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Villains Wiki

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Darkness itself. The annihilator. The devourer. Sel-Makor.
~ Sel-Makor

Sel-Makor is a major antagonist in the MMO Star Wars Legends game Star Wars: The Old Republic. He is a sentient, extremely intelligent Dark Side entity that enjoys the suffering of others and seeks to spread darkness over the planet Voss and torture the Voss and Gormak into causing warfare with each other for all eternity.


On the planet Voss, there were two sapient species fighting for control, the Voss and the Gormak. The Voss evolved from the Gormak, and they waged war against one another. The Voss came into contact with the Dark Side of the Force, and the Dark Side started to birth and spawn an entity. This entity fed off the memories and intelligence, and became the entity known as Sel-Makor. Sel-Makor began feeding off of pain, suffering and agony of the violence on the planet. He spread out his will towards nearby living beings, and many people were driven insane by his presence, forcing them to serve as his crazed, mindless servants. Sel-Makor created the Dark Lands, and anyone who goes into the Dark Lands go insane and even kill each other. Sel-Makor imprisoned two spirits of Gormak that had been taught by the Jedi, Damek-Ol and Nemok-Ta, and imprisoned their spirits inside of two slaves of Sel-Makor, and had forced them to serve as his servants, torturing their spirits for centuries. Sel-Makor sometime met Darth Baras, and they made a deal together that Baras would satisfy Sel-Makor.

Star Wars: The Old Republic[]

The Sith Emperor Vitiate was lured into Voss, in a Voss host body, by Darth Baras. Baras betrayed the Emperor and left him to be trapped by Sel-Makor, who played with Vitiate's power for his own amusement. However, a Sith Warrior, the new Emperor's Wrath, was sent to rescue the Emperor. The Wrath battled the Emperor's Voice, controlled by Sel-Makor. The Wrath eventually killed the Voice, freeing the Emperor's spirit.

Later, Sel-Makor made a deal with the Sith Lord Fulminiss to spread chaos, and darkness across the planet. A Jedi Knight came along with a Voss named Talah-Re to stop Sel-Makor. Fulminiss was killed, and Talah-Re used the power of the Light Side of the Force to fill her, and she dissolved into Light Side energy that consumed and obliterated Sel-Makor. The Dark Lands got cured, and Voss was freed from Sel-Makor's influence.


Sel-Makor is a ruthless, sadistic entity born from the Dark Side of the Force. He takes immense satisfaction from suffering, pain, death, and chaos. Sel-Makor has immense intelligence, more intelligence than a mortal being, and enjoys corrupting people and spreading his influence. While intelligent, Sel-Makor had a unique way of speaking: he rarely formed complete sentences, instead uttering single words and short phrases in an attempt to communicate.

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           StarTheForce Villains

Bounty Hunters
4-LOM | AD-W4 | Asajj Ventress | Ax Tagrin | Aurra Sing | Bazine Netal | Beilert Valance | Black Krrsantan | Boba Fett | Bossk | Burg | C-21 Highsinger | Cad Bane | Caij Vanda | Castas | Cato Parasitti | Chata Hyoki | Derrown | Deva Lompop | Durge | Dengar | Embo | Fennec Shand | Greedo | HELIOS-3D | HELIOS-3E | IG-11 | IG-86 | IG-88 | Jango Fett | Latts Razzi | Migs Mayfeld | Moralo Eval | Ochi of Bestoon | Q9-0 | Qin and Xi'an | Rako Hardeen | Robonino | Sarco Plank | Shahan Alama | Shenda Mol | Sy Snootles | Tasu Leech | Todo 360 | Toro Calican | Twazzi | Zam Wesell | Zuckuss

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Darth Sidious | Count Dooku

Executive Separatist Council
Viceroy Nute Gunray | Archduke Poggle the Lesser | Foreman Wat Tambor | Chairman San Hill | Magistrate Passel Argente | Presidente Shu Mai | Chairman Po Nudo | Senator Tikkes | Senator Lott Dod | Rune Haako

Military Officers
Admiral Trench | Aut-O | Captain Mar Tuuk | Commandant Osi Sobeck | Commander Darts D'nar | Commander Riff Tamson | General Grievous | General Kalani | General Kraken | General Lok Durd | General Whorm Loathsom | K2-B4 | Lieutanent Sun Fac | TA-175 | Tey-Zuka | TF-1726 | TI-99 | TJ-55 | TJ-912 | TR-350 | TV-94 | TV-94B | TX-20 | TX-21 | TZ-33

