly joined up with them.

Mufasa and Taka meet Sarabi and Zazu.
While hunting, the young lions stumbled upon a mandrill named Rafiki. To Mufasa's shock, Rafiki claimed that he was in search of the mystical land of Milele. Taka attempted to eat Rafiki, but Mufasa stopped him and recruited Rafiki to lead them to Milele. As the four journeyed together, Taka developed feelings for Sarabi.
One day, Taka confessed his feelings to Mufasa and begged for his brother's advice. Mufasa, in turn, advised Taka to be a good listener and to talk about the flowers from Sarabi's home valley. Heeding his brother's advice, Taka caught up to Sarabi and made an awkward attempt at flirtation. However, when he mentioned her valley's flowers, she was touched that he had noticed them.
Elephant stampede[]
“ | We're trapped. What do we do?! | „ |
~ Taka, as the Outsiders close in. |

Taka watches Sarabi heave a beehive into a herd of elephants.
Eventually, the group reached a ravine. Mufasa scented the Outsiders on the wind and instructed Sarabi to do the same. When she succeeded at picking up the Outsiders' scent, Taka was impressed. Together, the five entered the valley, only for the Outsiders to catch up to them. In a desperate bid for escape, Sarabi threw a beehive into the midst of a nearby elephant herd, which incited a stampede. In the ensuing chaos, Taka cowered from the elephants, while Sarabi got knocked unconscious, and Mufasa dragged her to safety.
Once the stampede had cleared and the Outsiders had been thrown off their trail, Rafiki revived Sarabi and informed her that "he" had saved her. She asked specifically who had saved her, and Mufasa hastily claimed that it had been Taka, to Taka's surprise. Sarabi thanked Taka for his help and nuzzled him. As the group departed, Taka whispered his thanks to Mufasa.
Betraying Mufasa and gaining his scar[]

A heartbroken Taka watches Mufasa and Sarabi from afar.
“ | Taka: Mufasa… please, forgive me. Zazu: You must banish him, sire. Mufasa: As long as I'm king, my brother will have a place here. Taka: Brother… I'm so sorry- Mufasa: But I won't ever say your name again. I can't… I won't! Taka: Then call me Scar, so I will never forget what I have done. Mufasa: Scar… Taka: Your Majesty… |
„ |
~ Taka taking the name of Scar after Mufasa disavows his name for betraying him. |
The group continued onward, ascending a snowy mountain. As they did so, Mufasa instructed Zazu to cover their tracks so that the Outsiders could not follow them. Upon reaching the mountain's summit, Sarabi praised Mufasa for his efforts and nuzzled him, which made Taka jealous.
Later that night, with Taka in earshot, Sarabi confronted Mufasa over his lie that Taka had saved her life. Though he tried to deny it out of loyalty to his brother, Sarabi pointed out that Taka's destiny had been to save Mufasa's life. She then insisted that Mufasa tell her the truth, and he eventually caved to his feelings for her. As the two embraced, Taka watched, heartbroken, from a nearby snowy ridge.
Upon reflecting on what Mufasa had done, Taka determined that his father had been right all along and denounced his and Mufasa's brotherhood. Suddenly, he fell down a snowy hill and noticed the Outsiders camped nearby. Recalling his father's words about deceit being the trait of a great king, he approached Kiros and feigned camaraderie with him, as Mufasa had gotten his father killed, just as he had killed Kiros's son. Taka then vowed to lead the Outsiders to Milele.

Taka reveals his betrayal to Mufasa.
When Taka at last rejoined his friends, Mufasa attempted to tell him about his romance with Sarabi, but Taka did not let him finish. Instead, he said that he would never forget what Mufasa had done. The group continued on, with Taka leaving a trail of claw marks for the Outsiders, until they reached Milele. There, the Outsiders confronted them, and Kiros revealed Taka's treachery to Mufasa. Heartbroken, Mufasa wondered why Taka would betray him, and Taka claimed that Mufasa had stolen Obasi, Eshe, and Sarabi from him, including his own destiny of becoming the next king of the Pride Lands.
A battle broke out between the Outsiders and Mufasa's allies, during which Mufasa and Kiros fought in a cave. From afar, Taka watched the fight, recalling his childhood with Mufasa and his mother's words that his time would come. In a moment of bravery, he leaped in-between the fighting lions, taking Kiros's blow across one eye. He then begged Kiros not to kill Mufasa.

Taka prepares to pull Mufasa to safety.
Just then, an earthquake split the land, forming Pride Rock and knocking Mufasa and Kiros into an underwater pool. After killing Kiros, Mufasa swam to the surface, only for Taka to intercept him and dig his claws into his brother's paws. Eventually, Taka pulled Mufasa to safety. At that moment, Sarabi approached, and Taka walked by her, looking at her sorrowfully, before she reunited with Mufasa.

