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Shane is one of the main antagonists (alongside the High Priestess) in the 2021 Japanese-American streaming series, Pacific Rim: The Black, based on the Pacific Rim film franchise.

He is the ruthless and cold leader of the Bogan, a group of caravans and motorcyclists involved with illegal Kaiju egg tradings and doing whatever it takes for survival if it meant stealing what could be of use to him. He is the adoptive father of Mei, as well as her archenemy, as he is responsible for shaping her into who she is and taking her away from her real parents.

He is voiced by Andy McPhee.


Shane is charismatic, ruthless, and cruel for a leader as he is willing to torment and intimidate those who enter within the Bogan, even when threatening to harm those in his control, and is never above murdering someone, especially a child. He's rather insensitive and truly unsympathetic to those gone through tragic circumstances, to which when he was using the Drift to look into Taylor Travis' memories when interrogating him, he can be see sweeping off the tears of a grieving Brina Travis in a flirtatious manner and isn't moved by him or his sister witnessing their friends' deaths.

He is also seemingly pragmatic, letting Demarcus live to see another day to deliver Ferno a message, nevertheless, his wits are overcome by his arrogance and greed, demanding more and taking what could be useful to him to live, and insisting that the Sisters of the Kaiju sort out their own needs despite being warned not to provoke them. Shane has little to no regard for human life, as he makes it clear to Rickter in regards of their men losing their minds in the Drift simulation to form neural bridges, which to him is no big deal to make out of if it meant getting Atlas Destroyer working.

In spite of Shane's ruthlessness and reviled attitude, a part of him did genuinely care for Mei in spite of what he had done to her, as he called out her name when she boarded in Atlas Destroyer and instructed his men not to aim up-close to the Jaeger, knowing Mei is still inside. He also seems a bit saddened over leaving during the aftermath of Bogan and tries to keep himself in denial in front of his crew, but finally shows this side when Mei confronts him. Shane best demonstrated how much Mei meant to him by risking his life to get Brina out of the Sisters' influence, and while managing to make it this far to get her to come back, he still makes it clear that he isn't doing this for her but doesn't say so in a cold manner, reasurring her that she can make new memories with her kids. In the moment of his consciousness evaporated, Shane comes in terms to his death and accepts it quietly.


There's not much on Shane's background, though it was stated that he once had a "family" who died in Whitehorn, only revealed to be a family that was never his but stolen after he took the place he drifted with years ago. During the Kaiju attacks over the years and before the Uprising War, Shane made his way into Clayton City where he first laid eyes on a young girl named Mei and eventually took her away from her real parents since then. Upon getting his hands on PPDC equipment and a Drift machine, he used the Drift to manipulate Mei's mindset and replace with memories with false ones from memory drives he forged, thus training and grooming Mei into becoming his "daughter", as well as his best mercenary.

At some point after Australia is overrun by swarms of Kaiju, Shane formed a group called the "Bogan" where they formed shady connections with black marketing groups and a Kaiju cult called "the Sisters of the Kaiju", as well as poaching and stealing Kaiju eggs in exchange for Jaeger parts. At one point, Shane had a former dealer eat a Kaiju egg and suck the yolk out of one, resulting in his whole jaw dissolved and by his words, now looks "ridiculous". He then recruited Joel Rywick, getting his help to have him amp and create his neural bridge for the Drift, and Spyder, to watch over surveillance.

Season 1[]

Shane was first introduced being reported about Mei's return and the arrival of the Travis siblings and Boy, with Mei handing him the Kaiju eggs stolen from a Kaiju Eel and reassuring Shane that the trio are no threat to their group. Welcoming them with food and shelter, even giving Boy clothes, Shane suspects they're hiding something that could be of use to them and tasks Mei with getting something out of them, as well as informing her of his recent deal with Ferno and promising him four Kaiju eggs. He then enters Spyder's surveillance room, being informed of Ferno's arrival and making preparations to settle "business" with them. Only to be greeted and make negotiations with Ferno's "bootlicker" and grunt, Demarcus, who brought him the goods; body parts for a Jeager and two fully-charged Jaeger batteries. He then shows Demarcus the only eggs they've gotten and when things didn't go as the way the deal, finds himself held at gunpoint. Taunting Demarcus regarding the Sisters of the Kaiju and being sarcastic with the revelation of Ferno's connections, insisting to Demarcus that the eggs were worth taking after killing its mother.

