“ | Challenging my unit was both foolish and reckless! You are nothing more than my prey... One that is soon to be retired! | „ |
~ Slash Beast |
Slash Beast (Slash Beastleo in Japan) is one of the eight Maverick bosses from Mega Man X4. He is located in a railroad-styled stage. Slash wields the Twin Slasher for his weapon. This allows him or anyone who copies his weapon to launch crescent energy cutters, often at diagonal angles. The Ground Hunters are his weakness.
Slash Beastleo resembles a humanoid lion. He has a fiery orange mane. His getup consists of a yellow breastplate, white shorts with orange linings, and orange open-toed boots which allow him to expose the claws on his tridactyl feet.
Slash Beast is a Reploid developed for combat who enlisted into Repliforce to freely exercise his combat abilities, being granted control over his own combat unit. Despite his love of fighting he never showed arrogance, being a courageous fighter. When Repliforce started their coup for independence, Slash Beast was tasked with protecting their military train which carried a supply of weapons and goods. Upon meeting with the Maverick Hunters he immediately engages them in combat, but ends up being defeated.
Slash Beast provides a fair challenge, jumping around to stop the player or using his Twin Slasher, where he does a somersault kick which launches two crescent energy shots. He will also dash across the arena and attempt to pounce at the player. After losing some health he will also attempt a counter attack, where he assumes a defensive stance and if attacked retaliates with the Twin Slasher. His weakness, the Ground Hunter, causes him to trip and fall on his stomach. Upon defeat, Slash relinquishes his Twin Slasher.
- Slash Beastleo is the first Maverick boss to have multiple entrance animations. His original fight starts with him running up alongside his train. In the rematch, he (or at least his copy) just drops down to the battlefield to fight.
- Slash Beastleo resembles Slash Man due to his clawed hands and mane. However, Slash Man has a different colour scheme for his outfit and no claws on his feet.