The Shield Shellga is a shield-themed Shellga Type Jamen Beast of the Dark Empire Yodonheim, being one of the three released from the invasion gate created from the dark energy gathered by Nazokake Jamen. It's also an antagonist along with the other two monsters (i.e. Tank Ligany and Sengoku Basra) in episode 32 and 33 of 2020 TV series called Mashin Sentai Kiramager.
The Shield Shellga was one of the three Jamen Beasts deployed by Carantula to distract the Kiramagers while the Yodon Ivy Seed matured, alongside Tank Ligany and Sengoku Basra.
The 3 Jamen Beasts faced the Kiramagers in their mecha, Kiramaizin, GigantDriller and King Express Zabyun.
They were later joined by Galza in Smog Jouki after the Kiramagers located the seed.
The three Jamen Beasts attempted to guard the Yodon Ivy Seed and initially put up a good defense against the Kiramagers in their Mashins, but the Kiramagers soon realized their weaknesses and each matched up with one Jamen Beast in order to take it down. The Shield Shellga was destroyed by the Kiramagers after King Express Zabyun penetrates its defense.
- The Shield Shellga is the first shield-themed monster since TateZord and (technically) Kentateloid from 2012 TV series called Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters.
- Due to the design of its Jamen, the Shield Shellga draws some similarities to Wangawanga from 1998 TV series called Seijuu Sentai Gingaman.