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Villain Overview

My curse is a blessing in disguise. I've been looking at everything wrong for so very long. Grayskull, the light I once sought to wield, is the tool of a soldier, one who fights at the behest of others. Havoc, on the other hand... From the ruins of this fallen kingdom, from where the Snakes failed to bring ancient Eternia to its knees, I will usher in an era of brimstone and blight that will bless the modern age and all ages yet to come with the purity... of... HAVOC! The time of Grayskull has passed. Welcome... to the age of SKELETOR!
~ Skeletor after his transformation and his rise to power.
For millennia, the true Power of Grayskull, Havoc, has been hidden from you, the peoples of Eternia. And I, Skeletor, your new lord and master, nay, your new god, have every intention of sharing it. Not everyone will survive, of course. Those that aren't transformed into Dark Masters will likely wind up glorious piles of animate bone and muscle like myself, though lesser. There's only so much godhood to go around, after all. My anointed, my Skele-drones, will bring an end to any and all that have survived as Eternia devolves into a throbbing mass of chaos and havoc, the likes of which the cosmos has never seen!
~ Skeletor's rising to power.

Skeletor is the main antagonist of the 2021 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Netflix animated series.

Once known as Keldor of the Kingdom of Eternos, he attempted to gain power from Castle Grayskull and was cursed as a result. Ten years later, Keldor once again attempted to gain supreme power through the Power Sword, but that only led him to become Skeletor and cause his thirst for power to dangerously increased to the point that he now seeks to reshape the universe in his own image. He is also the younger brother of King Randor, the uncle and nemesis of Adam/He-Man, the enemy turned mentor of Krass/Rampage until she redeems herself.

He was voiced by Benjamin Diskin, who also voiced Harm and Ma'alefa'ak in Young Justice, Eddie Brock and Venom in The Spectacular Spider-Man, Death Gun in Sword Art Online, Morbius in Ultimate Spider-Man, The Leader in Marvel Future Avengers, Rhino in Marvel Heroes, Diaz Arnesto in The Prodigies, Skeptic in My Hero Academia, Abirama Redder and Szayel Aporro Granz in Bleach, Morley in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Black Doom in Shadow Generations.


Because... the bones, my face! I'm a living skull!
~ Skeletor about his physical appearance.

Like a human, Keldor has brown hair and beard, is physically in his thirties, and wears a blue mage-like outfit. As a result of his curse, his left hand is skeletal in appearance.

As Skeletor, he's considerably bigger and a lot more muscular than before. His face is now only a greenish skull with red eyes while his body is now blue while retaining his now larger skeletal hand while his right hand is clawed. He also sports a large metallic emblem similar to the Havoc Staff on his chest.

After merging with the bones of King Grayskull, Skeletor wore a larger metal breastplate and larger skull-shaped harness, his hands were neon green with the claws still organically rocky, his head floats neckless and surrounded by green flames as well as huge horns on his skull.

As a dragon, Skeletor has a more bestial physique including a reptilian tail, enormous wings, his horns take on larger proportions while twisting to resemble tusks, his body structure is made of rock and Havoc.


Not to pat myself too hard on the back, but, good job, me.
~ Skeletor's self-sufficiency.

As Keldor, he is devoid of morality, power-hungry, short-tempered, manipulative, opportunistic, melodramatic, suspicious, ambitious, and endowed with dry humor. He didn't hesitate to risk his own nephew's life to acquire the Havoc Staff, showing that he doesn't care about his family. This is also seen when ten years later, he skillfully gains Adam's trust the better to steal the Power Sword from him. Keldor appears to be very proud of his royal status, believing it gives him the right to use power however he wants. He also shows no respect for the soldiers, seeing them as nothing more than minions. In his final moments as a human sequel, Keldor seemed to have lost some of his sanity as a result as his powers grew.