Scar glaring angrily at Mufasa for stealing his destiny and promises revenge against him, foreshadowing their future.
With the Outsiders defeated and Kiros dead, the animals of Milele nominated Mufasa to be their new king and questioned what would become of Taka, who voiced his remorse for his betrayal and begging for Mufasa's forgiveness. Despite Zazu's suggestion that Taka be banished, Mufasa declared that as long as he is king, Taka can remain in Milele as a reward for rectifying his actions, implying that he's willing to forgive Taka for his betrayal. However, still hurt by Taka's betrayal, Mufasa told Taka that he would never refer to him by his name again, so Taka suggested that he be called "Scar" as a reminder of what he had done, to which Mufasa firmly accepts. Scar then bows down to Mufasa, addressing him as the king. With the gathered animals watching, Mufasa ascended Pride Rock and became king, while Scar scowled and walked away, silently promising revenge on Mufasa for stealing his moment of becoming king of his own kingdom and implying that he hasn't let go of his jealousy and hatred. By forgiving Scar out of pity, Mufasa will not realize that this action will cause his own downfall.
Over the years after becoming an adult and dirty, Scar kept his hatred towards Mufasa and still had feelings for Sarabi until the duo would become parents of his adoptive nephew Simba who was destined to become the future king of the Pride Lands.
Simba's presentation[]
“ | Well, as far as brains go, I've got the lion's share, but when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid my big brother will always rule. | „ |
~ Scar |

Scar toys with a mouse.
On the day of Simba's presentation, Scar, who was now an adult and no longer bared his real name, deliberately missed the ceremony, not wanting to be around his brother, Mufasa who stole his destiny many years ago. Afterward, he stalked a mouse that had strayed into his cave and lamented how some were born to feast, while others were destined to spend their lives begging for scraps in the dark. He then compared himself to the mouse. But when Scar trapped the mouse under his paws and prepared to eat his prey, Zazu arrived and announced the impending arrival of Mufasa, thus allowing the mouse to escape. He proceeded to chastise Scar for his absence at Simba's presentation, and tells him that he will answer to Mufasa. Incited, Scar attacked Zazu and declared that he answered to no one, but Mufasa quickly arrived to confront his brother and stopped him from harming the hornbill.

Adult Scar with Adult Mufasa and Zazu.
Mufasa admonished Scar for missing Simba's presentation, but Scar feigned forgetfulness. Mufasa reminded Scar that Simba was his son and the future king, and Scar sarcastically promised to practice his curtsy. He then turned his back on Mufasa and started to walk away. Though Mufasa called after him to not turn his back on him, Scar retorted that Mufasa was the one who should not turn his back on him. This riled Mufasa, who demanded to know if he was being challenged. Scar reassured Mufasa that he would not dare challenge the king again, as he did not have the brawn to do it, like how he got his scar from Kiros during their first time in the Pride Lands. He then slunk around Mufasa and Zazu, and strode off into the savanna, when Zazu remarked that Mufasa should have exiled Scar long ago, but Mufasa reminded Zazu that Scar was his brother and that the Pride Lands was Scar's home, still regretting of how their friendship and brotherhood became estranged.
Assassination attempt on Simba[]
“ | And remember. It's our little secret, your majesty. | „ |
~ Scar after tricking Simba about going to the Elephant Graveyard. |

Scar with his adoptive nephew, Simba.
Many seasons passed, and Simba grew into a lively young cub. One day, Mufasa had to deal with several invading hyenas, so he sent Simba back to Pride Rock. There, Simba stalked a beetle, only for it to escape him. Scar mocked Simba for his failure to hunt properly, then attempted to shoo the cub away. Instead of leaving, Simba told Scar that Mufasa had shown him around the Pride Lands and declared that Scar would have to listen to him when he became the king. Scar surmised that Mufasa had not shown Simba what was beyond the northern border, and Simba deflated and explained that he had been forbidden to go there. Scar immediately affirmed Mufasa's decision and purposefully let it slip that the forbidden land was an elephant graveyard. Though Simba was excited at the prospect of an elephant graveyard, Scar made the cub promise to stay away from the area.
“ | Mufasa is yesterday's message. A clapped-out, distracted regime… whose failings undoubtedly presage. The need for a different dream. | „ |
~ Scar allying himself with the hyenas on killing Mufasa and taking over the Pride Lands while singing Be Prepared. |