Officials and Operatives
224 | 4A-7 | AD-W4 | Asajj Ventress | Atai Molec | Captain Faro Argyus | Dr. Nuvo Vindi | Durge | EV-A4-D | Keeper Agruss | King Sanjay Rash | Minister Rish Loo | Prince Tal Merrik | Queen Miraj Scintel | R3-S6 | Senator Bec Lawise | Senator Gume Saam | Senator Nix Card | Senator Rush Clovis | Senator Voe Atell | Sergeant Slick | Ziro the Hutt

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Trade Federation | Techno Union | InterGalactic Banking Clan | Commerce Guild | Corporate Alliance | Zygerrian Slave Empire

Galactic Empire
Emperor Sheev Palpatine | Darth Vader

Officials and Military Officers
Admiral Conan Antonio Motti | Admiral Garrick Versio | Admiral Kassius Konstantine | Captain Bragg | Captain Gilad Pellaeon | Captain Juno Eclipse | Captain Lorth Needa | Captain Mann | Captain Slavin | Captain Mod Terrik | Captain Vanis Tigo | Colonel Wullf Yularen | Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko | Commander Brom Titus | Commodore Visler Korda | Counselor Gallius Rax | Director Armand Isard | Director Orson Callan Krennic | Director Sliro Barsha | Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett | Fleet Admiral Kendal Ozzel | General Cassio Tagge | General Maximilian Veers | General Valin Hess | Governor Arihnda Pryce | Governor Grotton | Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit | Grand Admiral Thrawn | Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin | Lieutenant Nolan | Moff Gideon | Moff Raythe | Moff Tiann Jerjerrod | Moff Ubrik Adelhard | Taskmaster Myles Grint | Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart

Operatives and Other Officials
Agent Alexsandr Kallus | Backstabber | Attendant Corv | Captain Wilco | Commander Appo | Commander Crosshair | Commander Fox | Commander Lank Denvik | Commander Iden Versio | Commander Scorch | Commander Vult Skerris | Endo Frant | Governor Tiber Saxon | Grand Vizier Mas Amedda | Grand Vizier Sate Pestage | Lieutenant Elia Kane | Lieutanent Supervisor Dedra Meero | LT-319 | Major Partagaz | Minister Maketh Tua | Minister Veris Hydan | Mithel | Pik and Waffle | Protectorate Gleb | Senator Daho Sejan | Senator Orn Free Taa | Senator Gall Trayvis | Sly Moore | Tenn Graneet | Trask Imperial Captain | Vaneé | Terisa Kerrill | Viceroy Gar Saxon

The Grand Inquisitor | The First Brother | The Second Sister | The Third Sister | The Fourth Sister | The Fifth Brother | The Sixth Brother | The Seventh Sister | The Eighth Brother | The Ninth Sister | The Tenth Brother | The Eleventh Brother | The Thirteenth Sister | Tualon Yaluna | Barriss Offee

Rick the Door Technician | Clone X | CX-1 | CX-2 | CX-3 | CX-4 | CX-5 | CX-6

Imperial Military
Imperial Army | Imperial Navy | Imperial Navy Troopers | Imperial Special Forces | Imperial Commandos | Weyland Commandos | Joint Chiefs of the Imperial Military | 501st Legion | 7th Fleet | Clone X Troopers | Dark Troopers | Death Troopers | Purge Troopers | Stormtroopers | Emperor's Royal Guard

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The Client | Count Vidian | Doctor Cylo | Doctor Emerie Karr | Doctor Gorst | Doctor Penn Pershing | Doctor Royce Hemlock | Dr. Scalder | Lama Su | Morgan Elsbeth | Naare | Nala Se | Rukh | Syril Karn | Venomor

First Order
Emperor Sheev Palpatine

Supreme Leaders
Snoke | Kylo Ren

Military Officers
Admiral Frantis Griss | Allegiant General Enric Pryde | Captain Moden Canady | Captain Edrison Peavey | Captain Phasma | Colonel Erich S. Datoo | Colonel Kaplan | Commander Gideon Hask | Commander Pyre | General Brendol Hux | General Armitage Hux | Grand Admiral Rae Sloane | Major Baron Elrik Vonreg

Officials and Operatives
Agent Terex | Agent Tierny | BB-9E | FN-2199 | Jace Rucklin | Lady Carise Sindian

Elite Praetorian Guards | Stormtroopers

Leema Kai | Teroj Kee | Ax Tagrin | Knights of Ren | J-Sec | Protectorate Gleb | Warbird gang (Kragan Gorr)