When the deal was seemingly made, Shane demanded both for the Jaeger batteries when he was only given one because of the Kaiju egg portion. Eventually, Shane ordered his men to have Demarcus and his men at gunpoint. When Rickter's gunfire alerted them when he confronted the Travis siblings and Boy, it caused Shane's men and Demarcus' bodyguards to begin a crossfire, gunning each other down until he gotten the batteries and the goods. Deciding to spare Demarcus, he tells him to send Ferno a direct message that should he retaliate, he'll come around feeding him to the Kaiju himself and proceeds to shoot the Kaiju eggs in the trunk, insisting that the Sisters will sort out their own problems and needs as Demarcus is escorted away by his men. He then proceeds to strangle Mei, noting if Ferno survives and is out for blood, the fault will be at her hands before letting her go. When told Taylor planned on getting a Jaeger battery, he has the siblings and Boy brought to him for interrogation.

Mainly interrogating Taylor Travis, questioning how he got to Meridian City in the first place and his "vehicle's" whereabouts, only then is it revealed he didn't need to question the boy, simply using the Drift on him to look into his memories and getting all the answers he needed, from his childhood to how they found Atlas Destroyer. Seemingly letting him off the interrogation, he comes out from the Drift stimulation and praises Mei for finding a Jaeger for their group, taking the keys out from Taylor. Locating Atlas Destroyer in Meridian City where it's still left stranded, Shane begins making ground around the Jaeger and have his men tested for the Drift to form a neural bridge and become its co-pilots. Not without ordering Joel to get started first with Mei being volunteered, but refused. When Hayley insisted her brother and her would pilot for them, Shane insists having his men forged into the Drift. Later on, majority of his men failed to make proper connections to their neural bridge, leading to Rickter complaining to him that it's not working. Only to slap him in the face and telling him that it's "no big loss" if they do end up losing a few men mind-broken and continue doing it until Atlas Destroyer is properly functional. When Joel and the latest co-pilot suffer an unstable neural feedback, the Jaeger starts malfunctioning, leading to a Cateogry IV Kaiju "Copperhead" to track it down.

Upon seeing the latest failure, he's then informed by Spyder about the Kaiju Copperhead on its way fifteen minutes ahead and furiously tells Taylor regarding their current situation. When the Travis siblings insisted they both pilot Atlas Destroyer, Shane refuses and has Taylor at gunpoint, threatening him that in Bogan, he makes the deals until Mei insists piloting Atlas with Taylor. Ordering Mei to take Atlas Destroyer at the old coal burner where Bogan would set up camp and has his men rallied up to their latest location to retreat. As soon as Copperhead was left unconscious with Mei ordering Spyder to detonate the hidden landmines - over six hundred of them, Shane and the rest of Bogan would set set up camp at the coal burner where he was seen berating Mei for starting a fight she cannot finish, and almost costing him everything. When Taylor stands up for Mei by taking the blame, Shane prepares to shoot him until Mei insisted she put him in the rig when he was in no shape. To his response was to mock Taylor that the Black would purge out the weak-willed like him in the first month and when Hayley and Boy covered for him, goes onto killing all three before Hayley pleaded to him that they leave. Talked down by Mei about it and assuring him he's finally gotten what he needed to stand out in the Black, Shane lets them go under the condition that if they're not gone by sunrise next morning, they're dead.

Unfortunately, Shane was genuinely keeping his word to Mei as he sent Rickter to finish off the Travis siblings and Boy once they left behind her back, giving him the hit directly. As soon as Mei calls him out on his word, Shane insists it to be reassurance to make sure the trio don't come back sneaking around to steal Atlas Destroyer while tasking Mei with piloting with Joel and keeping watch over Copperhead, even threatening to kill Joel if the Jaeger isn't working by the end of the day. Shane's voice is later heard from Rickter's transmitter, wondering if he's already killed the trio, shocking Mei who just arrived to settle matters and making plans in helping the trio. Later seen knocking out a drunk Bogan Rider sleeping on the job, Shane has him find Rickter and has Mei check on him again. Once one of Shane's men returned with Hayley and Boy, Shane threatens and intimidates the former into talking, only not to budge as he leaves them there guarded. Alerting his men to be on guard and search the perimeters, he then witnessed Atlas Destroyer activated and the moment he realized Mei helped Taylor, he has his men ordered with going after the Jaeger.

