“ | Although he considers himself a "sportsman," SkekMal is nothing more than a brutal hunter. The wildest of the Skeksis, he frightens even his own kind. He uses all manner of traps and bears a scar across his face. Lightning fast, he can actually dodge arrows and disappear into the trees in front of him. And whatever he catches… he generally eats. Although most Gelfling clans do not know SkekMal, they know the legend of "the Hunter" and they know that no one has ever escaped alive. SkekMal uses a 'spirit-like' mask to conceal his true identity. | „ |
~ The Gelfling Gathering |
“ | Poor SkekSil. Still consumed by petty squabbles. When will you learn? Only the hunt matters. | „ |
~ SkekMal to SkekSil. |
SkekMal is a major antagonist in The Dark Crystal franchise. He is the Skeksis hunter and his Mystic counterpart is UrVa the Archer. He is also Rian and Kylan's arch-nemesis.
He is performed by Kevin Clash and Nick Kellington, with Ralph Ineson providing his voice; Ineson also portrayed Dagmer from Game of Thrones, Ralf in First Knight, and Chris Finch from the UK version of The Office.
“ | SkekMal is always the most beautiful of you shriveled lot. | „ |
~ Aughra about SkekMal while the latter is comatose. |
SkekMal wears a skull mask to conceal what is said to be a scar across his face. In the prequel series, unlike the other Skeksis who wore heavy robes, he is shown to don tattered red and dark navy light clothing with bone parts worn as armor on the chest, knees, and back.
SkekMal is shown to be a self-serving, relentless, independent, and sadistic rogue who thrives for the hunt, taking pride in being the strongest, fastest, and most athletic of the Skeksis.
In the prequel series, SkekMal’s brutal enough that most of his own species are terrorized by even the idea of him, let alone summoning the Hunter. He doesn’t appear to consider himself bound by Skeksis law, as SkekMal can freely threatening them if they get in his way of acquiring his targets. He resents the other Skeksis for their indulgent luxurious-like lifestyle, considering them petty, weak, and growing weaker.
It is heavily implied that he refused to pursue any creature he considers too ‘weak’ and it's considered an insult to him, as when SkekSil requests the Hunter to capture a Gelfling, the latter felt disgusted by it.
Despite all that, the Emperor SkekSo seems to hold him in high esteem, keeping a horn dedicated to calling him back from his endless hunt, something that the Chamberlain would later use to summon SkekMal.
Like the rest of his kind, SkekMal was once an UrSkek whose light and dark halves were separated in to two entities during the Great Division. His UrRu or Mystic counterpart was the Archer, UrVa. At some point following the historical event and the banishment of the UrRu, SkekMal, who did not see eye to eye with his brethren left the Castle of the Crystal and established his main hunting grounds in the Endless Forest. In the years that followed, SkekMal sought out and slew the might beasts of Thra, though he was occasionally called upon by the other Skesis to hunt down their enemies. These exploits earnt him the title of the Hunter.
Although the Endless Forest was his main ground, SkekMal did evidently travel to other lands in search of worthy opponents/quary. From a conversation he had with the Dousan Gelfling Rek'yr, it is clear that the Hunter visited the Crystal Desert on at least one occassion. However, Rek'yr considered SkekMal's technique and style to be barbaric and for this reason vowed to never accompany him again. According to Shadows of the Dark Crystal, SkekMal was the one responsible for murdering the parents of a Spriton Gelfling named Kylan, rendering the latter to an orphan.
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance[]
The Chamberlain's Request[]
“ | Chamberlain. ... What is my prey? | „ |
~ SkekMal's introduction to the series. |
Following several years of absence, SkekMal was summoned to the Castle by the Chamberlain SkekSil, much to the unease and horror of the other Skeksis. The two Skeksis met in the Crystal Chamber, with SkekMal demanding to know what his new “prey” was. SkekSil tasked him to capture the Gelfling Rian (one of the three main protagonists). Upon hearing this the Hunter was disgusted and feeling insulted, he prepared to leave not caring one bit about the Chamberlains humiliation at the hands of the General SkekVar. However, SkekSil was soon able to regain the Hunter's interest. He informed his fellow Skeksis that Rian was a thief and a fugitive who had stood up to his overlords and survived.
