“ | Your mission was most illogical. | „ |
~ Shockwave to the Autobots. |
“ | I am tempted to force you to share my perception of things! | „ |
~ Shockwave to Starscream after the latter sets him up to die. |
“ | It defies all science. | „ |
~ Shockwave when witnessing the Terrorcon Predacons. |
Shockwave is a major antagonist in the Transformers "Aligned" Universe.
He is the hulking scientific mind and one of the lieutenants of the Decepticons who discovered the Autobots were located on Earth. After escaping certain death, he enacted a project to clone ancient warrior beasts called Predacons to tip the scale of the war in favor of the Decepticons. Among his most notable creations are the Cortical Psychic Patch, the Dinobots, and Predaking, a clone of the deceased Predacon ruler.
He is voiced by David Sobolov in Prime, who also voiced Gorilla Grodd in The Flash, The Annihilator in Mighty Med, Lobo in Young Justice and Injustice and Brawl in Transformers: The Game. Steve Blum voices him in Fall of Cybertron, who also voiced Starscream in both the same show and Earthspark, Vilgax and Zs'Skayr from the Ben 10 series, Amon in The Legend of Korra and Jindiao in Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny.
As revealed in The Covenant of Primus, Shockwave emerged from the Well of All Sparks around the time of the Age of Wrath. Shockwave was among the earliest rebels to oppose the Quintessons, and he rejected both the invaders and their puppet government. Shockwave's genius led him to be the first Cybertronian able to translate the Quintesson language.
Even after the fall of the Quintessons, Shockwave remained on the outskirts of Cybertronian civilization, never taking any official position with the government or its council. He eventually became a member of Megatron's Decepticons as war broke out against the Autobots.
During the War, as mentioned in Project Predacon, Shockwave cloned a small army of Predacons and had them micro-chipped so he could track them at all times. On Megatron's orders, he dispatched them to Earth to destroy the Autobots stationed there and secure any Energon they could find.
Rise of the Dark Spark[]
Fall of Cybertron[]
Shockwave is first seen operating machinery in the middle of an Energon reservoir. Starscream berates him for wasting both time and resources, but Shockwave shrugs it off, saying that the Air Commander simply doesn't understand. It was revealed before Megatron’s attack on Iacon, Shockwave informed Megatron of the new discovery in the Sea of Rust. Jazz and Cliffjumper destroyed Shockwave's first space bridge tower. After Megatron's revival by Soundwave, Shockwave informed to Megatron he built a replica tower he discovered at the Sea of Rust. He discovered the Earth is rich with raw energy and the need a transport with strong power core (which is Trypticon turned into the Nemesis).
Far later, he, along with several Insecticon minions, are shown to be experimenting on the Dinobots in an attempt to have them transform. After gathering enough results, he leaves the complex just before Grimlock escapes and goes on a rampage through all the chambers and frees his teammates, but Shockwave still mocks him via audio and holograms throughout the mission. Near the end of the game, he is encountered again, preparing the final adjustments to his tower and Space Bridge. He briefly succeeds in restraining Grimlock, saying that he would not have made something so powerful without adding a way to control it. However, Grimlock transforms to his alt mode, bites off Shockwave's left arm, and tosses him aside.
Transformers: Prime[]
Season 2[]
Though most Transformers left Cybertron during the Great Exodus, Shockwave stayed there to collect Energon for a Space Bridge. When Starscream and his forces successfully captured both Arcee and Cliffjumper, the Air Commander took them to Shockwave so he could use the Cortical Psychic Patch to read Arcee's mind and find an encrypted message Optimus Prime had sent to all the Autobots giving his location. Shockwave successfully extracted the coordinates from Arcee and sent them to the Space Bridge. Having all the info he needed from Arcee, Shockwave prepared to kill Cliffjumper for outliving his usefulness. Cliff asked Starscream if he always let others have the honor of killing Autobots, and Starscream orders Shockwave to allow him to kill Cliff instead. Shockwave reluctantly complies and leaves, but this allowed Arcee to break free from her cuffs and as Starscream gladly aimed his fingers to stab Cliff to death, Arcee subdues Scream and locks him in her own cuffs. As Arcee and Cliffjumper escaped and overloaded the bridge, Shockwave catches them noting that only Starscream could fail to dispose of a helpless captive.
Shockwave confronted the two due, right before they were about to depart to Earth, but was buried under rubble as the Space Bridge destabilized. After escaping, Shockwave chased the two through the unstable Space Bridge and attempted to stop them, only to have his Optic Lens damaged by a shot from Arcee, leaving him blinded in the Space Bridge as it exploded around him. After the two escaped, Arcee questioned Cliff if he though Shockwave survived, Cliff responded he hoped so, as he wanted a rematch with the cyclops.