Following his monstrous transformation, Skeletor became even more deranged, self-centered, and deceitful than he was previously. While most of his evil traits have remained intact with some even emphasis, Skeletor is immeasurably more talkative than Keldor and has fully accepted his hideous form, seeing it as the revelation that his fate is to sow terror throughout Eternia forever, also losing interest in Castle Grayskull when he realizes the extent of his newfound powers. Though blessed with a twisted mind and devoid of the seriousness of his former being, Skeletor remains a dangerous and cunning planner, relying on his knowledge to achieve his ends and always planning two steps ahead. He considers his allies to be mere minions and is suspicious of them enough to anticipate their first attempt at rebellion against him. Upon reuniting with his brother, Skeletor was disappointed that Randor wasn't so shocked at how much physically scarier he was and to blurt out a sarcastic remark when Randor gave him a joke, stating that the two brothers didn't get along very well in their youth. Skeletor doesn't care about the consequences of his actions either even if it would cause war. His manipulator side has proven to be the darkest side of his personality, using Krass' sense of abandonment and emotional fragility to turn her against the Masters of Universe and become an ally he seems to have already a lot of appreciation.

As a ghost, Skeletor is still the same, but due to his new position as Krass' mentor, he shows no regard for her but he still treats her better than his former minions. Above all, he took pleasure in teasing the young girl in a childish way while constantly expecting her to go through with his plan and even daring to use the promise to bring back her parents so that she would submit. When he finally gained the powers of King Grayskull, Skeletor immediately declared himself a god and began to bring Eternia under his sole dominion. He also reveals that he never intended to bring Krass' parents back to life as normal beings for her but only as undead servants loyal only to him , showing that Skeletor is a more than dastardly being who uses the plight of others only for his own benefit and that he doesn't really cares about anyone but himself. When he was all-powerful and in his dragon form, Skeletor now wanted to transform the entire universe into his image.

Once transformed back into Keldor, his sanity was restored but he was still unable to understand empathy, as evidenced by his misunderstanding of the Masters of the Universe returning him to his former body fully and Adam just responding that it was the best things to do. He then warned with a touch of madness that a threat would fall on Eternia and that no one is prepared for it without being worried about his own fate.

Powers & Skills[]

  • Havoc Magic: Skeletor is among the most powerful magic-users in Eternia since emerging in the Havoc, Evelyn even stating that his magic surpasses hers. As Keldor, he already possessed a formidable power which was later amplified after his transformation into a Skeletor though in instances he primarily uses the Havoc Staff to manifest his magic.
    • Necromancy: Skeletor brought back to life the ancient creatures dead for a thousand years living around Snake Mountain.
    • Telekinesis: Skeletor can cover individuals or inanimate objects with an aura of Havoc to make them levitate in the air or to immobilize them.
    • Mental Control: Skeletor can subjugate the minds of others, the process being faster on weak-minded ones.
    • Life Force Drain: As Keldor, he could drain people's life force to keep himself alive due to his curse, turning his victims to stone. He did not demonstrate this ability in Skeletor, presumably because he no longer needed it in his undead state.
    • Magic Construct Creation: Skeletor can create energy constructs consisting of Havoc. Its constructions are also particularly strong, capable of breaking the Power Sword, which is made of Kirbinite.
    • Power Sharing: He can share some of his power with others, including Evelyn, Kronis, and R'Qazz to transform them into Evil-Lyn, Trap-Jaw, and Beastman, respectively. Skeletor retains full power despite sharing and he can remove or return the shared power at will since he amplified his Havoc Staff with Kirbinite.
    • Spirit Transfer: Skeletor is able to transfer his mostly Havoc mind into objects or individuals carrying Havoc or even Proto-Havoc. He was able to transfer his mind into the stone on Krass's helmet seconds before his first body was destroyed.
  • Superhuman Strength: As Keldor, his curse granted him a degree of superhuman strength high enough to push an inexperienced He-Man a few feet away with a single punch to the stomach and pressure him despite the obvious difference in strength between them. His hideous transformation endowed Skeletor with immense superior physical strength allowing him to rival the potentially limitless strength of He-Man.