Scar forms an alliance with Shenzi's clan.
Ultimately, Scar's devious plan and revenge on Mufasa to have the hyenas kill Simba and Nala (which was had nothing to do with Scar, but for Simba to invite her to come with him) at the Elephant Graveyard was foiled when Mufasa came to the cub's rescue. That night after realizing that both Simba and Nala made it back to Pride Rock alive, Scar visited the Elephant Graveyard and met with the hyenas who were not pleased with him for being a lion and member of the Pridelanders. He revealed that he had sent Simba to the Elephant Graveyard and expressed contempt that the whole clan had been unable to kill him, due to Mufasa's interfering. In response to the hyenas' hostility, he detailed his plot to kill Mufasa and Simba, take the throne of Pride Rock, and allow the hyenas into the Pride Lands so they could hunt at their leisure. Despite hating lions, including Mufasa and Simba for proving himself as the future king, the hyenas agreed to Scar's proposal and became his loyal followers and henchmen.
Assassination of Mufasa and banishing Simba[]
“ | It's a gift he'll never forget | „ |
~ Scar to Simba while making his attempt murder and revenge on Mufasa. |

Scar and Simba at the gorge.
The next day, Scar and the hyenas were to make their attempt to kill both Mufasa and Simba so they could finally take over the Pride Lands, thus making Scar finally become the king he was meant to be ever since he was still around his late parents and former pride. He took Simba to the gorge where they discussed of how Mufasa was upset about his son disobeying him for going to the Elephant Graveyard and nearly getting himself killed by the hyenas, Scar told him that it was the place where all young cubs went to find their roar, even revealing that Mufasa came down there when he was on Simba's age, which was either a lie or true when Mufasa was with his real parents Masego and Afia who was probably deceased now. He added that Mufasa had refused to leave until his roar could be heard above the rim. As Scar turned to leave, Simba asked if Mufasa would be proud of him, and Scar remarked that it would be something Mufasa would never forget.
“ | Long… live… the KING! | „ |
~ Scar, moments before he pushes Mufasa to his death. |

Scar pushes Mufasa down the gorge to his death, finally getting his revenge on him.
Once Scar was clear of the gorge, the hyenas started a wildebeest stampede. Meanwhile, Scar feigned panic and informed Mufasa and Zazu that Simba was in the path of the stampeding wildebeests. Together, Mufasa and Scar rushed to the gorge, and Zazu flew ahead to find Simba. After Zazu showed Mufasa and Scar where Simba was, Mufasa leaped into the stampede to rescue his son, while Zazu flew back to Pride Rock to fetch the lionesses. Once Zazu had left, Scar stalked along the rim of the gorge and monitored Mufasa's progress. As Scar leaves, the hyenas prepared to wait for Simba to practice his roar, so they can make an attempt to murder him by starting a stampede. After rescuing Simba, Mufasa began to scale the gorge wall. However, as he reached the rim, Scar intercepted him. Mufasa begged Scar for help, but Scar exposed his betrayal by slamming his claws into his brother's paws and growled, "Long... live... the KING!", before pushing Mufasa off the gorge wall and sending him plummeting to his death, thus finally getting revenge on his brother during their first time in the Pride Lands.

After banishing Simba, Scar orders his hyena minions to kill him.
After Mufasa's fall, Scar finds Simba laying right next to his dead body at the bottom of the gorge and manipulated and deceived him into believing that Mufasa's death was his fault. In the face of Simba's uncertainty, Scar told him to run away and never return. The cub did as he had been told by running away from the Pride Lands to life rest of his life in an exile, and Scar instructed the hyenas to chase him down and kill him. Though the hyenas failed to kill Simba who fell down and survived, they reported to Scar that the deed had been done, and he believed that both Mufasa and Simba were finally dead and out of the way.
Regaining his kingship and taking over the Pride Lands[]
“ | Mufasa's death is a terrible tragedy. The greatest leader the pride has ever known. To lose a brother… such a deep, personal loss. And little Simba, who had barely begun to live. A cub whose blood held our future. It's almost too much to endure. I only wish I had gotten to the gorge in time… been there to save them. And so it is with a heavy heart that I must assume the throne. Mufasa and Simba are gone, which means I am your king. But I must admit… I cannot bear this burden alone. And I will need some help to ensure the safety of the pride. And so, from ashes of this tragedy, we shall welcome the dawning of a new era. A great and glorious future! | „ |
~ Scar finally takes over the Pride Lands as the one true king. |

Scar assumes the throne of Pride Rock.
When Scar returned to the pride, he delivered the news of Mufasa's and Simba's deaths and claimed that he had been too late to save them. Afterward, he announced that, since he was next in line for the throne, he must become the new king of Pride Rock, also finally becoming something that he was always meant to become ever since he and Mufasa first met and became lifelong friends, the future king that was connected to bloodline. He commented that ruling the Pride Lands was a task that he could not manage on his own and revealed that he had allowed the hyenas into the Pride Lands. This shocked and horrified the lionesses, including Sarabi who knew that Scar finally became the king he planned to become since they first met. This even shocks Zazu who was now banished from the Pride Lands and Rafiki that Scar was now the king of the Pride Lands, also mourning the deaths of their friend, Mufasa and Simba who could've been a great king if he was still alive, not knowing that the future king was really alive.
Many Years Later[]
Reign over the Pride Lands[]
“ | Long ago, you chose Mufasa over me. But now, there is a new king, so stop being so selfish. | „ |
~ Scar makes his final chance of pressuring Sarabi to become his queen |

