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Sean Taylor is the secondary antagonist of season 1 in the crime tv series the Shield.

he is a serial killer who have elude capture for a long time as he has been murdering 23 people but was later caught by detective Dutch Wagenbach who interrogates him for the murders.

he is portrayed by Michael Kelly.


Background Sean Taylor was born in Rockford Illinois, when he went hunting with a friend mike, Sean shot and killed him which it considered a accident but it maybe the start of Sean becoming a murderer. when he moved to California and started working installing car stereos where he keeps his job clean, until sean kidnapped and killed 21 people where he uses different weapons to kill them and later, he buried them under his aunt's house and when his running out of space he starts dumbing bodies everywhere, even throughout the years he was never caught.

Season 1 when the owner of a green ford taurus to sean's car shop so he could install a CD player, but he later used the car to commit the murder of a woman but after he accidently broke their where witnesses that saw him with a green car but he was not caught, later the officers danny and julien found sean masturbating in the ally as they gave him a warning not to do it again in public and left, detective dutch than heard about sean who he was suspicious of him being the killer decides to take him to interrogation and during the it he brought out his friend mike who he killed sean felt annoyed which lead dutch to create a psycho analysis game to test sean, after dutch came back sean wrote on the psycho analysis board about dutch himself about his fantasies and insecurities which he sees that dutch maybe considered a joke and craves for attention everyone in the police station was watching, dutch realizes that sean can see vulnerability in people and can have access to other people's cars because of his profession and notices that sean was super clean in his workshop, dutch than used the evidence of the green car he used to dispose of his recent victim and how they found bodies in his aunt's house, realizing his is caught sean confessed to the murders and killing his friend mike which lend sean to be sent to prison.


Sean Taylor seems to be easy going, timid, and friendly, but in reality he is a sadistic serial killer, who is obsessed with murder, something he thinks makes him “special” among other serial killers, his sadism is also shown when he keeps quite a lot of domination porn, another telling of who Sean truly is.

           Shieldlogo Villains

Vic Mackey | David Aceveda | Shane Vendrell | Curtis Lemansky | Ronnie Gardocki | Armenian Mafia

Season 1
Ben Gilroy | David Aceveda | Sean Taylor | Rondell Robinson

Season 2
Armadillo Quintero | Lanie Kellis | Alex Eznik | Armin Chorekian | Ben Gilroy

Season 3
Margos Dezerian | Cuddler Rapist | Goma Magar | Kail Saffian | Lyor Slavok | Juan Lozano

Season 4
Antwon Mitchell | Halpern White | Alex Kozodav | Kleavon Gardner | Emolia Melendez | One-Niners

Season 5
John Kavanaugh | Antwon Mitchell | David Aceveda | Doomsday | Kleavon Gardner

Season 6
Shane Vendrell | Cruz Pezuela | Diro Kesakian | Guardo Lima | Ari Zadofian | Ellis Rezian

Season 7
Shane Vendrell | Mara Vendrell | Lloyd Denton | Ellis Rezian | Guillermo Beltran | Cruz Pezuela

The Game
Hagop | Mardig | Reuben Diaz | Antwon Watts | Jorge Cruz | Margos Dezerian

See Also
S.W.A.T. Villains