Season 1[]

The Power of Grayskull...belongs to me!
~ Keldor's first line.
Keldor: I'm gone for a decade, and here the two of you are, planning a family. I fully expected you to have turned on each other by now.
Evelyn: Prince Keldor, why not fly ahead of us since you know the way?
Keldor: Because... I don't trust you.
Kronis: We don't trust you that much, either.
Keldor: Good. At least you're smarter than you were ten years ago.
~ Keldor to Evelyn and Kronis.
The sword is the tool of a soldier, one who fights at the behest of others, a servant to the Power. The scepter, on the other hand, this is the totem of a true ruler.
~ Keldor when he chose the magic weapon that cursed him ten years earlier because of his lust for power.
Keldor: "He-Man"? Is that what you're calling yourself now?
He-Man: What about it?
Keldor: Let me guess the rest, hmm? Of course there's "Helmet-Girl"...
Krass: Skeleton-hand!!
Keldor: "Wrench-Boy"...
Duncan:  Ah, you hear that? Wow, I... I... I got a cold, so, you might not want my energy, or... whatever!
Keldor: "Street-Rat"... What, no witty comeback?
Teela: Trust me, nobody wants to hear the words I'd like to say right now.
Keldor: And last, but not least...
Cringer: "Last, but not least," what?
Keldor: Nothing. You're a talking tiger. That's... well, that's amazing.
~ Keldor mocking Adam and his friends.
You are wrong. Grayskull brought out the best in me! My best is just a little different than yours, nephew!
Skeletor: I used the Havoc to save you.
Kronis: We should get you back into one of those stasis shells before that... leaves a mark.
Evelyn: As you recover, I'm sure I can discern some way to reverse your affliction.
Skeletor: Thanks, but no.
~ Keldor after becoming Skeletor.
Oh, dear brother...If only you could see what I'm doing right now...If only you could feel the power coursing through these tools. Soon, Randor, you will taste the ash and the fire and the blood and the pain that is the recipe for both my victory... and your defeat!
~ Skeletor.
He-Man: Uncle Keldor?
Skeletor: Please, call me Skeletor.
He-Man: Why?
Skeletor: Why? Because... the bones, my face! I'm a living skull!
Battle Cat: Then shouldn't you be Skulletor?
~ Skeletor about his new name.
He-Man: You know, despite everything, I was sad when I tought you died.
Skeletor: I wonder if you father will show such weakness...when I throw your body to his feet.
~ Skeletor showing his heartless nature.
Skeletor: You're still the same sccared little boy, looking for his purpose in life, trying to go back home, except no one really wants you, do they?
He-Man: Castle Grayskull is my home.
Skeletor: I used to think I had a right to it as well. But it was only a means to an end. I thought the Power of Grayskull was the fastest way to get Randor's throne for myself. Then I embraced Havoc. The Power of a lie. [He-Man tries to attack him but Skeletor wraps the Sword of Power in magic chains] It's time you learned that too.
He-Man: No !
Skeletor: Say goodbye to He-Man.
~ Skeletor taunting He-Man and disown Grayskull just before destroying the Sword of Power.
