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Schlump and Fleb are the secondary antagonists in the Futurama 2007 movie, Bender's Big Score.

They are voiced by Maurice LaMarche, who also voiced Lrrr, Leonardo da Vinci, Francis X. Clampazzo, Donbot, Melllvar, Fishy Joe, and The Big Brain in the same series, as well as Brain in Animaniacs, Father in Codename: Kids Next Door, Mortimer Mouse in the Mickey Mouse franchise, Koto in All Hail King Julien, Yosemite Sam in the Looney Tunes franchise, Big Bob Pataki in Hey Arnold!, Gart Default in Robot and Monster, Joseph Stalin in Histeria!, Calendar Man and Mr. Freeze in the Batman: Arkham video game series, Alec Baldwin in Team America: World Police, Dr. Nitrus Brio in the Crash Bandicoot franchise, and Mr. Big in Zootopia.


The two associates of Nudar appeared on the Nude Beach Planet, to scam the Planet Express crew members into signing a petition to give them their email addresses, managing to get most of Planet Express crew to sign up.

They eventually trick professor Farnsworth into handing them his company, and Bender into downloading an obedience virus, making him their slave. They than discover the time code on Fry's buttocks and decide to make Bender travel through time to steal valuable artifacts for them. Once he has done so, they order him to kill Fry so the code is erased and time travel is no longer possible. They than delete the virus from Bender, no longer needing him, and fire the Planet Express crew.

The trio proceed to scam the rest of Earth out of resources. President Nixon loses Earth to the Scammer Aliens and Humanity is forced to live on Neptune, the planet where the murderous Robot Santa is based. They are also revealed to have scammed Robot Santa out of his naughty list, prompting him and the people of Earth to team up against the scammers.

A strategy is proposed, but it is revealed that the scammers have used the money to build several remote-controlled solid gold Death Stars. As they approach Earth, one of the Death Stars shoots down the Nimbus. Leela takes command of the fleet, but is soon overwhelmed by the complexity of directing so many ships. Hermes takes over and directs the ships to destroy all but one of the Death Stars. The final Death Star hosts the scammers.

The scammers have one final trick up their sleeves—they reveal the doomsday device's bag that they stole from the Professor. Nudar gives them 30 seconds to decide on an ultimatum: surrender or be destroyed. But to their surprise, Bender reveals that he has the bag with the actual doomsday device, and that the scammers have been scammed. They fire off the device and destroy the scammers' ship.

After that event, Schlump and Fleb were not present again like their boss, since he was the only one to occupy an anti-explosion vest (so his accomplices were not lucky enough to survive).



  • Neither of Nudar's henchmen are named on screen. Their names are revealed in the DVD commentary, the script, and concept art. Schlump is the fat one, and Fleb is the pale one.


          FuturamaTitle Villains

Major Villains
Mom | Walt, Larry & Igner | Killbots | Invasa | Hoverfish

Earth Government
Richard Nixon | Professor Ogden Wernstrom | DOOP (Zapp Brannigan & DOOP troops)

Bender Bending Rodríguez | The Robot Devil | Lrrr | Nudar | Dark One | The Big Brain | Yivo

Supporting Villains
Alcazar | Alpha Funbag | Ambassador Mervin | Andrew & Mugger | Bart Simpson's Creatures | Basil | Bev | Chaunakah Zombie | Chelsea | Computer Judge | Destructor | Donbot | Dr. Banjo | Dr. Brutalov | Dr. Kind | Edna | El Chupanibre | Elzar | Fishy Joe | Fnog | Flamo | Francis X. Clampazzo | Giant Unattractive Monster | Glurmo | Headless Spiro Agnew | Hypnotoad | Joey Mousepad | Langdon Cobb | Leo Wong | Leonardo Da Vinci | Lucy Liu Robots | Master of the Hunt | Melllvar | Michelle | Morbo | Morgan Proctor | Pickles | Princess Flavia | Project Satan | Roberto | Robot Mayor | Robot Santa | Schlump and Fleb | Silicon Red | Slurm Queen | Pa | That Guy | Thubanian Leader | Tunneling Horror | Unattractive Giant Monster | V-GINY | Worms of Cologne | Zookeper

Groups & Species
Amazonians (Thog, Kug & Ornik)| A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. | Robot Mafia | New New York Police Department | MomCorp | Masked Unity | History's Greatest Villains | Sunset Squad Robots | Spheroids | Thubanians | Robot Elders | Pine Barrens Hunt Club | Nintendians

Turnga Leela (Dial L for Leela, Wicked Witch)
Bender Bending Rodríguez (Giant, Beachmaster)
Dr. Zoidberg (Lobster, Round Wheels)
Others: Brrr

Video Games
Futurama: The Game
Mom | Walt, Larry & Igner | Sun God Impostor | Destructor

Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow
Mom | The Robot Devil | Billionairebot

Aliens for the Ethical Treatment of Humans | Fry Puppet | Glab | Honest Brannigan | Honest Brannigan's Assistant | Homicidal Bender Bots

See Also
The Simpsons Villains | Disenchantment Villains