Sith Eternal
Darth Sidious

Final Order
Allegiant General Enric Pryde | Admiral Frantis Griss | Captain Chesille Sabrond | Ochi of Bestoon | Sith Troopers | Sovereign Protectors | Sith Cultists

Mother Talzin | Mother Zalem | Great Mothers

Asajj Ventress | Merrin | Old Daka | Morgan Elsbeth | Nightsister Zombies | Nightsister Spirits

Shadow Collective
Darth Maul | Prime Minister Almec | Savage Opress | Pre Vizsla

Bo-Katan Kryze | Gar Saxon | Rook Kast | Ziton Moj | Lom Pyke | Marg Krim | Fife | Dryden Vos

Death Watch | Mandalorian Super Commandos | Black Sun | Pyke Syndicate | Hutt Clan | Crimson Dawn | Nightbrothers

Fett Gotra
Daimyo Boba Fett | Fennec Shand

8D8 | Black Krrsantan | Drash | Skad | The Mayor's Majordomo

Mos Espa Street Gang | Mos Espa Crime Families | Tatootine Aqualish Family | Tatootine Klatooinian Family | Tatootine Trandoshan Family

Thrawn's Confederation
Grand Admiral Thrawn | Captain Gilad Pellaeon

Officials and Military Officers
Commandant Brendol Hux | Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth | Moff Gideon

Operatives and Other Officials
Captain Enoch | Captain Lang | Doctor Penn Pershing | Lieutenant Elia Kane | LS-757 | The Client | Trask Imperial Captain

Dark Side Adepts
Baylan Skoll | Shin Hati | Marrok

Elite Praetorian Guards | Stormtroopers | 501st Legion | 7th Fleet | Dark Troopers | Death Troopers | HK-87 Assassin Droids | Beskar Trooper | Night Troopers

Gorian Shard | Great Mothers | Shadow Council

Barb Mentir | Captain Brutus | Chaelt | Gorian Shard | Gunter | Hondo Ohnaka | Izuma | Jod Na Nawood | Kragan Gorr | Kona | Pax | Tak Rennod | Turk Falso | Vane

Garnac's Hunting Guild

Dar | Gilas | Goron | Krix | Lagon | Lo-Taren | Ramy | Ratter | Smug | Sochek

Other Sith and Dark Side Force-Users
Ajunta Pall | Barriss Offee | Bode Akuna | Dagan Gera | Darth Andeddu | Darth Bane | Darth Desolous | Darth Krall | Darth Momin | Darth Noctyss | Darth Phobos | Darth Plagueis | Darth Revan | Darth Sanguis | Darth Sion | Darth Tanis | Darth Tenebrous | "Dark Underlord" | Exar Kun | Exim Panshard | Jek-14 | Jod Na Nawood | Kiza | Komari Vosa | Pong Krell | Ren | Son | Taron Malicos | The Stranger | Vitiate

Jabba's Criminal Empire
Jabba the Hutt | Bib Fortuna

8D8 | B'omarr Monks | EV-9D9 | Kithaba | Klaatu | Ree-Yees | Salacious B. Crumb | Sy Snootles | Thok | Vedain | Velken Tezeri | Vizam | Wooof

Clone Troopers
Captain Wilco | Clone X Troopers | Clone X | CX-1 | CX-2 | Commander Appo | Commander Crosshair | Commander Faie | Commander Fox | Commander Scorch | Sergeant Slick

Grysk Hegemony

Duloks | Gamorreans | Geonosians | Hutts | Neimoidians | Pyke | Rakata | Summa-verminoth | Trandoshans | Tusken Raiders | Umbarans | Ewoks (Star Wars: Battlefront II)

0-0-0 | Arvel Skeen | Ashiga Clan | Azmorigan | Bala-Tik | Bedlam Raiders | Blackguards | Cad Bane's Crew | Cassie Cryar | Chi Cho | Chelli Lona Aphra | Ciddarin Scaleback | Closed | Cornelius Evazan | Daultay Dofine | Deren | DJ | Drengir | Fanry | Garindan Ezz Zavor | Gha Nachkt | Gardulla the Elder | Gorak | Graxol Kelvyyn | Grecker | Guavian Death Gang | Haxion Brood | Head of the Pyke Syndicate | Helgait | Jaylen Vrax | Kanjiklub | Kintan Striders | Krayt's Claw | Lady Proxima | Lolo Purs | Lord Nyax | Mandalore the Great | Max Rebo Band | Meritt Col | M-OC | Morley | Mokko | Mok Shaiz | Mok Shaiz's Majordomo | Mos Espa Crime Families | Mos Espa Street Gang | Mother Pran | OOM-9 | Open | Order of the Night Wind | Ponda Baba | Prince Xizor | Qi'ra | Rayvis | Razoo Qin-Fee | Roland Durand | Saw Gerrera | Sebulba | Silvo's pirates | Sylar Saris | Thurible | Tobias Beckett | Unkar Plutt | Vanguard Axis | Warbird gang