Give yourselves over to the Havoc below and become one of my Dark Masters. Join me in taking Eternos! Or drown. Your choice.
~ Skeletor setting out to conquer Eternos while leaving Adam and his friends to be engulfed in the Havoc Pit.
Skeletor: Not to pat myself too hard on the back, but, good job, me.
Evil-Lyn: Ah, classic Keldor. Counting his navits befor they've hatched.
Trap Jaw: Think it's time we tell him taking Eternos ain't exactly the only plan that's been in motion? [Trap Jaw activates his rotating jaw, Beast Man immobilizes Skeletor and Evil-Lyn telekinically lifts him up in the air]
Skeletor: Oh. Oh, no. Are you coup-blocking me with a coup of your own? Is there no honor amoug thieves?
Beast-Man: Beast Man thinks Skellie's playing it a little on the nose.
Evil-Lyn: Which is saying something, considering he doesn't have one. [Skeletor breaks free and subdues the three with his powers] My dearest Trap-Jaw, I believe we've been played.
Skeletor: Of course you've been played, you imperious imbeciles. Only a fool would think a mind like mine would be incapable of inferring your impending insurrection! That was a little big. Sorry. I...I was just feeling it, you know? I didn't need the Kirbinite to share Havoc with you. I needed the Kirbinite to allow me to use Havoc to control you, just as it allows me to control these red-breasted dolts. Go jump off a tall rock or whatever.
Soldier: Yes, Lord Skeletor.
Skeletor: I alone determine when you have access to my Havoc. I alone decide what you will do with it and when. I am now the master of your universe!
Evelyn, Kronis and R'Qazz under mental control: Yes, Lord Skeletor.
Skeletor: Then rise, my Dark Masters...and wrek havoc!
~ Skeletor putting down the brif insurrection of Evil-Lyn, Trap Jaw and Beast Man.
Randor: I will face Keldor myself. [Skeletor enters]
Skeletor: If only Little Brother had a face to face. Am I right?
Randor: Keldor!
Skeletor: It's been a decade, and all I get is "Keldooor!" Is he a ghost? Or a zombie? What foul spectre doth stand before me?! Look, doesn't any of this shock and horrify you?
Randor: Ah... um, any of what? Did you get a haircut? [Randor and the guards laugh]
Skeletor: Hmmph. There's the Randy I remember.
~ Skeletor to his brother, King Randor.
Somebody get me a Battle Cat for my birthday! Pardon me, He-Man, but... why won't you stay dead?!
~ Skeletor exasperated that the Masters of the Universe are still alive.
Skeletor: What I need and what I want are two very different things.
Krass: That's not good.
Skeletor: While you've been busy fighting me, the Red Legion has been conscripting the rest of Randor's soldiers to our cause.
He-Man: And we won't stop fighting until we've saved every last one of them.
Skeletor: Oh, I know. That's why I've dispatched the Legion to destroy the source of your power once and for all.
Teela: They're going to destroy Grayskull!
Skeletor: And there's nothing you can do about it. Guards, seize them.
~ Skeletor catching the Masters of the Universe off guard with his double stratagem to destroy Grayskull, securing his second victory over them.
How do I look?
~ Skeletor after sitting on the throne of Eternos at the end of Season 1.

