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Villains Wiki

But you haven't beat the final boss. You see, I was never just your humble guide. I was studying you. Learning all your spy and ninja techniques. I am the ultimate program! Designed by Project Zorgo to finally beat the Spy Ninjas at their own game. I never expected you to make it this far.
~ Sly Marsupial revealing himself
Of course, if you lose all three of your lives before the end, the headsets will wipe your minds so you can enjoy the video game, all over again, and again, and again. And you'll lose every single memory of your friends and family, replaced with even better programming!
~ Sly Marsupial about the videogame

Sly Marsupial, also known as Spy Samurai X was an antagonist of the Spy Ninjas franchise, he was a guide of the Super Zorgoland videogame, but he was doing it to study them, learn the players strategies, to fight them.


When Chad and Vy arrived at Super Zorgoland, Sly introduces himself as a official guide, and states that you can't leave the game, asking them why would they want to do so? Since Super Zorgoland only has 3 lives, Sly decides to say that if they lose each one, they will lose every single memory of their friends and family, "replaced with even better programming". He then decides to take them through level 1 of Super Zorgoland, where they encounter NPCs. They succeed at the obby of level 1, and progress onto the second level where they face the Tower Boss. Then they make way to Craft Quest, where the Spy Ninjas must reclaim the PZ cube from the top of the temple. They go on about each one, but on the final one, after winning it, Sly decides to reveal himself, as the corrupt ruler of Super Zorgoland, and attempts murdering them. Vy Qwaint finds Sly's control panel and resets the brainwashing which results in the NPCs losing the brainwashing and remembering what Sly did to them.


           Spy ninjas logo Villains

Project Zorgo
Leaders: Project Zorgo's Leader | Agent Peters
Generals: The Cloaker | Boombox Guy | Joseph Banks | Project Zorgomongous
Members: PZ9 | Regina PZ4 | Burnface | Daniel Gizmo | PZ44 | PZ409 | PZ76 The Snake Hacker | PZ715| PZ Scaredy Cat | PZ314 | PZ Funf | PZ2 | PZ Right Arm| Horseradish | Doppelganger | The Leak

Stalker Gang
Leader: Alie Peters
Members: Daniel Gizmo | Horseradish | Doppelganger | The Leak

The Collective
Leaders: PZ Killer

Super Zorgoland Rulers
Leaders: Sly Marsupial
Generals: Tower Boss | Necro-Lightning

Mr E | Unknown | The Commission | Green Masked Hackers | Game Master
