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Slipp is the secondary antagonist of the book The Bellmaker, the seventh book in the Redwall novel series. He is a greedy, bad-tempered, and cruel searat pirate who used to be the captain of a ship called the Pearl Queen and someone who would quarrel with his brother Strapp frequently before the story's main characters rob his ship to get rid of the searat pirates, leading to Slipp ending up on an island with his sidekick Blaggut, whom he would abuse throughout. They would come across a couple of young creatures who would take them to Redwall Abbey where Slipp makes plans to rob the place while Blaggut finds genuine comfort in it and its folks.


Not a lot is explored in depth as to Slipp's past as a searat pirate, though given the crimes searats usually engage in (murder, slavery, etc.), it's likely Slipp at least engaged in one of them. He is known for his status as a corsair and for being dangerous and sly with his brother Strapp, who is also a corsair and someone he often quarreled with. At one point, Slipp had robbed a ship called the Pearl Queen from Finnbarr and took it as his own and his crew's.

Later on, Finnbarr would befriend a group of creatures from Redwall Abbey who were introduced to him by his friend Log-a-Log and would scheme up a plan to take back the Pearl Queen while it lay around a headland along with Strapp's ship, the Shalloo before boring some holes in the Shalloo's side and scuttling it in the bay. The next day, Slipp sat alone on the shore beyond the headland toasting whelks over an open fire after having argued with his brother over whether to sail north or south, Slipp wanting to sail north and Strapp painting such a glowing picture of southern sun and easy pickings that both crews sides with him, all having gone aboard his ship, the Shalloo to celebrate, leaving him alone to sulk over a small fire on the shore. Slipp planned on continuing the argument the next day to escalate it into a fight and beat his brother, humiliate him, and regain command, considering imprisoning him as well.

Then, Finnbarr and the group would proceed to carry out the plan, having gotten rid of the Pearl Queen's crew and sailing away on the ship. Slipp, noticing this, considered swimming for it only to see it buck from the anchor cable and begin heading out to sea. He then attempted to strike out for his brother's ship, but in an act of mockery, Strapp had Rappsnout, mate of the Pearl Queen, toss Slipp a line before throwing the other end of it, leaving Slipp floundering in the creamy wake of the Shalloo, swallowing seawater as he watched the stern recede southwest whilst shouting insults and threats at Strapp as he sailed away.

Slipp then managed to make it back to land where he would proceed to wander the shoreline in a daze before attempting to restart a fire, managing to make a small fire flickering and drying himself off it. He scanned the stretch of the beach, noticing the corpses of six of his own members right before noticing Blaggut, the Boatswain of the Pearl Queen seated in a shrewboat paddling to shore and leapt up and down calling to him to get his attention. Noticing him, Blaggut ran to him cheerfully to embrace him only for Slipp to leap, punch, and kick him berating and insulting him for failing to keep the ship safe before asking him what he was paddling in. Blaggut explains it was a longboat before revealing to Slipp that he had found a big stream with fresh drinking water to which Slipp has him take to in the boat. As they paddle, Slipp abuses him even further, giving him the occasional cutlass prod. Eventually, they make it into the fringes of Mossflower Wood.

Becoming lost due to having strayed from the main course of River Moss in the shrewboat and now becalmed up a tributary, Slipp blames Blaggut and berates and insults him even further before forcing him to pull on the headrope despite Blaggut's warnings of pikefishes and the bottom being all muddy and squishy. After a bit of a while, Slipp yanked at the headrope, sending Blaggut sprawling backward into the water and commands him to take him into a nearby back by a big tree. After Blaggut does so, Slipp orders him to go get vittles. When Blaggut suggests water, Slipp reminds him that they've been surrounded by fresh streamwater all day and to just get vittles and remember the way back. Blaggut then goes to carry out his captain's orders though he gets it mixed up a bit trying to remember it while Slipp relaxes and sleeps.

Blaggut returns later on and wakes up his captain, informing him that while he hasn't found vittles, he found two little beasts asleep in a tent. Slipp then asks if he's waked them to which Blaggut tells him they haven't with Slipp ordering him to lead him to them quietly. Arriving at the tent, Slipp begins threatening the two Dibbuns for their vittles though Blaggut would interrupt, telling them that Slipp's got a heart of gold, getting some beatings from Slipp in the process before one of the two dibbuns attacks Slipp in the back, hurting his liver and kidneys, resulting in Slipp sitting down nursing his back. Blaggut tells the Dibbun that was a naughty thing to do before offering to help Slipp up. Slipp proceeds to draw his cutlass angrily, declaring that he'll slice the dibbun in half before he's much older, though Blaggut places himself between them, telling him that he can cut him in three halfs if he likes but not to lay a blade near the infant. Blaggut officially befriends the Dibbuns and when Slipp attempted to kick him for taking a sarcastic remark from him seriously, the mousebabe defended him. Slipp then asks if they have any vittles with Blaggut explaining that it is food and the molemaid goes off to get some, bringing back two apples, wild plums, and a small pile of blackberries, which Slipp and Blaggut began wolfing down. The Dibbuns reveal to them of their home in Redwall Abbey and offer to take them there in the morning if they can find it. An hour later, when the two Dibbuns were asleep in their tent, Slipp berates Blaggut for having gone soft and informs him of his plan to plunder and kill in the Redwall place, threatening him to not go soft on him then or he'll feel his cutlass across his gizzard.

