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Villain Overview

Roxxon. We're here for you.
~ Krieger's tagline for Roxxon.
Industrial sabotage, Rick, really? No one is going to care about some sick people uptown or a dead engineer. You're just the cost of doing business.
~ Krieger showing his true colors before murdering Rick Mason.

Simon Krieger is the overarching antagonist of the 2020 action-adventure superhero video game Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the second instalment in Insomniac's Marvel's Spider-Man series.

He is the head of research and development at Roxxon, an energy corporation with a presence throughout New York City. Though Krieger at first appears as an affable and energetic individual, he reveals himself to be a greedy and callous businessman who's seeking profit at the cost of the community in Harlem. He is Insomniac Games' counterpart of Simon Krieger from Earth-616 universe, an enemy of Iron Man.

He is voiced and motion captured by Troy Baker, who also voiced Joel Miller in The Last of Us, Higgs in Death Standing, Captain Grime in Amphibia, Magni in God of War (2018), Jason Todd in Batman: Arkham Knight, Erron Black in the Mortal Kombat series, Pagan Min in Far Cry 4, Delsin Rowe in inFamous: Second Son and the Joker in Batman: Arkham Origins and Batman: Assault on Arkham.



Simon Krieger was in charge of Roxxon's Nuform clean energy project, which was meant to provide a clean energy source that could power a city for hundreds of years. However, Nuform was revealed to be harmful, causing life-threatening symptoms such as bone marrow decay. Most members in the development team for Nuform became sick from exposure, including Rick Mason, the actual creator of the energy. When Rick discovered that the energy had dangerous side effects, Simon dismissed his warnings and pushed forward for Nuform's implementation. To silence this being leaked, he ruthlessly bullied his underlings into staying quiet and even took employee phones under the guise of protecting "informational security."

Rick would team up with his sister Phin in an attempt to sabotage the Nuform Reactor and stop the production of the energy source. However, Simon was already aware of their presence when they tried to execute their plan and caused Rick's death by trapping him inside the sabotaged reactor, which exploded soon after. Phin escaped and vowed to avenge her brother and stop Roxxon at all costs. Eventually, Krieger decided to build a new Plaza in Harlem and the first Nuform reactor since "no one is going to care about some sick people uptown" but disguised his intentions as reviving a poor and destitute area.

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales[]

Simon and his team arrive at the energy plant where the two Spider-Men fight Rhino, and the younger Spider-Man (Miles Morales) wins against the supervillain. As his team apprehends Rhino, Simon congratulates the duo for defeating him and introduces himself. He thanks Miles specifically for wrapping things up by himself, stating that the kid has great potential.

Despite this, Krieger later blames Miles for the destruction of the bridge and orders his security to either execute or apprehend him. During the course of the game, Krieger then makes a deal with the Prowler to gain information on Spider-Man and the Tinkerer, and doesn't know that the Prowler is Miles' uncle, Aaron. When Rhino successfully captures them, Krieger attempts to unmask Miles, but is unsuccessful as he is shocked by his Venom powers, protecting Miles' identity but much to Krieger's amazement. Krieger then orders his men to torture both Miles and Phin to get information out of them and speaks to Prowler, who is angered that he went back on their deal. As Prowler threatens to expose Krieger's crimes, he tauntingly reminds Prowler that, if he exposes him, he would be in jail too for his past crimes, and that Prowler is too much of a coward to let that happen.

Krieger later appears when Spider-Man and the Tinkerer are fighting atop Roxxon Plaza Tower, speaking to the two and stating that the destruction of the plaza will only gain Roxxon sympathy as the victims of a terrorist attack, as well as a massive insurance payout. He also declares that in the event that Harlem is destroyed, Roxxon will be able to rebuild the entire district in their image, which he christens "Roxxon City". The Tinkerer and Spider-Man battle until the two stop the reactor, with Phin sacrificing herself to allow Miles to let the energy out into the sky. After the incident, Aaron turns himself to the police and agrees to testify against Kreiger in exchange for a reduced sentence, resulting in Krieger's arrest a month later. As he is taken away, he protests his situation by claiming the leaks are deep fakes and says the cops are making a mistake; yelling that he will "own them." However, his threats are ignored as he is placed into a police car.

According to Danika Heart, to avoid complicity in Simon Krieger's crimes, Roxxon releases all of Krieger's data and documents, which reveals the extent of his corruption; ensuring that Krieger will spend the rest of his life behind bars.


Roxxon Security: The leak didn't come from my team. We didn't know Nuform makes people sick.
Krieger: I'm gonna let you rephrase that.
Roxxon Security: We didn't know about the baseless rumor.
Krieger: Thank you. Now, turn of the mics and let's talk about how we contain this.
~ Simon Krieger confronting a member of Roxxon Security.

Simon Krieger has a charming and affable demeanor, almost always displaying a great deal of poise. However, behind his public persona is a ruthless and cunning sociopath obsessed with power and money. Krieger is shown to be rather obnoxious, arrogant, and narcissistic. He is incredibly insulting to anyone whom he feels is beneath him and taunts people whenever he feels he has the upper hand.