Scar tries to convince Sarabi to become his queen.
Under Scar's reign, the evil lion used the hyenas as his vicious enforcers, the hyenas over-hunted the Pride Lands and depleted the kingdom of its plentiful resources. Over time, the Pride Lands fell into disrepair. One day, Scar summoned Sarabi to speak with him and invited her to share his prey, but she criticized him for killing so many animals. Scar asked Sarabi to be his queen and pointed out that the pride would not answer to him so long as she resisted him. Despite his pleas, she refused his offer, and, as punishment, he decreed that the lionesses would eat after the hyenas.
One night, Nala attempted to sneak away from Pride Rock to find help. In the midst of the escape, Scar awoke and roared loudly. He began to scope out the area and almost found Nala, but Zazu appeared and distracted him and his hyena minions.
Battle of Pride Rock[]
“ | This is my kingdom! My destiny! | „ |
~ Scar during his final battle with Simba. |

Scar confronted by Simba.
On the promontory of Pride Rock, Scar made another attempt to convince Sarabi to become his queen. However, she refused and told him that he was nothing compared to Mufasa, which caused him to attack her in fury, even when she reprimanded him for not being anything like Mufasa. Just then, a full-grown Simba emerged and roared. As Simba raced to Sarabi's side and yelled at Scar to get away from her, Scar briefly mistook him for Mufasa, and was shocked to see him "alive". After a moment, he recognized Simba and expressed shock that the young lion was still alive, and growls angrily at the hyenas for not killing him and lying to him for years. As Simba advanced on him, Scar pointed out that his hyenas minions still recognized him as the king of Pride Rock, but Nala arrived and rejected his claim, after which she rallied the lionesses against him. Simba told Scar to either step down or fight, but Scar instead coerced Simba into confessing that he was responsible for Mufasa's death.

Scar battles Simba for the throne of Pride Rock.
Upon getting Simba to confess before the pride, Scar deceitfully branded him a murderer, then forced him off the promontory of Pride Rock until he was clinging to the edge for dear life. From above, Scar slammed his claws into Simba's paws and commented that Simba had the same look in his eyes that Mufasa had had before Scar had killed him. Enraged, Simba lunged at Scar and grabbed him by the mane. In an attempt to get Simba off him, Scar pulled back, which allowed Simba to climb back onto Pride Rock. Once on solid ground, Simba accused Scar of murder, but Scar vehemently denied the accusation. However, Sarabi intervened and demanded to know how Scar had seen the look in Mufasa's eyes if he had not reached the gorge in time. Realizing that he had been outwitted, Scar ordered the hyenas to kill the lionesses.
After fighting off the hyenas, Simba spotted Scar trying to escape and gave chase. Scar fled until he was trapped on the peak of Pride Rock, where he begged Simba for mercy and even attempted to deceitfully blame his crimes on the hyenas. In spite of Scar's pleas, Simba refused to believe him and accused him of using the hyenas as he had used Simba so long ago. Scar asked Simba if he would kill his own uncle, and Simba declared that he would not, for he was better than Scar. Relieved, Scar asked how he could make it up to Simba, and Simba told him to run away and never return.

Scar meeting his end after he blamed the hyenas on Mufasa's death
At first, Scar seemed to cooperate, but then he threw burning embers into Simba's face and attacked him. The two lions engaged in a brutal fight, during which Scar angrily declared that the Pride Lands was his to rule. After an extended battle, Simba managed to throw Scar onto his side. Though Scar briefly gripped on to Simba's mane, he lost his hold and slipped off the peak of Pride Rock.
Scar survived the fall and slowly got to his paws. Just then, the hyenas arrived and began to encircle him. Scar greeted them as friends and asserted that they could rebuild their army in time. However, to his horror, they revealed that they had overheard his betrayal. Scar desperately tried to explain that he had been deceiving Simba, but Shenzi rejected his claims and declared that there was only one true thing that he had ever said: "A hyena's belly is never full." Cornered and outnumbered, Scar attempted to fight off the hyenas, but they overwhelmed and devoured him alive amidst a fiery blaze, thus tragically ending Obasi and Eshe's bloodline forever.
Following Scar's death, Simba takes his place as the rightful king of the Pride Lands and undo all of Scar's careless mistakes, thus finally avenging Mufasa and restoring the land back to its former glory.