Season 2[]

Skeletor: If only I knew then what I know now. Becoming King is great. But becoming a god does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Evil-Lyn: With Grayskull destroyed, there will be no force on Planet Eternia...
Trap-Jaw: Or anywhere else for that matter...
Beastman: That can stand in your way, Lord Skeletor.
Skeletor: You might say that, with the power that sigil holds, I'd be the actual Master of the Universe!
~ Skeletor foreseeing the search for the Sigil of Hiss to become a god.
Skeletor: It's like you want to break my staff instead of my face.
Krass: Don't worry, you'll get yours. [Krass attempts to charge but Skeletor knocks her down]
Skeletor: Pretty jewel in your helmet there. Ever wonder where it came from?
~ Skeletor fighting Krass.
Evil-Lyn: Skeletor, I understand you're upset. [Evil-Lyn gets hit with a Havoc blast] Aah! [Skeletor destroys Evil-Lyn's scepter, transforming her back into Evelyn.] No! Aaaaah!
Skeletor: I've suffered your mutinous nonsens long enough. Get out of my sight.
~ Skeletor punishes Evelyn by stripping her entirely of her Dark Master form and kick her out for interfering with his retrieval of the piece of Sigil from Mountain Snake because she didn't want him to cause conflict with Avion by hurting Stratos.
Skeletor: Wouldn't this all literally go faster if you were powered up or whatever?
Duncan: Having the power of Grayskull doesn't mean I always need to use it. Different tools for different jobs. Wait, do you never power back down into Keldor?
Skeletor: Keldor is gone, even if it is his birthday.
Duncan: You keep saying that. What does it mean?
Skeletor: Keldor is gone, and he's never coming back. Those words in that exact order?
Duncan: No, a "birthday"?
Skeletor: Eh... you don't know what a birthday is? Didn't your parents throw you one after another after another?
Duncan: I grew up in an orphanage. Hey, maybe today's my birthday, too?
Skeletor: No. You've already taken me away from my party. I won't let you take my special day, too! Now tell me, where is the bathroom?
~ Skeletor to Duncan.
Just get it over with. I'd rather be wished out of existence than spend another second stuck in this castle with your incessant sentimentality. The cake was... pretty good.
~ Skeletor exasperated by Duncan's good-heartedness, but at least admits that his cake was good.
Skeletor: Nice try, Randy. Like what I've done with the place? Never mind, don't care what you think. Guards, lock him up! Ooh, felt good to say that!
Randor: You'll never complete the sigil.
Skeletor: Oh, I will. Trap-Jaw, make sure my Painthor can fly. We're headed to Avion. Without the Eldress' protection, Grayskull's piece is ripe for the taking. Happy birthday to me.
~ Skeletor captures Randor again and begins the attack on Avion.
He-Man: If you've hurt my dad...
Skeletor: You know me better than that. Of course I've hurt him!
~ Skeletor fights He-Man again.
Skeletor: Havoc compels you to obey me! Do this and I will share my newfound godly gifts with each of you!
Trap Jaw: That does sound like a good deal.
Teela: Why don't you ask Evelyn how she feels about taking Skeletor at his word?
Skeletor: She was a traitor, but will be loyal! [Beast-Man and Trap Jaw pretend to help Skeletor up then block his arms] What are you doing?
Trap Jaw: Thinking for ourselves for a change!
Beast-Man: In the jungle, only the strong survive. And Skellie is weak.
~ Skeletor is betrayed by Trap Jaw and Beast-Man.
The gem in your helmet, it's called a Ram Stone. I can't wait to tell you more about it.
~ Skeletor, now a ghost connected to Krass by the Ram Stone.
Skeletor: Krass...
Krass: You're a figment of my imagination.
Skeletor: [Chuckles] Would a figment know that Adam's standing right behind you?
~ Ghost Skeletor turning out to be real.
Skeletor: Once this is all done, they'll try to destroy the Sigil, you know.
Krass: And I will help them.
Skeletor: But if you do that, how will we ever bring your parents back to life?
Krass: It can't do that.
Skeletor: Never know until you try.
~ Skeletor tries to convince Krass that she can bring her parents back with the Sigil of Hiss.
Skeletor: He's never going back to that pile of dirt and cats you call home. I'd be shocked if any of them went back to Grayskull either.
Krass: Shut up!
~ Skeletor continues his attempt to corrupt Krass, claiming that her friends are turning their backs on her.
Skeletor: You know what's weird? Randor and his boy have offered everyone else reasons to stay except for you. Even the cat has a job now.
Krass: Is this how you try to control people, by never being quiet?
Skeletor: This isn't about control, Krass. We're bonding. Can't you feel it?
Krass: Why won't you go away?
Skeletor: That rock in your helmet is hewn from the very same proto-Havoc that bore the Snakes into this world. All that remains of me is Havoc, so as long as that helmet is with you, I'm along for the ride.
Krass: Then I'll just get rid of it.
Skeletor: No, you won't. It's all you have left of mommy and daddy, unless you help me reassemble that Sigil.
Krass: And unleash the Snakes?
Skeletor: Small price to pay for being able to see your parents again, isn't it?
Krass: You don't know what you're talking about. My friends are my family now, okay? And that's enough for me. Adam, he's like a brother.
Skeletor: So tell him about me. Tell him that Havoc has been a part of you for so long that the syrupy golden goodness of Grayskull will never be able to fully ignite in your heart.
~ Skeletor taunts Krass about her growing feeling of being left behind.
My brother betrayed me, just as your brother betrayed you. Which one of us is trying to help you, and which one of us just can't stop hurting you?
~ Skeletor finally manages to trick Krass into turning against Adam and her own friends.
The Ghost of Skeletor and Rampage, Dark Master of Destruction! This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
~ With the undead Serpents of Hiss reawakened, Skeletor rejoices in his new partnership with Krass now Rampage at the end of Season 2.

Season 3[]