Realising that this Gelfling was, as the Chamberlains described "no ordinary prey", SkekMal stormed back into the room and demanded to know more. His fellow Skeksis told him that the Gelfling was a thief and dissenter, whose lies threatened the rule and very existence of all the Skeksis. Holding out a strip of cloth taken from Rian's clothing, the Chamberlain made it very clear that the Gelfing's death would be very beneficial to all concerned. Taking the strip, SkekMal accepted the request, promising to take Rian's lying tongue. With that he departed, ready to begin the new hunt.
Capturing Rian[]
Following an extensive search, SkekMal managed to track down Rian and his father, Ordon by following their footprints. He proceeded to chase the pair down. Since Rian was his main quarry, SkekMal focused upon him, eventually cornering the Stonewood Gelfing at the edge of a pit of gobbles. A brief duel ensues, with SkekMal attempting to push the Gelfling into the pit. Rian however managed to hold his ground, allowing his father an opportunity to strike SkekMal from above, damaging the Skeksis skull mask. Enraged, but welcoming the challenge, Skekmal drew his second pair blades, using all four of his arms in combat. The two Gelfling fought bravely, earning the Hunter's respect but in the end, it was SkekMal who emerged victorious. With a decisive kick, he knocked the two Gelfling off their feet, causing their swords to fall into the pit of gobbles.
Thinking that he had won, SkekMal sheathed three of his blades, before charging in to claim his prize. However, Ordon refused to let his son be taken like this. In a heroic act of self-sacrifice, the Captain of the Royal Guards jumped the Hunter from behind, knocking him off balance. Landing upon the gobbles, the Skeksis and the Gelfling were overwhelmed by the creatures. Keeping a firm hold upon his opponent, SkekMal and Ordon were ensnared and dragged underground by the gobblers. Having apparently been consumed by the plants, the distraught Rian, Deet, and Hup believed the Hunter and Ordon to be dead.
Unfortunately, this was not the case and only Ordon perished that day. A moment after consuming its prey, a great gurgling sound came from the pit, which split open a second later. Like a carnivore pouncing on its prey, the completely unharmed SkekMal leapt out of the pit, seized a hold of Rian and carried him off into the canopy. The completely horrified Deet and Hup could do nothing but watch as their friend was dragged away to his doom.
Encounter at the Circle of the Sun[]
“ | The Gelfling you transported, where are they? Talk! | „ |
~ SkekMal to Rek'yr, as he renews his hunt for Rian. |
With his mission complete, SkekMal took Rian to a secluded area of the woods. After hanging the Gelfling upside down from one of the branches, SkekMal set about sharpening one of his blades, waiting for his victim to regain consciousness. When Rian finally woke up, the Hunter prepared to kill him. Pointing to the various skulls that covered his clothing, SkekMal said that he would do what he did at the end of every hunt: claim the Gelfling’s skull as a trophy, adding his strength to those of his other victims. A split second before he could do so however, a voice interrupted him. It was SkekSil.
The Chamberlain insisted that Rian had to be taken back alive, so that SkekSo, the Skeksis Emperor, would give the former back his seat at the Emperor's side. SkekMal scoffed at SkekSils desire for “hunting” after a chair, though the latter is quick to correct that he hunts after power. The Hunter eventually handed Rian over to the Chamberlain, but very reluctantly. As part of the condition, he demanded that the Gelfling be brought back to him so that he could claim his prize. SkekSil agreed to this but unfortunately, with a bit of help from his friends Rian managed to escape him.
Following Rian's escape from the Chamberlain, he and the rest of his group fled towards the Circle of the Suns in the Crystal Sea. Unfortunately, they were spotted by SkekMal who, having deemed Rian a worthy quarry, followed in their direction. Witnessing the group sail across the desert atop of a flying creature, SkekMal, who had evidently been to the desert before, knew who that creature belonged to. Seeking out the Dousan Gelfling, he eventually found his former associate Rek'yr, alongside two of his clansmen.
SkekMal demanded that Rek'yr tell him the location of his quarry, but the Dousan refused him, even when SkekMal drew his blade and threatened to cut him to pieces if he did not cooperate. Irritated, SkekMal responded to this defiance by throwing one of Rek'yr's associates off of the cliff, but the leader of the Dousan refused to yield, declaring that he would rather die than aid the Hunter. Unfortunately, Rek'yr's remaining companion was not so resolute, and she revealed that they had taken Rian to the Circle of the Sun. Having gotten the information he wanted, SkekMal knocked Rek'yr unconscious, before forcing the remaining Gelfling to take him to his prey.
