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Schirrú is a supporting antagonist of the Witcher book series, first appearing as a minor antagonist in The Time of Contempt, and appearing as a major antagonist in The Tower of Swallows. Schirrú was Vilgefortz's minion.


Schirrú is a tall and handsome half-elf, well over six feet with long dark hair tied in a ponytail and almond shaped eyes. His wardrobe consists of a long sleeve black tunic with a grey scarf, dark colored trousers, and a leather belt holding three daggers and two small burlap sacks.


Schirrú is a cold and sadistic person, taking pleasure in torturing his victims, and doing it as painfully as possible.

He is also shown to be very arrogant, taunting his enemies, such as with the Witcher, Geralt whom he initially had planned to kill using a tar kettle and a chain.

Schirrú relies more on cunning than brute force, being somewhat weak physically.

Schirrú, however, is a rather cowardly person, hiding behind men he hires when things don’t go as planned.


The Time of Contempt[]

During the coup on Thanedd, Schirrú, a half-elf and hired mercenary sought out the detectives, Codringher and Fenn. He with Millet and Nazarian found the law firm, and proceeded to attack and torture the detectives. Schirrú stabbed Codringher and burned Fenn. Before Schirrú and his goons burned the agency down, the half-elf noticed a picture of a girl that looked a lot like Ciri as well as the information of her whereabouts, he rendezvoused with Rience at the Sly Fox Inn. Schirrú presented the information to the mage. The two located the girl, kidnapped her, and handed her off to Pitcairn in Verden.

The Tower of Swallows[]

After the deaths of Codringher and Fenn, and kidnapping the fake Ciri. Schirrú waited with Vilgefortz and Rience at Stygga Castle. There, Schirrú and Rience acted as temporary jailers for Yennefer. The half-elf assisted in beating Yennefer to a bloody pulp with Rience. Vilgefortz intervened before the two could kill her. Schirrú jokingly state it was hard to kill both a witch and cat. Vilgefortz was unamused with Schirrú’s remark and ordered the sorceress to be taken to the laboratory. After torturing Yennefer for the location of Ciri, but instead gave up Geralt’s location, Schirrú volunteered to find, and kill Geralt.

Schirrú hired a gang of thugs lead by Homer Straggen more commonly referred at Nightingale to help him in murdering the Witcher. Taking refuge in the Rialto mine, he awaited the arrival of Geralt and his companions. When Geralt arrived with Cahir, a former Nilfgaardian soldier, and a girl named Angoulême, a former member of Nightingale's gang. The three lied to the half-elf, telling him they already killed Geralt and his companions, and took his medallion as a token.

Schirrú did not, however, buy into their lie, after Geralt handed him the medallion, he laid a piece of parchment onto the top of a crate. Angoulême went to inspect the paper but was soon at knifepoint by the half-elf. He demanded the two drop their swords or else he would kill the girl. Soon after, Homer Straggen and his gang, with a group of rogue Nilfgaardians arrived. Schirrú greeted Nightingale and triumphantly boasted that Geralt was powerless without his medallion. He taunted the Witcher, telling him how much he enjoyed killing the two detectives, and promised he would give Geralt a slow and painful death. By using a chain and a tar kettle. Just as Schirrú pointed to the kettle, it exploded and members of the Free Slopes, a group of guerrilla fighters who opposed the Nilfgaardian Empire attacked the mine. Geralt, Cahir, and Angoulême got caught in the middle of the battle. This allowed Schirrú, Homer Straggen, and most of the Nightingale gang to escape.

Much later in Caed Myrkvid, Schirrú and Nightingale attacked the pilgrims, and druids. Geralt's company defended the denizens against the thugs. Geralt with Reynart Bois-de Fresnes and the Toussaint knights drove Schirrú and Nightingale deeper into the forest. Geralt, Milva, and Angoulême followed after the half-elf, but shortly after were captured by the druids of Caed Myrkvid. Geralt explained to the druids he was a friend of Regis and saw Schirrú inside a wicker cage. Fear stricken on the half-elf’s face. Geralt tried to reason with the druids, stating Schirrú had important information to give him. Geralt’s pleas fell on deaf ears and watched the druids light the wicker cage. Schirrú burned alive along with Nightingale and Geralt's Witcher medallion.

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