Season 3[]
During the time the Autobots and Decepticons battled it out on Earth, Shockwave repaired his lens and successfully cloned the Predacon, Predaking. He was later discovered by Knock Out, who brought him back to the Nemesis to show Megatron.
Megatron welcomed Shockwave into the Nemesis Crew, giving him the position of "Chief of Scientific Endeavors" and an equal rank to Starscream as his second-in-command, sparking a rivalry between the two. Shockwave impressed Megatron by showing off his creation, Predaking.
After the destruction of the Decepticon's fortress Darkmount, Megatron had Shockwave restart Project Predacon, a plan by the Decepticons to clone an army of Predacon warriors. However, after discovering that Predaking had evolved to the point where he possessed intelligence and the ability to transform, Megatron ordered Shockwave to cancel the project. In order to keep Predaking from turning on them, the Decepticons lured the Autobots to Shockwave's underground laboratory, where they destroyed the tanks holding the developing Predacon clones. As the Decepticons baited the Autobots with fresh Energon, Shockwave lured in Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus into his Project Predacon lab located inside a cave. Wheeljack then used a grenade to destroy the Predacon clones.
The explosion from the destruction of the tanks resulted in the creation of pure cybermatter, which the Decepticons planned to use to rebuild the Omega Lock. Starscream, who angrily dislikes how the Decepticons always listen to Shockwave's advice, complains he isn't too fond of a "Shockwave plan coming along". Upon hearing this, Shockwave grabs Starscream by the head and threatens to pierce Scream with a metallic spike berating Scream for not telling him about the Autobots coming, thus not giving him time to gather up all his valuable chemicals. Starscream lies he did not intentionally abandon Shockwave at the mercy of the Autobots but instead he miscalculated when the Autobots would arrive and so he caused the "happy accident", and Shockwave relented.
With help from the captured Autobot scientist Ratchet, Shockwave rebuilt the Omega Lock and prepared to use it to cyberform Earth. He participated in the final battle between the Decepticons and the Autobots when they invaded the Nemesis to stop the 'Cons from firing the Lock. After Megatron was killed, Shockwave retreated with Starscream inside a tiny escape pod. Since the pod was only big enough for one of them, Starscream complains Shockwave is cramming him and Shockwave asks if he's going to whine for the rest of the trip.
Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising[]
On a revived Cybertron, Starscream and Shockwave restarted Project Predacon, hoping to clone an army of Predacons to oppose the Autobots. The first two Predacons they created were Darksteel and Skylynx. Starscream asks Shockwave why it is they've only made 2 Predacons so far, and Shockwave answers they need to frequently relocate and move onto different labs to avoid detection.
Shockwave was later called by Starscream after he discovered a burial ground full of Predacon bones. However, they were confronted by Unicron in Megatron's body, who used his powers to revive the Predacons, horrifying even Shockwave, and sent them to attack the Decepticons. Starscream, Darksteel and Skylynx used their flight to escape while Shockwave was swarmed by Predacon zombies.
Shockwave somehow survived and later found Predaking, Darksteel and Skylynx after the former proved his superiority over the others and advised the three to work together to help the Autobots stop Unicron. What became of Shockwave after Unicron's imprisonment and Megatron's renouncement of the Deception cause is unknown. But assumed highly presumed that Shockwave remained in his lab and stay in Cybertron.
List of Victims[]
- Numerous counts of unnamed Autobots in the war
- Several zombified Predacon skeletons
“ | I invented the Cortical Psychic Patch. I am familiar with its idiosyncrasies. | „ |
~ Shockwave to Starscream. |
“ | Trust me. You, in fact, cannot. | „ |
~ Shockwave to Wheeljack when using the Cortical Psychic Patch. |
“ | That is logical. | „ |
~ Shockwave's common refrain to reflect acceptance of an idea. |
- Shockwave's robot form is based on his G1 counterpart while his vehicle mode is based on his movie counterpart.
- Though Shockwave does not appear in War For Cybertron's campaign, he does make an appearance in multiplayer. In a promo commercial for the character, Shockwave is placed as the commander of the Decepticons as Megatron retreats from the battlefield. Shockwave, now the leader of the tyrannical military, orders Soundwave to play Stan Bush's The Touch, famously known for being the iconic theme where Optimus Prime plows through armies of Decepticons and guns down Megatron. Starscream, annoyed, questions why they of all songs must blare that one, and Soundwave answers by saying when he's the commander, he can pick battle soundtrack.
- The writers of Transformers: Prime initially had no plans for Shockwave following his debut in the series as they were unsure what to do with him, before eventually deciding to incorporate him as one of the main antagonists in the final season.
- Out of all the Decepticon commanders, Shockwave is the only one whose status is unknown. As by the time Robots in Disguise ended, Starscream and Soundwave had been imprisoned, while Megatron had gone into exile.
External Links[]
- Shockwave on the Magnificent Baddie Wiki