Upon reaching the Circle, the Hunter attacked his fellow Skeksis, the exiled SkekGra, with a throwing knife, injuring him and his UrRu counterpart UrGoh. The Hunter proceeded to knock out the Podling Hup, noting his efforts of defiance were cute, before disarming Rian. After mocking the Stonewood Gelfling about the death of his father, SkekMal prepared to finally claim his prize. At that precise moment however, something struck him in the shoulder, making the Hunter stagger. Wheeling around, the others noticed another Mystic standing in the background, it was SkekMal's counterpart UrVa.
Sent by Aughra, the Mystic Archer declared that he would allow his counterpart to succeed. He fires two more arrows into SkekMal, injuring him severely. Unfortunately, this attack was a double-edged sword. Since they two parts of the same person, UrVa felt the same amount of pain that SkekMal did, but also reminded him that due to their connection, the Skeksis could not kill him without injuring himself. Despite this setback, SkekMal refused to admit defeat. Since he could not get Rian, the Hunter captured his companion Brea instead. Certain that Rian would come after his friend, SkekMal fled the battle atop the Dousan's flying beast and retreated back to the Castle of the Crystal, placing Brea in a cage.
Although SkekMal managed to bring Brea to his fellow Skeksis, the injuries that he had sustained at the Circle of the Sun severely weakened him. Although UrVa had passed out after the final arrow was fired, SkekMal was able to retain consciousness for a while longer, possibly due to a higher pain tolerance. By the time he reached the Castle however, the effects of his injuries were apparent. The Hunter was weak, barely able to stand up and had difficulty breathing. Forced to drag Brea's cage along the floor, SkekMal eventually managed to reach a location that he had not entered for many years, the throne room.
The rest of his brethren were shocked by his presence, but even more unnerved by his condition. Releasing the chain connected to the cage, SkekMal staggered forward a few more steps, before falling to his knees with a loud groan. As the rest of the group gathered around him, SkekEkt the Ornamentalist cautiously tapped SkekMal's shoulder. To the rest of his kins horror, the Hunter fell forwards and lay motionless. SkekTek the Scientist confirmed that SkekMal was alive for the time being and brought him down to his laboratory for further treatment.
Unfortunately, the Scientists examination confirmed that SkekMal's injuries were both horrific and extensive. He declared that it was only a matter of time before the Hunter died. The rest of the Skeksis were horrified by this diagnosis and even more rattled by the implications. If somebody could do this to the strongest member of their race, then it meant that anyone of them could be next. Enraged, SkekSo the Emperor ordered SkekTek to treat SkekMal with as much of the Gelfling essence as necessary to revive their fallen kinsman. The Scientist did as instructed, but despite using every drop of essence in their stores, SkekMal's condition did not improve.
In response to this, SkekSo threatened to capture every Gefling from Stone-In-The-Wood, bring them back to the Castle and drain them, so that their essence could be feed to SkekMal. However, Mother Aughra offered herself up as a sacrifice instead. Recognising the benefit of using the essence of the woman who was the very embodiment of Thra, SkekTek drained Aughra and fed her essence to the Hunter. Unfortunately for the Skeksis, whilst the procedure did temporarily revive SkekMal, following Aughra's death, SkekTek, much to SkekSo's fury was proclaimed that the Hunter was dead.
SkekZok the Ritual Master was summoned, but since no Skeksis had died in over a thousand years, he did not have any idea on what to do for a service. After conversing with SkekVar, SkekLach and SkekSil about the Arathim's defection and plans to build a new army to combat the Gelfling threat, the Emperor came up with an idea on what to do with SkekMal.
The Hunters corpse was brought up to the throne room, where his fellow Skesis proceeded to do up the body. Dressing him in their best battle armor, which included a new helmet, they applied make up to SkekMal's face to give off the appearance that he was alive. Finally, they affixed his body to several suspension ropes, which were hung from a frame. This way, as SkekSo put it, the Hunter could rule alongside the rest of his kin forever. After learning that Rian had claimed the Dual Glave, the one weapon that could end the Skeksis rule over Thra, SkekSo declared war upon the Gefling and for the first time in many years, led his people out to deal with the threat.