They would later be encountered by one of Redwall Abbey's creatures, Oak Tom, a big sturdy squirrel who stood perched on a bough, an arrow notched meaningfully on his bowstring, ordering the Dibbuns to come over to the tree. Blaggut then alerts Slipp of more of the creatures coming and they get surroudned by Redwallers armed with stout ash staves. Slipp then puts on a friendly facade and passes himself and Blaggut off as honest travelers, himself as a cook and Blaggut as a carpenter, and tells them that they're survivors of a shipwreck from the Muddy Duck. When Blaggut calls him captain, Slipp passes it off as his nickname for him before they begin contradicting themselves by calling the ship different names, leading to Slipp lying that they're not able to remember it from the shock and hunger while making weeping noises before they both get taken to Redwall Abbey with the Dibbuns.

As they dine at Redwall Abbey while some creatures display suspicions of them, Slipp continues to abuse Blaggut everytime he says something that could've given away who they really were, displaying bad manners at the table in the process though this would be tolerated by most of the Redwallers. Afterwards, they would lie in their beds, Blaggut falling asleep while Slipp formulates plans in his mind while staring at the ceiling. Slipp then comes up with a plan and wakes up Blaggut from his dream, forcing him to accompany him as they attempt to find treasure in the abbey. When Blaggut suggests they search the kitchens, Slipp at first reprimands him for it before thinking on how it might be where it is since no one would suspect it, deciding to do so. As they search the kitchens, Slipp unintentionally burns his paw on an oven door before plunging the limb into what he thought was a jar of water only to find it was warm honey. He proceeds to blame Blaggut for it before trying to take the candle from Blaggut's paw only to knock it to the floor, causing the light to go out. All of a sudden, Blaggut realizes they are being watched and points to a black-caped figure (who was Simeon the whole time making sure they're not causing trouble) sweeping silently by them. Horrified, Blaggut yelps as he accidentally knocks the honey jar from its perch and causes it to smash to pieces as Slipp was up and pushes him to one side. They knock over racks of pots and pans and cause a lot of noise that winds up waking up the Redwallers, forcing the two to go back to their rooms quickly and get into bed and sleep right before the Redwallers check the room and seeing them asleep, leave to check on the Dibbuns. After this, Slipp notices the bedlining was all upset and asks Blaggut if it was the way he left it to which Blaggut tells him that it was all tidy and shipshape. Slipp then trembles in fear as he realizes somebeast or something had visited their room and remade the beds.

The next day, Slipp is forcefully awakened by Mother Mellus and Tarquin who force him to cook for the abbey while Blaggut is tasked to build boats for the Dibbuns. Slipp decides to cook up skilly and duff, though the food winded up tasting horrible, causing Mellus to realize he never cooked in his life and as a result, she forces him to dispose of it and clean all the pots and pans of every trace of skilly much to Slipp's dismay. After a while, Slipp goes to Blaggut, who was bonding with the Dibbuns while he built the boats, and slumps down, berating him for spending his time building boats for them before Blaggut reveals to him the location of secret treasure that they've revealed to him before Tarquin comes in to send Slipp back to word on cleaning the dishware. Slipp begs Blaggut to not let them take him to which Blaggut requests that Slipp be left to watch the Dibbuns while Blaggut takes the molemaid and mousebabe for their afternoon stroll. Tarquin permits this, but on account of him not forgetting the pots and pans to avoid reprimanding from Mellus. In the dining hall, as they eat, Slipp asks Blaggut if he got the treasure, leading to Blaggut to reveal the black shadow they saw earlier (which Slipp told Blaggut to never talk about) to which Slipp then asks on behalf of the treasure. Blaggut reveals the location before the abbot announces that a concert will be hosted later on. With this information, Slipp concocts a plan to dig the treasure up while they're singing. Mother Mellus then arrives and sends Slipp back to work in the kitchens and Blaggut to gather wood for the fire by the pond.

At the concert, Blaggut and Slipp wind up being hauled up among whooping and cheering Redwallers during Tarquin's singing part, leaving Slipp winded afterwards with him planning on going for the treasure once he gets his wind back. Tarquin then calls Mellus on the stage and she decides to choose Blaggut and Slipp as the first singers due to them being guests. Slipp declined but decided to go with Blaggut when Oak Tom proclaimed that they'd be sent to wash the pots if they don't sing. When they take up their performing stances, they begin singing "The Slaughter of the Crew of the Rusty Chain" in hoarse, off-key voices, putting on a bad show with their bad singing and how disturbing the bloodthirsty lyrics were for the Dibbuns, resulting in some of them crying. They then get hauled back to their seats by Mellus as Tarquin called upon the next performer. After a while, Slipp wakes up Blaggut when he begins dozing off to go get the treasure. When Blaggut requests to go back and sit by the fire, being afraid that the "black shaddow" might get them both, Slipp reprimands him for mentioning it and abuses him a bit more by biting him on the ear.