See Also
Star Wars Legends Villains | Angry Birds Star Wars Villains | LEGO Star Wars Villains

            Star wars old republic Villains

Sith Empire
Ajunta Pall | Darth Acina | Darth Vowrawn | Marka Ragnos | Naga Sadow | Tulak Hord | Vitiate

Dark Council
Darth Acharon | Darth Arctis | Darth Arho | Darth Arkous | Darth Aruk | Darth Asamin | Darth Baras | Darth Charnus | Darth Decimus | Darth Drear | Darth Ekkage | Darth Hadra | Darth Howl | Darth Igrol | Darth Ikora | Darth Jadus | Darth Karrid | Darth Lokess | Darth Marr | Darth Mekhis | Darth Mortis | Darth Nox | Darth Nyriss | Darth Ravage | Darth Rictus | Darth Thanaton | Darth Vengean | Darth Zhorrid

The Emperor's Wrath

Sith Lords
Aloysius Kallig | Darth Andru | Darth Angral | Darth Atroph | Darth Cendence | Darth Chratis | Darth Enraj | Darth Fastus | Darth Gravus | Darth Hexid | Darth Ikoral | Darth Jaga | Darth Kallous | Darth Lachris | Darth Malgus | Darth Minax | Darth Nurin | Darth Ouzal | Darth Sajar | Darth Serevin | Darth Silthaar | Darth Skotia | Darth Sorranos | Darth Tormen | Darth Venemal | Darth Vich | Darth Viktus | Darth Vilus | Darth Xedrix | Darth Zash | Lord Draahg | Lord Grathan | Lord Nefarid | Lord Praven | Lord Razer | Lord Sadic | Lord Tarnis | Lord Vindican | Lord Vivicar | Xalek

Sith Apprentices and Acolytes
Vemrin | Ashara Zavros | Jaesa Willsaam

Rycus Kilran | Arkos Rakton | Bex Kotos | Cipher Nine | Harron Tavus | Imperial Guard | Lieutenant Pierce | Malavai Quinn | Moff Broysc | Ryler Dorant | Vanto Bazren | Zora

Revan and Malak's Sith Empire
Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Revan | Darth Malak

Shadow Hand
Darth Bandon | Bastila Shan

Saul Karath

Sith Troopers

Calo Nord | Darth Voren | Darth Glovoc | HK-47

Sith Triumvirate
Darth Nihilus | Darth Sion | Darth Traya

Hutt Cartel
Karagga the Unyielding | Nem'ro the Hutt | Toborro the Hutt | Szajin the Hutt

Eternal Empire
Valkorion | Arcann | Vaylin

Knights of Zakuul

Hidden Chain
Heta Kol | Ri'kan Kateen | Sa'har Kateen | Bask Sunn | Tyrus Brokenblade | Durn Wynnward

Other Sith and Dark Jedi
Atris | Bengel Morr | Dorjander Kace | Dread Masters | Haazen | Jun Seros | Nomen Karr | Order of Revan | Simus | Xendor

Andronikos Revel | Black Sun | Black Vulkars (Brejik) | Broonmark | Canderous Ordo | Cassus Fett | Chantique | Chuundar | Colonel Tobin | Coorta | Czerka Corporation | Demagol | Eagle | Exchange (Davik Kang | Ukabi) | General Vaklu | Great Hunt Champion | Hanharr | HK-50 | Hunter | Kaliyo Djannis | Kephess | Khem Val | Mandalore the Ultimate | Migrant Merchants' Guild | Rakata (Soa) | Rakghouls | Sel-Makor | Shae Vizla | The Shroud | Skavak | Star Cabal | Tarro Blood | Terror from Beyond | Visquis | Xor

See Also
Star Wars Villains | Star Wars Legends Villains | Star Wars Visions Villains

