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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki

Don't worry. Your boys will be in good hands. As you can see from our realistically illustrated brochure, the Smile Away Reformatory offers a serene, peaceful environment in which safety, discipline and responsibility are encouraged. Your boys will be whipped into shape in no time.
~ The Drill Sergeant informing about the School through his brochure.

The Smile Away Reformatory School is the main antagonistic faction of the Phineas and Ferb episode "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!". It is a reformatory school headed by the Drill Sergeant to dispose children of their imaginations and creativity skills.


According to the Sergeant himself, the school was founded to offer a serene, peaceful environment in which safety, discipline and responsibility are encouraged for children. However, this was only a ruse to fool parents into sending their children to the school, where the Sergeant actually subjects the children to torture and discipline in order to break their spirits and become mindless drones; he even subjected those who disobey his rules by putting them into caged boxes.

Following Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher's forced admittance to the Smile Away Reformatory School by their worried parents after the boys' sister, Candace was right all along, the boys were subjected to torture and discipline along with the other kids, losing whatever sense of creativity that they have left. Satisfied by the results, the Sergeant invites TV show host Morty Williams over for a news showcase to detail how he broke the kids' spirits and turned into mindless drones.

However, the report was witnessed by Candace, who has had enough and decided to free her brothers from the school with the help from her boyfriend, Jeremy Johnson. To do so, Candace and Jeremy posed themselves as Morty and a cameraman while the real Morty is in his trailer gloating over his success. When the Sergeant learns that Phineas and Ferb have escaped, he orders his men to go after Morty, believing that he's responsible for breaking them out from the school. However, the Sergeant soon learns that Candace was impersonating Morty the entire time.

It is unknown what happened to the school following the Sergeant's defeat (due to a battle between Perry the Platypus and Heinz Doofenshmirtz on a giant robot spider), but it turns out that it was only a dream that Candace has had and the entire episode's events was just a nightmare that Perry has having due to his fear of blowing his cover to the Flynn-Fletchers.



  • Smile Away Reformatory School is a parody of Alcatraz from the 1979 film Escape from Alcatraz.
  • As the Smile Away Reformatory School Sergeant later appeared during the ending musical number of "Rollercoaster: The Musical!" alongside the show's cast, he's presumed to be real after all. However, it's unclear if this means that the Smile Away Reformatory School also exists in reality or if Perry just dreamed it.


           Phineas&FerbLogo Villains

Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Norm | Vanessa Doofenshmirtz | Gelatin Monster | Balloony | Evil Platypus Clones (Jerry the Platypus) | Doofenshmirtz's Mecha | Alien-inator | Rodrigo | Mindless Repulsive Pharmacists

Aloyse von Roddenstein | Dr. Bloodpudding | Dr. Diminutive | Charlie Bainbridge | Orville Von Roddenstein | TV Scientist | David Bringdown | Bannister Evil Enterprises (Professor Bannister, Bannister's Thugs, Me-Positive & Me-Negative) | Chloe | Dr. Killbot | Warehouse Goons

Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.-2
Doofenshmirtz Family-2 (Heinz Doofenshmirtz-2, Charlene Doofenshmirtz-2 & Vanessa Doofenshmirtz-2) | Norm Bots | Goozim | Animal-Borgs (Perry the Platyborg, Peter the Pandaborg, Pinky the Chihuahuaborg & Terry the Turtleborg) | Giant Mechanical Ants | Tony Marzulo

Dennis the Rabbit | Evil Carl Karl | Evil O.W.C.A. Robots (Evil Flynn-Fletcher Robots)

Extraterrestrial Beings
Mitch | Zachariah Yore | Morg | Super Super Big Doctor | Braxington-ton | Hermellivue | Stapler-Fist | Shoe-Monkey | Toilet Flower | Sand Blaster | Mama

Red Skull | MODOK | Whiplash | Venom | Darthenshmirtz | Stormtrooper Candace | Candace's C.O. | Norm-3PO | Stormtrooper Baljeet | Stormtrooper Buford Pistachions (Derek, Dennis, Giant Pistachion & King Pistachion)

Time Shift
Jekyll Doofenshmirtz | Doofengung | Mongol Army (Doofus Khan) | Doofenshmirtz (1914) | Corn Colossus of Juatchadoon | Norm (1914) | Doofenshmirtz Evil Amalgamated (Professor Von Doofenshmirtz & Pneumatic Pnorman)

Fictional Characters
Torbo | Control Freak | Smile Away Reformatory School (Drill Sergeant) | Morty Williams | Giant Buford | Shape Shifter | Ninja Vampires | Doofenwarlock | Spider-Monkey | Doofenwarlock Guards | Flying Squirrels | Little Witch Suzy | Jared | Malifishmertz Evil Tradesman Association (Malifishmertz, Meatlings, Lawn Gnorme & Shepherd Spy) | Keeper of the Bridge of Comprehension | Candace's Id | Worthington Dubois | Inner Doofenshmirtz | Professor Nibbles

Mr. and Mrs. Doofenshmirtz | Brobots | Suzy Johnson | Dr. Feelbetter | Lloyd Wexler | Professor Destructicon | Dr. Gevaarlijk | Esmeralda Poofenplotz | The Regurgitator | Biker | Khaka Peü Peü | Busting Candace | Tower | Potato Gremlins | Liam McCracken | Peggy McGee | Random Swimwear (Mittington Random & Klimpalooners) | Professor Mystery | Professor Parenthesis | Mecha-Fleas