The sole exception to this was SkekTek. Though the Scientist wanted to fight, the Emperor commanded him to remain behind and continue with the project SkekSo had assigned him. Enraged by this, SkekTek went to the throne room, where he proceeded to drown his sorrows and mistreat the Podling servants. He was distracted from his rage, when the Hunter's corpse twitched suddenly. Curious, the Scientist approached his apparently dead brother and called out to him. A moment later, the Hunter's eyes shot wide open, and he unleashed a roar of anger.
Now alive, SkekMal wrenched himself free of the contraption before the Hunter demanded to know the location of his quarry Rian. SkekTek notified him of the Gelfling Rebellion at Stone-In-The-Wood and how the other Skeksis had gone off to deal with the uprising. Hearing the news, SkekMal chastised the Scientist for remaining behind. Ignoring the latter's insistence that he had only remained behind at the Emperor's request, the Hunter left the Castle ready to resume the hunt once more.
What SkekMal did not know however was that another individual also awakened, albeit temporarily following his revival. This person saw through the eyes of his counterpart and became aware of his intentions. Unfortunately, UrVa was still too weak to do anything but even so, this temporary bonding would prove to be SkekMal's undoing.
“ | Archer, what have ... you ... DONE?! | „ |
~ The last words of SkekMal the Hunter |
At Stone-In-The-Wood, the Gelfling resistance, led by Rian put up a fierce resistance against their former overlords. After injuring the General SkekVar, Rian and his forces were engaged by the remaining Skeksis, with both sides managing to hold their own. With the Dual Glave in his hands, Rian eventually took on Emperor SkekSo and SkekZok the Ritual Master. Before a winner could be decided however, a shadowy figure snatched up the Gelfling and carried him off. It was SkekMal!
Having run all the way from the Castle, the Hunter quickly made his presence known. After throwing his enemy across the ground, SkekMal grabbed ahold of the battered and winded Gefling, holding him up for all to see. The battle was temporarily halted as the surviving Gelfling and Skeksis stared on at the spectacle in front of the. To the horror of the Gelfling, SkekMal proceeded to not only restrain their leader, but snatch up the Dual Glave and snap it with his bare hands. The Skeksis meanwhile watched on in elation. Not only had the symbol of Gelfling defiance been eliminated, but SkekMal, their comrade was alive once again.
With the Gelfling that had defied him for so long finally in his grasp, the Hunter held him aloft and proclaimed his victory. The Skeksis proclaimed that he had conquered death and had returned more powerful than ever before. Declaring that nothing could stop him now, SkekMal grabbed a hold of Rian's skull and began to squeeze. At long last, it appeared as though SkekMal would finally claim his prize. His latest hunt was about to end and the same time, the Hunter would deal a blow to the rebellion, whilst handing Thra back into the hands of his fellow Skeksis.
A split second before he could crush Rian's skull however, the Hunter's body suddenly seized up and went rigid. The Skeksis' eyes widened and he had a vision of himself falling. A moment later, his body started to shake uncontrollably as steam rose off of his body. Realising what was happening, SkekMal called out to his Mystic counterpart, yelling what had he done?
It turned out that SkekMals survival had also ensured the survival of his other half. Awaking moments after SkekMal's arrival at Stone-In-The-Wood, UrVa revealed to Hup that he had seen his evil counterpart's intentions and had resolved to stop SkekMal once and for all. Knowing that the Hunter could not be defeated in battle, the Archer had done the only thing he could. Climbing to the very edge of the Circle in the Sun, the UrRu voluntarily jumped, dying before he even hit the ground.
Due to their aforementioned link, the Skeksis and the UrRu could not survive without their counterpart. Whatever happened to one, happened to the other. Falling to his knees SkekMal the Hunter stared up at the sky in horror, perishing in the same instant as UrVa the Archer. In the moment of his death, Mother Aughra was revived. SkekMal's demise also avenged the deaths of Ordon and all of the other Gelfling slain by him.
Abilities and Powers[]
- Hunting Skills: True to his occupation, SkekMal was a very skilled and competent hunter, being able to hunt many creatures of Thra and to track Rian down just with just the scent of a scrap of Rian's shirt, later finding him again with Brea and Deet at the Circle of the Suns in a span of hundreds of miles.
