Shadow Galactica is a massive interstellar invasion force spearheaded by Sailor Galaxia and the main antagonists of Sailor Stars, the final arc of the Sailor Moon manga and both the original anime and the anime reboot film Sailor Moon Cosmos.
Shadow Galactica was formed by the rogue Sailor Guardian Sailor Galaxia, who sought to gather the Star Seeds, the essences of sentient life, from planets to use to control the Galaxy Cauldron. In the manga, Sailor Galaxia was a girl born on an asteroid who was convinced by Chaos to use her powers for evil, while in the anime, she was once a heroic Sailor Scout who was corrupted after sealing Chaos within her.
The organization was made up of renegade Sailor Guardians who believed Shadow Galactica was the best way to carve out a better future for themselves and "false" Sailor Guardians who had slain the Sailor Guardian of their respective planet to harness their power and sworn loyalty to Sailor Galaxia.
- Chaos - True Ruler
- Sailor Galaxia - Figurehead
- Sailor Animamates
- Sailor Iron Mouse
- Sailor Aluminum Siren
- Sailor Lead Crow
- Sailor Tin Nyanko
- Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon (manga/Cosmos only)
- Sailor Lethe (manga/Cosmos only)
- Sailor Mnemosyne (manga/Cosmos only)
- Sailor Chi & Sailor Phi (manga/Cosmos only)
- Sailor Theta (mausicals only)
- Similar to Xenotime & Zeolite of the Dead Moon Circus, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon of the Animamates, along with Sailor Lethe, Mnemosyne, Chi, and Phi were also cut from the original 90's anime adaption but were later added to the reboot, with the production of Sailor Moon Cosmos.
- Sailor Theta is the only member of this group exclusive to the Japanese musical productions of Sailor Moon, and does not exist in the manga or either of the anime releases.