“ | Dang it! Somebody help me! Why you... I'm gonna climb this... | „ |
~ Skate Mask's final words before death. |
Skate Mask (スケート仮面 Sukēto Kamen, 79) is the final independent Masked Monster of the Black Cross Army.
He is voiced by Eiji Maruyama.
The Skate Mask made his first appearance at an industrial site where he introduce himself to Tsuyoshi. He asked him if he works with the woman at the scene of the murder which the Skate Mask denies. He has his ninja Corps to hold Tsuyoshi in place as he began to whip him. Thankfully Tsuyoshi set his bike on autopilot as it plows through the Zolders as well as freeing Tsuyoshi from the ice. So with that he transformed as Akarenger as fought off the Ninja Corps and then used his Red Hunter to fling the Skate Mask to industrial pipe, but before he retreats the Skate Mask warns him that he'll surely turn him (as well as his teammates) into dry bones (and no not the skeletal turtles from the Mario games). And with that he escapes the area through a pipe.
In a flashback, Tsuyoshi has recalled of what the Skate Mask has said to him "Remember it, Akarenger, I'm surely going to transform you into Dry Bones!".
Back at HQ the Skate Mask has received a call from Black Shadow 9 as she told him that the Gorengers has given up the chase on her. Which the Skate Mask was very happy to hear. So with that he told the assassin to proceed with the operation of eliminating the Gorengers which she happily obliges. He then told his boss about his plan which makes him very surprise. His boss asked him how to do it which he happily obliges as he secretly done some research and has finally perfected his poisonous gas.
After investigating and discovering Black Shadow 9's plan, she was killed by the Skate Mask for failing her assignment which leaves him to face off against the Gorengers. The team ultimately use a hockey-inspired Gorenger Hurricane to become a massive snowball as the Skate Mask climbs to the top of it, but then falls down and explodes.