Krieger is also shown to have a quirky and nerdy part to his personality as well, such as being impressed and excited by Miles' electrical powers, though he does say that he is excited by the monetary gains he would achieve by exploiting Miles' power. He's also shown to be smarter than he looks, as he had the foresight to make adjustments to the Nuform reactor so that if Phin tried to destroy it, it would level much of Harlem. He also planned ahead as to what would happen if his reactor destroyed Roxxon Plaza along with Harlem, intending to frame Spider-Man and Tinkerer’s fight as a terrorist attack in order to gain back the public’s support and rebuild Roxxon to be even stronger.

When defeated, Krieger had a breakdown as he protested that he was being set up and called the accusations false; even when the police officers refused to accept this, Krieger angrily threatens the cops that he would have their jobs.

Skills and Abilities[]

  • Charisma: Simon Krieger is a naturally charismatic person and a great salesman, being able to pitch Nuform and excite many people as well as contain the "false accusations."
  • Manipulation: Simon Krieger is an extremely skilled manipulator, being able to convince people not to reveal Nuform's dangerous true nature as well as keep the Prowler from turning on him (for a time) by reminding him of his selfishness.


Guys. Wow. Just... wow. Simon Krieger. Head of R&D at Roxxon Energy. Pleasure to meet you.
~ Simon Krieger's first words when meeting the Spider-Men after Rhino's defeat.
Harlem is crumbling. Old buildings and old infrastructure. Roxxon Plaza is the keystone to our effort to revitalize Harlem. Powered by a revolutionary Nuform Reactor, the Plaza will take Harlem off the grid and into the 21st Century. We're not stopping there. Updates to transportation and the redevelopment of local businesses mean that soon, Harlem's going to be the envy of all New York. Roxxon. We're here for you.
~ Krieger's pitch for Nuform.
Hey Roxxon, there is a... Rumor going around Nuform makes our people sick. Now, c'mon guys. Of course that's not what's happening, and if it were, we would take care of you. Without you, nothing gets made; no Nuform, no Plaza, and no future. I gotta tell you guys, that future right now is at risk. So before you decide to spread what's really a malicious lie, think again. We cool? Remember: we're here for you.
~ One of Krieger's voice memos.
Dear Roxxon employees, as thanks for your hard work, we put together a little gift package. Get ready to look cool in some killer Roxxon swags. Oh, wait until you guys see these sunglasses. Uh, we got tickets to our holiday gala and... You've been waiting for it... Complimentary enrolment into our coaching program. Soon. Hey, maybe I'll see you in class. Remember: we're here for you.
~ Another of Krieger's voice memos.
Roxxon rockstars! How cool does it feel to be building the future every single day? Huh? Well, it'll feel a whole lot less cool if we get shut down because of an ill-timed leak. Information security is vital to our survival. So, from here on out, I'll need all employees to surrender phones, laptops, any communication devices upon entry. Cool? Good. Remember: we're here for you.
~ Krieger's third voice memo.
Roxxon Security: Sir, the police are asking about Rhino. What do we tell them?
Krieger: Our man at the Raft is setting up a special "work release program." Tell the police Rhino's doing... a little community service.
~ Krieger's lie about Rhino.
We need an outside partner to track Tinkerer and Spider-Man for us. Tombstone's off the grid, Black Cat's gone straight... Ish. What about the guy in purple? What did he go by? What was his name? Oh oh, yeah. Yeah, he'll do.
~ Krieger about Roxxon's independent contractors.
I know he says he wants out of that suit but let's face it; the metal onesie is the only reason anyone gives a damn about him. Just upgrade his armor. If we help him smash Kid-Spider, he'll forget all about wanting out.
~ Krieger about Rhino in a voice memo.
Oh, hey, battle royale. My favorite. Uh, just wanted to chime in to let you know, so you don't worry: we're going to be just fine if this building blows. Hell, we'll be fine if all of Harlem blows. I mean do you have any idea what kind of insurance we've got? Oh, and the optics of being the victims of a terrorist attack? Forget Roxxon Plaza. Coming soon: Roxxon City. Alright, later kids.
~ Krieger to Spider-Man and the Tinkerer on his intention to have Harlem destroyed.
C'mon, those are clearly deep fakes! They're deep fakes! You understand me? Do you have any idea who I am? I will own you! I will- Ow! I will own you! Do you hear me?! Gah!
~ Simon Krieger's last words as he was arrested.

External Link[]


          Marvel 27s Spider-Man logo Villains

Oscorp Industries
Norman Osborn | Lizard | Harry Osborn

Kingpin's Criminal Empire

Inner Demons
Mister Negative

Silver Sable International
Silver Sable

Sinister Six
Doctor Octopus | Mister Negative | Electro | Vulture | Rhino | Scorpion

The Underground

Roxxon Energy Corporation
Simon Krieger | Prowler | Rhino

Venom | Scream

Kraven the Hunter | Grizzly

Mysterio | Betsy Scheider | Cole Wittman

Darren Shipman's Gang
Darren Shipman | Louis

Cult of the Flame

Andy | Black Cat | Blood Spider | Chameleon | Haley Harvey | Hammerhead | Prisoners | Sandman | Screwball | Shocker | Street thugs | Swarm | Tarantula | Taskmaster | Tombstone | Walter Hardy | Yuriko Watanabe

See Also
Spider-Man Villains
