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NOTE: This article is about the Shredder from the 2014/16 live-action TMNT films. For the iteration from the 1990/91 live-action films, see Shredder (TMNT Movie). |
“ | Tonight I dine on turtle soup. | „ |
~ The Shredder in Japanese. |
Oroku Saki (in Japanese: 咲オロク), also known as the Shredder, is the main antagonist of Paramount's live-action/animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film series. He is the leader of the Foot Clan and the archenemy of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
In the first film, he was portrayed by Tohoru Masamune. In Out of the Shadows, he was portrayed by Brian Tee, who also played DK Takashi in The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.
Early life[]
The Shredder, born Oroku Saki, has an unknown history. However, it is known that he adopted and raised Eric Sacks after the latter's father perished in the Vietnam War. At some point, the Shredder attained a great degree of power in the Foot Clan, becoming its supreme leader. Under his leadership, the Foot terrorized New York under a hidden base.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles[]
Getting the New Armor[]
The Shredder is first seen unarmored and unmasked, beating up a Foot soldier with his hands tied up. When Karai approaches him and informs him of a mysterious vigilante fighting back against the Foot, he orders her to lure in the vigilante. When April O'Neil confides with Sacks the existence of the Turtles, he informs the Shredder of just who is opposing the Foot. Realizing that the Turtles are the same ones he used to operate on with O'Neil's father and are needed to complete the Foot's master plan, Sacks designs a suit of armor for the Shredder.
First Confrontation with The Turtles and Battling Splinter[]
“ | All these years, I have been seeking to recreate the mutagen, and you.....you were just hiding it from me. | „ |
~ The Shredder before battling Master Splinter. |
The Shredder arrives at the Turtles' lair and easily defeats them before engaging Master Splinter. Splinter puts up a decent duel with the Shredder despite being self-taught, but eventually, the Shredder defeats Splinter.
With Splinter defeated, the Shredder orders the Turtles to surrender or he'll kill their father. They reluctantly comply and Shredder captures the Turtles (excluding Raphael) and takes his leave.
Battling with Raphael and Escape of The Turtles[]
After the first battle with Shredder and Splinter's defeat, Raphael joins up with April and her cameraman Vern Fenwick to rescue the Turtles. Sacks reveals Shredder's plan to spread over the entire city the toxic gas and to poison the entire city's civilians in order to rule the city and later, Sacks will save everyone with an antidote that is made from the mutagen and Shredder and Sacks will be powerful and rich. Raphael arrives to Sacks' mansion, where the other Turtles are imprisoned, and duels the Shredder, only to be defeated. The Shredder makes his getaway with Sacks.
Final Fight with the Turtles on Sacks Industries Tower and Defeat[]
“ | That belongs to me! | „ |
~ Shredder attacking April during the final battle. |
Later, the Shredder arrives to the Sacks Industries building rooftop to spread the toxic gas, only for the Turtles to arrive and fight him. They begin to triumph over him with a variant of their childhood "Buck Buck" game. After Sacks's defeat, April arrives to engage the Shredder, who attacks her and takes the mutagen for himself. Later, as the satellite tower on the building is collapsing and the gas's release is halted, the Shredder throws one of his own blades to the Turtles and O'Neil, but Leonardo throws the blade to the Shredder and wounds him. April kicks the Shredder's head and makes him fall to his defeat. As he lies defeated, the Shredder grasps a small vial of mutagen.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows[]
The Shredder returns in this film as the secondary antagonist. When an imprisoned Shredder is transferred by Casey Jones, the Foot Clan, operating under the direction of a scientist named Baxter Stockman, attacks the convoy transporting him. The Turtles, tipped off to the escape attempt by April O'Neil, fend them off. While Stockman is still able to aid the Shredder's escape using a teleportation device, it is hijacked mid-teleport and Shredder winds up in an another dimension. There, he meets the alien warlord Krang, who tells Shredder about his plans to invade and rule the world and gives him a mutagenic compound in exchange for his promise to find three components of a machine that Krang sent to Earth years ago, which when united will open a portal to his dimension. Shredder, wanting revenge, agrees without considering the consequences.
The Shredder then recruits the two criminals that were transported alongside him in the convoy, Bebop and Rocksteady, and has scientist Stockman use Krang's mutagen on Bebop and Rocksteady to transform them into powerful animal mutants (a warthog and rhinoceros).