- Blade Proficiency: SkekMal was a very formidable fighter, being highly skilled with swords and using his four arms to his advantage by having all of them wielding swords. This skill allowed him to easily overpower Gelfling warriors such as Rian, Ordon, or briefly even the two mentioned Gelfling combined.
- Enhanced Endurance: SkekMal was able to effortlessly go on long distances and to still be fit to hunt and fight without needing rest; he also had tremendous tolerance for pain as he was able to escape from Gobbles without showing any sign of being injured and to carry Brea from the Circle of the Suns to the Castle despite having been wounded by three of the Archer's arrows before finally collapsing.
- Speed and Agility: SkekMal is mentioned to be incredibly fast, being able to easily dodge arrows and, coupled with enough stamina, being able to catch up to his prey with ease.
“ | SkekMal: Chamberlain! SkekSil: Hunter. SkekMal: What is my prey? SkekSil: A Stonewood warrior. SkekMal: Gelfling? SkekSil: Mmm... Skekmal: You insult me! |
„ |
~ The Hunter upon meeting the Chamberlain SkekSil, and being told of who to capture. |
“ | SkekSil: This scrap of Rian's clothing. Good? SkekMal: [sniffing the cloth before pausing] I will take his lying tongue! |
„ |
~ SkekMal to the Chamberlain before leaving to hunt down the Gelfling Rian. |
“ | I've come for my prize: your lying tongue! | „ |
~ SkekMal before fighting Rian. |
“ | You coming with me! | „ |
~ Skekmal drags Ordon down with him in the Gobbles pit. |
“ | You have heart. I'll take that too. | „ |
“ | All the hunters, warriors, now their strength is my own. | „ |
~ SkekMal to Rian. |
“ | Rek'yr: Greetings, Hunter. SkekMal: Rek'yr. Rek'yr: You should not have come here, SkekMal. I will not guide you on another hunt. You, are a butcher. SkekMal: The Gelfling you transported, where are they? Talk. Rek'yr: That I will not do. SkekMal: Then I will have to start cutting pieces off you until you talk. Rek'yr: Go ahead. Do you want my hands? They are not mine. They are a gift from Thra. Same as my feet, my head, my life. SkekMal: [...] And his life? [Grabs a Dousan and throws him off the cliffside] Rek'yr: If this is to be the day of our return to Thra, then we welcome it gladly. SkekMal: Rah, tell me where they are! Female Dousan: The Circle of the Suns! Rek'yr: Silence! SkekMal: [Hits violently Rek'yr on the head] You will take me there in your flying beast! Female Dousan: Yes. Yes, my lord. |
„ |
~ SkekMal confronting Rek'yr and the other Dousan accompanying the latter to find the track of his prey. |
“ | UrVa: You and I are one. You cannot defeat me without defeating yourself. What I feel, you feel. SkekMal: Perhaps, but I will not leave empty-handed! […] Farewell, Archer. (UrVa: SkekMal!!) [snatches up Brea] |
„ |
~ SkekMal dismissing his connection to UrVa before leaving the Circle of the Suns while kidnapping Brea and taking her with him. |
“ | I have conquered death. I returned more powerful then ever! More powerful than Thra itself! Nothing can stop the hunt! | „ |
~ SkekMal's villainous breakdown. |
“ | Archer! What have...you...done?! | „ |
~ SkekMal's last words after realizing UrVa is ending his life before the former's death. |
- Kylan's parents
- Ordon (dragged along into carnivorous plants to kill him)
- Unnamed Dousan Gelfling (hurled off of a cliff side)
- Out of all the Skeksis, SkekMal is shown to be the only one to keep his second pair of arms in full use.
- The "Mal" part of his name was originally the name for SkekSil during production of The Dark Crystal.
- The Hunter was first originally conceived by Halle Stanford during the pre-production of the ultimately scrapped animated series Great Conjunction in 2012, and was envisioned as a "scarier Skeksis than even the Emperor".
- In production, body suit performer Nick Kellington provided most of the movement for SkekMal. However in fight scenes, stuntman Ian Kay took over the role in a suit sporting a head lacking animatronic components, thus reducing the puppet's weight.
External Links[]
- SkekMal on the The Dark Crystal Wiki.
- SkekMal on the Muppet Wiki.
Villains | ||
Skeksis Gelfling Others |