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Villains Wiki

She formed uneasy alliances and controlled her minions through deception and brutality. She leveraged their technology to scan for currents of magical energy called ley lines. Each attack had a purpose, allowing her to collect data from across Tyria that would later be used to assault Lion's Arch.
~ Scholar Ela Makkay about Scarlet and Scarlet's Alliance.

The Scarlet's Alliance is the main antagonistic faction of the "Living World Season 1" in Guild Wars 2. It contains all the lesser organizations created, brokered, or forced by Scarlet Briar, including the Aetherblades, Molten Alliance, Toxic Alliance, and Scarlet's own twisted Watchwork creations. Forged from unlikely pairings of races, they were all promised opportunities and great power for working for Scarlet. They all joined under Scarlet for the massive attack on Lion's Arch, taking over the city, killing a massive amount of military and civilians alike, and eventually destroying the city.


The Aetherblades are a multi-racial organization of sky pirates allied with the asuran Inquest. They first appeared in 1326 AE during a celebration in Lion's Arch, disrupting it and causing the death of Captain Theo Ashford with the intent of replacing him with Mai Trin on behest of Scarlet having an insider in the city's council. They possess a massive knowledge of technology, including maintaining airships. The remnants of the organization can still be found in the Mists, working on an unknown mission.

Molten Alliance[]

The Molten Alliance is an organization made up of dredge and Flame Legion forces, combining the magic of the Charr and dredge's technology. Both sides expected to eventually betray and use the other for their own gains, they followed Scarlet who gained means to create sonic magical devices for her goal of probing Tyria in search of ley lines to find a hub to eventually awaken Mordremoth. The Alliance used to kidnap native norn and charr, using them as cheap labor or for their experiments. After the death of Scarlet, the Molten's Alliance status is unknown.

Toxic Alliance[]

The Toxic Alliance is an alliance made between factions of krait and the Nightmare Court. They built the massive Tower of Nightmares to create, test, and spread toxic pollen, eventually leading to the creation of the Miasma, a deadly biological weapon used in the Battle for Lion's Arch. They also experimented on living creatures, creating several hybrids. Remnants of the organization can still be found wandering near the ruins of the Tower.

Twisted Watchworks[]

Twisted Watchworks are mechanical constructs engineered by Scarlet from a stolen technology. She repurposed them as weapons, with the massive Twisted Marionette being capable of quickly killing everyone nearby. They were also used by the Aetherblades and Toxic Alliance in their base in Twilight Arbor.


External Links[]


           Guild Wars Villains Villains

Guild Wars
Abaddon | Bonfaaz Burntfur | Charr | Dagnar Stonepate | Dhuum | Galrath | Justiciar Hablion | Kanaxai | Lazarus | Mad King Thorn | Ministry of Purity | Mursaat | Palawa Joko | Reiko Murakami | Shiro Tagachi | Stone Summit | Svanir | The Great Destroyer | Varesh Ossa | Vizier Khilbron | White Mantle
Guild Wars 2
Ankka | Balthazar | Bangar Ruinbringer | Canach | Caudecus | Cerus | Deimos | Dhuum | Elder Dragons (Jormag, Kralkatorrik, Mordremoth, Primordus, Soo-Won, Zhaitan) | Eparch | Faolain | Flame Legion | Inquest | Justiciar Hablion | Kanaxai | Kudu | Kryptis | Lazarus | Mad King Thorn | Mai Trin | Minister Li | Nightmare Court | Palawa Joko | Qadim | Scarlet's Alliance | Scarlet Briar | Sons of Svanir | White Mantle
