The Shadow Army is a malevolent ancient military force ruled by the Shadow Lord from the Shadowlands, and one of the many villains of Deltora Quest. Fallow and Thaegan are part of this army because of their allegiance to the Shadow Lord himself.
Most of the monsters and soldiers which this army is made up of, the Shadow Lord had created in his Factory.
In the past, he used this army in his attempt to conquer the land of Deltora, which Adin stopped, when he defeated him in the famous Battle of Deltora.
The Shadow Lord reestablish his Shadow Army once again to began his conquest of Deltora while hunting down the descendants of King Adin of Del centuries later. His entire wicked empire was later defeated and overthrown by many Deltoran natives united by Lief, Barda and Jasmine, three friends who together gathered the Belt of Deltora and its seven gems, used their power with the aid and faith of the seven tribes of Deltora to destroy the Shadow Lord and the Shadow Army once and for all.
Infantries of the Shadow Army[]
Ground Infantry[]
This Infantry was the main militery force of the army and was responsible invasion in to other landas and keeping order in the conquered lands. The Ground Infantry also did scouting and spying.
- Ols
- Grey Guards
- Brainwashed slaves
- Greers
Beast Infantry[]
This Infantry was the war beasts of the army, their intelligence was at the level of an animal, so usually the beast infantry was had to be forced into fighting. Because of this the beasts would fight back and run away if they got the chance to.
- Vraals
- Green Beasts
- Wild Ones
- Carriers Worms
Air Infantry[]
This Infantry was the air force of the army their responsibilities were to kill all enemies in the air, attack enimies from the sky and collect information directly to their master. All member of the Air Infantry were flying monsters.
- Skimmers
Allies of the Shadow Army[]
Were not members of the army, but had beneficial relationships, it did not meen that all of the Army were there allies sometimes they would fight and even kill.
- Pirates