At the end, after Bebop and Rocksteady find the last component, Shredder and Stockman complete the portal device and opens the gateway to Krang's dimension, through which his modular war machine, the Technodrome, begins to emerge. After Shredder has Stockman taken away, Krang then immediately betrays Shredder. Enraged, Shredder brandishes his retractable blades to attack, but Krang freezes him and locks him away with his collection of defeated foes.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Peak Human Conditioning: Thanks to his training regiment to become one of most formidable members of Foot Clan, Oroku Saki has honed his body up to peak human levels. Although how well he fared against the turtles without his powered armor remained to be seen, it's certain that he could handle them or the likes of Krang just fine, even for a short amount of time at least thus why Krang deliberately recruited him as a vital pawn to his scheme in addition of his status.
- Master Combatant: As expected from being the leader of Foot Clan, Oroku Saki is a highly skilled ninja and warrior with or without his powered armor.
- "Master Martial Artist': Oroku Saki excelled in hand-to-hand combat techniques known to Foot Clan.
- Tekkō-Kagi Mastery: As with his other incarnations, Oroku Saki was highly skilled with his signature Tekkō-Kagi (claw-like Japanese melee weapon). He notably employed some of his powered armor's launched swords as makeshift Tekkō-Kagi which has greater attack range than regular ones in both of his armor sets.
- Throwing Weapon Mastery: Oroku Saki was extremely proficient with throwing weapons as demonstrated with his powered armor's launched swords.
- Double-Bladed Sword Mastery: Oroku Saki was no slouch with a double-bladed sword as demonstrated when he employed one against the turtles during their final battle in the first film which formed out of two of his powered armor's launched swords.
“ | Fortunately, our engineers have been making great progress in refining the robotics in your armor. We're taking it to the next level, bridging the gap between ancient tradition and modern warfare. | „ |
~ Sacks to Shredder as he introduced the latter his first armor which designed to complement his combat capabilities as much as enhancing them. |
- Shredder's Armor: As with his other iterations, Oroku Saki donned a customized suit of armor complete with kabuto helmet. He had two variant of his personal armor set:
- Version 1: A powered armor developed by Sacks Industries. In addition of bodily protection and life-support systems which saved his life after falling from the top of Sacks Industries' building rooftop, it enhanced his already remarkable combat abilities to superhuman levels and outfitted with a pair of Tekkō-Kagi and thrown swords which can be either called back or deployed via magnetism.
- Version 2: A variant as seen in Out of The Shadows. Consisted of kevlar full body suit, a customized kabuto helmet with mask, and gauntlet with retractable claws.
“ | I don't believe in fairy tales. | „ |
~ The Shredder to Karai about the TMNT. |
“ | All these years, I have been seeking to recreate the mutagen, and you.....you just handed it to me. | „ |
~ Shredder to Splinter before they fight in the Turtles' lair. |
“ | Your sons? You think you are their father?! | „ |
~ The Shredder mocking Master Splinter. |
“ | You stupid little girl!! | „ |
~ The Shredder cursing April O'Neil after being stabbed by her in the back with Raphael's sai. |
“ | I'll be a god. You'll be what you always been. (Stockman: What's that?) A foot note. (Stockman: No.) Take him to a facility in Tokyo. | „ |
~ The Shredder betraying Baxter Stockman. |
“ | YOU BETRAYED ME!!! | „ |
~ The Shredder's last words confronting Krang for using him before being frozen. |
- In an early 2012 draft of the script called "The Blue Door", the Shredder was instead a military man known as "Colonel Schradder" and was revealed later on to be a yellow-skinned, red-eyed alien with the ability to sprout spikes. William Fichtner was slated to play a Caucasian incarnation of the Shredder with his name, Eric Sacks, being an Anglicized version of the Shredder's real name, Oroku Saki. However, fan backlash resulted in making the Shredder Japanese and Sacks his apprentice in last-minute reshoots.
- In the 2014 3DS video game, Eric Sacks is the Shredder, likely due to the game being in development prior to the last-minute change of the script.
- Tohoru Masamune was to reprise the role in Out of the Shadows before Brian Tee took over.
- Since the Shredder was last seen with some mutagen, it is possible that the mutagen made him look younger, hence his recasting in Out of the Shadows.
- The Shredder's real name is never spoken out loud. However, his prison report in Out of the Shadows identifies him as Oroku Saki.
- This version of the Shredder (as seen in Out of the Shadows) is the first incarnation of the character to be seen with a beard.
External Links[]
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