Once they arrive at the place the Dibbuns informed them about, they began digging until they got to the box and pulled it out. However, when Slipp opens it and turns its contents out upon the ground, he discovers that it wasn't actual treasure, but the Dibbuns' playthings much to his shock and Blaggut's surprise. Infuriated by this, Slipp picks up the box and hurled it at the wall, smashing it to pieces, intending on killing the two children when he gets his claws on them. Just then, the two Dibbuns walked to the place and noticing what happened, the mousebabe pointed accusingly at Slipp, yelling at him for breaking their treasure box to bits. Slipp then prepares to attack the mousebabe with the long-bladed kitchen knife only for Blaggut to grab hold of Slipp to protect the Dibbuns. However, Slipp releases himself from Blaggut's grasp by slashing his paw before trying to kill the two by attacking with his knife only for Mellus to come bowling through and colliding with him when he was in midair from leaping, causing them to hit the gtround heavily. Slipp proceeds to kill Mellus during this by stabbing her in the heart, much to Blaggut's, the children's, and the Abbot's horror. Blaggut falls on all fours and begins to sob over her murder as Slipp snarls that she did it herself and deserved what she got for ordering him around all the time. As the Dibbuns continue screaming and clinging to Simeon, Slipp notices the badger chalice, which the little ones had dropped in their fright, and picks it up before kicking Blaggut, who was rocking back and forth crying, upright, ordering him to go with him to escape the Abbey.

After having ventured into northeast Mossflower, Slipp had dozed a scarce hour before being awakened by the sobs of Blaggut, who was still traumatized with guilt over the death of Mellus and asks Slipp what he killed her for. Slipp remains apathetic about the murder, declaring that she needed killing before ordering Blaggut to come on since they have traveling to do while continuing to insult and abuse him. Blaggut tells Slipp that if he traveled for the rest of his days, the memory of the whole event would still be with him and to go without him since he's no good to nobeast anymore. Slipp only seizes him roughly and shakes him furiously as he pulls him upright, declaring that he's still the captain around there and if he says he's going, then he shall go. Blaggut still continued to weep when Slipp released him and slumped down, leading to Slipp storming about the copse in a rage, destroying flowers and tearing at the foliage while Blaggut carried on, saying that the creatures of the abbey were decent and that he himself could have been one too in time. Unable to stand it anmoyre, Slipp snatches up a thick branch of dead wood and laid it into Blaggut, ordering him to get up on his paws while abusing and insulting him some more. Blaggut, fed up with his captain's abuse, insults, and wicked nature, gets up and proceeds to attack his captain and strangle him to death, albeit with some guilt, even apologizing as he does so. Afterwards, Blaggut returns the chalice to the abbey, willing to accept whatever punishment the creatures found fitting for him, though they decided to forgive him since he was no killer. Blaggut then revealed who he and Slipp actually were before befriending the abbey officially and then departing on good terms with them, though he would visit them from time to time afterwards.


           Redwall Villains

Blodge | Captain Warpclaw | Catseyes | Cluny the Scourge | Damug Warfang | Doomeye | Gabool the Wild | Greypatch | Groffgut | Gruntan Kurdly | Raga Bol | Ripfang | Saltar | Slipp | Strapp | Ullig | Vitch | Wilce

Weasels/Ferrets/Stoats/Pine Martens
Antigra | Badrang the Tyrant | Bullflay | Cap'n Tramun Clogg | Eefera | Emperor Ublaz Mad Eyes | Ferahgo the Assassin | Gruven Zann | King Agarnu | King Sarengo | Klitch | Malkariss | Prince Bladd | Princess Kurda | Raventail | Sawney Rath | Spurge and Agric | Swartt Sixclaw | Threeclaws | Vallug Bowbeast | Veil Sixclaw | Vilu Daskar

Ascrod | Badredd | Balefur | Codj | Farran the Poisoner | Gelltor | Karangool | Lantur | Mokkan | Plugg Firetail | Predak | Ruggan Bor | Silth | Silvamord | Slagar the Cruel | Urgan Nagru | Vannan | Vizka Longtooth | Vulpuz | Ziral

Lady Kaltag | Pitru | Riggu Felis | Tsarmina Greeneyes | Ungatt Trunn | Verdauga Greeneyes

Asmodeus Poisonteeth | Zassaliss, Harssacss, and Sesstra

General Ironbeak | Korvus Skurr | Mangiz

Other "Vermin" Species
Frilled Lizard Leader | Gulo the Savage | Kharanjul | Lask Frildur | Razzid Wearat

Non "Vermin" Species
Druwp | Fenno | Gawtrybe | King Glagweb | Wakka