Krass: I do. I seek to raise him.
Skeletor: No, you seek to raise your parents. I seek to raise King Grayskull.
Mer-Man: You are the spirit that haunts this child.
Skeletor: And you are the king who will let us pass... if he knows what's good for him.
Mer-Man: Make it quick. I have waited long enough.
~ Skeletor meets Mer-Man.
I love the smell of malevolence in the morning. Take a seat, kid. The show's just getting started.
~ Skeletor after completing the fusion with Grayskull's body.
Best Man: Excellent plan, Skellie. Beast Man approves.
Skeletor: I would hope so, you mutinous malfeasant.
Best Man: And yet Beast Man returns to Skellie in his bestie's hour of need.
Skeletor: I have a new body and the castle and Havoc. What else could I possibly need?
Best Man: Allow Beast Man to be the first of your many Skele-drones.
Skeletor: What do we think, Rampage?
Rampage: He's your henchman, not mine.
Skeletor: See, she knows her place. Let's make sure you never forget yours again.
~ Skeletor turns Beast Man into Skele-drone.
Skeletor: It's sweet, all your friends and enemies uniting to stop me in my tracks. Out there, creating some kind of device to prevent my Havoc from changing the world.
Rampage: Will it work?
Skeletor: Do you want it to?
Rampage: What you did to Beast Man, what you're planning on doing to the rest of Eternia, that isn't the kind of world I want my parents brought back into.
Skeletor: And so you're turning on me?
Rampage: Yes.
Skeletor: Ah, took you long enough. The suspense was killing me.
Rampage: Were you ever really going to bring them back?
Skeletor: As Skele-Drones, why, of course!
Rampage: I threw away everything because of your promise.
Skeletor: Then everything must not have been all that important.
~ Skeletor reveals his true nature to a deserting Krass, becoming her enemy again.
Skeletor: Don't make this any more awkward than it has to be, kid. I've actually enjoyed our time working together.
He-Man: So have I!
Skeletor: You and I have never worked together.
He-Man: I-I meant me and her.
Skeletor: Then why didn't you just say that? In fact, why say anything at all?
~ Skeletor.
Skeletor: What are you hoping to do, nephew... convince me to stand down? Throw me into Daddy's dungeon? Kinda hard to lock up a god, don't you think?
He-Man: Doesn't mean I can't try.
Skeletor: Your Eldress at least had the gumption to put King Grayskull down before he got this far. Your weakness is my strength.
~ Skeletor merged with Grayskull mocks his nephew's good-heartedness.
I am the heir of Grayskull. Might as well start acting like it. With darkness and light... I am the Power.
~ Skeletor's second Rising to Power.
See what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you? You get crushed by it.
~ Skeletor almost kills Krass, literally in his dragon hand.
Keldor: Of all the things you could have done with the true Power of the Universe at your fingertips, why do this? Why restore me?
Adam: Because it was the right thing to do. I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Randor: You'll have an eternity to contemplate that in the dungeons, brother.
Keldor: The view from the Heart of the Universe was quite illuminating. You have no idea what's on the way.
~ Keldor's defeat and his imprisonment for all his crimes, not without warning that the worst is yet to come.


  • This incarnation of Skeletor is considerably more competent than his original counterpart, his 1983 counterpart and his 2002 counterpart. He managed to destroy the Sword of Power by himself and with only three major lieutenants, he took control of Randor's army, then conquered Eternos in the same time while the original Skeletor never succeeded and turned Krass against the Masters of the Universe to become his new ally. During the third season, he not only gained greater power than He-Man but then became a gigantic dragon capable of reshaping the universe, destroying at the same time the Castle Grayskull, thus making him the strongest incarnation of Skeletor.
  • In the end, he unfortunately turned out to have the lowest allegiance than his other counterparts, his lieutenants tempting throughout the first season to try to turn on him and ultimately betray him in the next. However, this Skeletor has more often tended to fend for himself than to resort to his minions to get away with it.
  • Similar to his 2002 counterpart, Skeletor was once a human but the difference is mostly placed on how he became Skeletor.
  • This version of Skeletor is considerably bigger and more muscular than any of his other counterparts. He is also shown to possess seemingly superior physical strength, managing to stand up to He-Man on an almost equal level.
  • Another notable difference is that this Skeletor is aware of He-Man’s dual identity nor does he focus on gaining the power of Castle Grayskull. He is also not Hordak's former disciple and has never been a part of the Evil Horde. The most distinct difference is that Skeletor is from the same family as Adam/He-Man.
  • His human form slightly resembles his voice actor Ben Diskin.
  • He can't read the Trollans language.
  • Skeletor's jet-bike, Painthor, is a reference to Skeletor's pet in the original series, Panthor.
  • Skeletor's revived form is similar to the Skelegod form of his Masters of the Universe: Revelation counterpart.
  • Skeletor merging with the remains of King Grayskull is quite ironic as Grayskull is voiced in the series by Alan Oppenheimer who is best known for doing the voice of Skeletor in the original series.

External Links[]


           Masters of The Universe 2021 logo Villains

Dark Masters
Skeletor | Evil-Lyn | Trap Jaw | Beast-Man | Tri-Klops | Rampage
Poacher Bots | Battle Bones | Colossor | Mo'squita'ra | Snake Men (King Hiss) | King Grayskull | Mer-Man | Hordak