As Atlas Destroyer rises up and Taylor begins solo drifting, the Jaeger would begin causing damage within Bogan and Shane himself almost being stomped by Atlas until Mei stops Taylor from killing him in spite of everything, then soon rescuing Hayley and Boy as they boarded inside. Later seeing Mei being boarded onto Atlas, Shane calls out her and ordered his men to bring out the rocket launchers to blow off Atlas Destroyers, but also otherwise instructed not to attack on the upper-body, knowing Mei is still inside. The Jaeger continues further destroying the Bogan and their vehicles, giving the trio and Mei their chance to escape with everything they had, leaving a deeply furious Shane glancing at them. Shane then makes a call to Mei through his communicator, with Joel taking it and stating she doesn't want to talk to him, but the former prompts to give Mei a message stating what happens to those who turned their backs on him. Resulting in Shane triggering a microscopic bomb implanted in her communicator, killing Joel Rywick in front of them.

Season 2[]

Shane would eventually seen in the aftermath of Bogan's destruction, cleaning up and finding whatever's left to be of use to him for survival, not before observing the whole scenario of how it all went out. Heading into Spyder's surveillance room, he is confronted by Rickter where the latter called him out on how much there is left in the Bogan, leading to him punching Rickter and doing it again when he brought up Mei, though denies he's more concerned about the Jaeger and has Spyder locate its current location in Clayton, getting his group ready to leave by ten. On the road, Shane finds himself informed of the Jaeger's current coordinates to the northeastern side and spots the very same cafe where he first abducted Mei.

Finally catching up to Mei and the Travis siblings, whom Taylor gave away Boy in favor of their safety only to backfire on fighting them and the hybrid Kaiju, Shane is seen taking out one of two of the Sisters with a heated knife while Spyder handled the other, then holding a knife at the third Sister's neck, threatening her to call off the Kaiju. Instead, the Sister refused as Spyder tased her, calling off their telepathic hold on the hybrid Kaiju as Atlas Destroyer makes a run for it. Unmasking said Sister, Shane finds himself surprised to discover that Sister was Taylor and Hayley's long-lost mother, Brina Travis. While using this to his advantage, he was able to get their attention by tracking them down and shows them a hooded Brina before unveiling her to Taylor and Hayley themselves. Wishing to know if there was anything left of Brina's humanity in there, Shane offered to drift into Brina's mindscape in exchange of the Travis siblings handing over Atlas Destroyer, which infuriated a rightfully angered Mei into attacking him, but he pleaded to her that he just wants to be family again. When Mei insisted he does this and ask for nothing in return, he comes around helping them without hesitation, having Brina put in the Jaeger.

Once they placed Brina into the Drift along with Shane, the latter begins dwelling into her mind as it soon evaporates, walking from the memories between the Kaiju Tick attacking Boy, witnessing Boy's Kaiju form, and soon reaching to the ones where Brina sacrificed herself for Ford and saying goodbye to her kids with him. When Shane tries to talk sense into Brina's consciousness, the influence of the Sisters overwhelmed it, leading to Shane traveling to other memories as he is tormented by the influence of the Sisters taking control over Brina. When asking a memory of child Taylor for Brina's whereabouts, he points to a door and nearly comes close to being evaporated. When pleading to Brina to let him in upon mentioning what she said to her son before leaving, the door opens, allowing Shane to enter.

Seeing the memory where Brina first gave birth to Hayley and giving him an "invisible key" to her heart, he states to her conscience that he looked into the "key" in Taylor's memories when they drifted, and telling her she is "more than this room". When questioned why he risked so far for her sake, Shane states he isn't but does tell her that she can make new ones as both him and conscience make their escape from the influence. Unfortunately, they end up catching up to them until Shane hovers Brina up into the mindscape, allowing her to make it back while he calmly and quietly accepts his fate as the influence evaporated him.

Back in reality outside the Drift, Shane's left unconsciousness but there are no longer signs of life inside him. With Loa confirming his death. Afterwards, Spyder hands Mei a data key holding her real memories, showing that Shane never destroyed it and had Spyder promise to give it to her for that matter. Shane was later buried underneath piles of rocks in his honor by Mei.

External Links[]

  • Shane at the Pacific Rim Wiki.


           A pacific rim logo Villains

Trespasser | Knifehead | Mutavore | Otachi | Leatherback | Raiju | Scunner | Slattern | Insurrector | Onibaba | Mega-Kaiju | Meridian's Kaiju | Acidquill | Copperhead | Rippers | Kaiju Eel | Jawhide

Kaiju Remedies
Hannibal Chau | Wizened Man

Kaiju-Jaeger Hybrids
Obsidian Fury | Apex | Drone Jaegers

Shane | Rickter | Spyder

Sisters of the Kaiju
High Priestess

Precursors | Newton Geiszler