            Star-wars-legends Villains

Galactic Alliance Guard
Darth Caedus | Tahiri Veila

Galactic Empire
Emperor Palpatine | Darth Vader
Admiral Galak Fyyar | Apwar Trigit | Armand Isard | Ars Dangor | Baron Merillion Tarko | Borborygmus Gog | Bow | Crispin Hoedaack | Carnor Jax | COMPNOR | Cos Dashit | Ennix Devian | Edda Gast | Faie | Gilad Pellaeon | Lord Tion | Lord Hethrir | Imperial Navy | Janus Greejatus | Juno Eclipse | Kinman Doriana | Kir Kanos | Keller | Roan Fel | Natasi Daala | Grand Moff Hissa | Ozzik Sturn | Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front | PROXY | Rom Mohc | Rukh | Sarkli | Sate Pestage | Stafuv Rahz | Thrawn | Tenn Graneet | Trioculus | Vill | Voca | Warlord Zsinj | Ysanne Isard

One Sith
Darth Krayt

Sith Lords
Darth Azard | Darth Havok | Darth Kruhl | Darth Luft | Darth Maladi | Darth Nihl | Darth Rauder | Darth Reave | Darth Ruyn | Darth Stryfe | Darth Talon | Darth Vurik | Darth Wredd | Darth Wyyrlok I | Darth Wyyrlok II | Darth Wyyrlok III | Saarai | Vul Isen

Darth Krayt's Sith Troopers | Morlish Veed

Prophets of the Dark Side
Cronal | Darth Millennial | Jedgar | Kadann | Sariss

Sith and Dark Jedi
Adas | Ajunta Pall | Aleema Keto | Alema Rar | Alora | Azrakel | Black Knights | Boc Aseca | Brakiss | Brotherhood of Darkness | Countess Rajine | Crado | The Dark Apprentice | The Dark Underlord | Darth Andeddu | Darth Bane | Darth Cognus | Darth Desolous | Darth Gean | Darth Gravid | Darth Guile | Darth Homiiz | Darth Karnage | Darth Morias | Darth Phobos | Darth Plagueis | Darth Ramage | Darth Rivan | Darth Ruin | Darth Scabrous | Darth Simi | Darth Tenebrous | Darth Vectivus | Darth Venamis | Darth Zannah | Desann | Exar Kun | Freedon Nadd | Galen Marek | Gorc and Pic | Jerec | Jorus C'baoth | Joruus C'baoth | Kar Vastor | Karness Muur | Kazdan Paratus | Komari Vosa | Kueller | Lomi Plo | Lumiya | Luuke Skywalker | Mara Jade | Marka Ragnos | Maris Brood | Maw | Reborn | Rugess Nome | Sarcev Quest | Skere Kaan | Sora Bulq | Sorzus Syn | Tamith Kai | Tavion Axmis | Toki Tollivar | Tol Skorr | Ulic Qel-Droma | Unidentified Sith Master (Dxun) | Vergere | Welk | X1 | Xanatos | Xendor | XoXaan | Yun | Zekk | Zona Luka

Yuuzhan Vong
Czulkang Lah | Drathul | Elan | Harrar | Mezhan Kwaad | Nas Choka | Nen Yim | Nom Anor | Onimi | Peace Brigade | Shimmra Jamaane | Tsavong Lah

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Count Dooku | Darth Sidious | General Grievous
Alto Stratus | Cavik Toth | Cyborg Separatist Commander | Cydon Prax | Durge | Gizor Dellso | Kul Teska | Oro Dassyne | Sun Fac | Unger Gout

Dark Acolytes
Sev'rance Tann | Sora Bulq | Asajj Ventress | Tol Skorr | Kadrian Sey

Mighella | Sai Sircu | Zalem

Glitteryll Conspiracy
Asanté Vos | Chom Frey Kaa | Pol Secura

New Galactic Empire
Cos Dashit | Crispin Hoedaack | Darth Vader | Valorum | Vantos Coll

8t88 | Abeloth | Amanoa | Ban Papeega | Bando Gora Captain | Beilert Valance | Borsk Fey'lya | Burbakker Teep | Cal Omas | Chop'aa Notimo | Connus Treli | Dezono Qua | Drend Navett | Drexl Roosh | Dur Gejjen | Durga the Hutt | Erisi Dlarit | Gardulla the Elder | Gault Rennow | Gorog | Granta Omega | Grappa the Hutt | Groff Haugg | Jenna Zan Arbor | Jodo Kast | Ke Daiv | Kleef | Krayt Dragons | Longo Two-Guns | Lord Starkiller | Mandalore the Indomitable | Meeko Ghintee | Mnggal-Mnggal | Montross | Niles Ferrier | Prince Xizor | Reelo Baruk | Sebolto | Sun Guard | Lord Nyax | Talon Karrde | Thrackan Sal-Solo | Tor Vizsla | Vengeance | Tyber Zann | Zorba the Hutt

See Also
Star Wars Villains | Star Wars The Old Republic Villains | Star Wars Visions Villains
