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Snowman or The Black Queen was an antagonist in Andrew Hussie's popular webcomic Homestuck.

Ruler of Derse (Kids session)[]


The Black Queen

The Black Queen plays a minor role in kids session of Homestuck. Similar to her husband, her appearance is prototyped to match each of the Sprites. These prototypings come from her ring.

She is first seen forcing Jack Noir (who doesn't want to wear the Jester's outfit most of the kingdom wears due to John prototyping his Sprite with the Harlequin doll) to wear his outfit. After forcing him to wear the outfit, Jack leaves to deal with Dad. She is later shown directing PM, who was looking for a green package, to Jack in order to pay her parking ticket.

In [S] Jack: Ascend, The Black Queen revisits Jack, forcing him to wear the new, more ridiculous outfits worn by the rest of the kingdom. Eventually, Jack tears one of the outfits (which has a Spade on it, linking Jack to Slick Spades) to pieces. The Black Queen becomes enraged by this and starts threatening Jack with a blade. In response, Jack grabs the green package and uses its contents (a heavily-armed bunny toy) to kill the Black Queen and take the ring for himself, causing him to be prototyped.

Member of The Felt (Troll Session)[]



In the Troll session, she acts as the Queen of Derse, but refuses to wear her ring due to a frog being part of the prototyping. Eventually, she gets exiled by the Trolls with the help of Jack Noir. After getting exiled, she ends up with the Felt, a reality-warping gang of mobsters, led by her creation Doc Scratch (and indirectly his master Lord English), who allows her to join the Felt and gives her the ability to make her death end the universe. Due to this, any gunfights are immediately halted as soon as she appears. She mostly seems to use her power to infuriate Spades Slick (the exile version of Jack Noir), who wants her dead but also knows that he can't kill her.

During her time at the Felt, she was called Snowman to conceal her true identity in the Intermission.

Sharing the billiards theme of the Felt, Snowman wears a black hat with the number 8 on it, representing the 8-ball, which must be sunk last otherwise the player who sinks the ball loses, representing her power.

In the end, Snowman gets killed by Spades Slick under the orders of Doc Scratch in order to end the Trolls' universe as part of his plan to summon Lord English.


  • The Black Queen/Snowman is one of the constants of SBurb, and her hate to Jack Noir is a constant as well. This is to give players an easy way of killing the Black Queen by allowing Jack to rise to power instead. In the Kids session this got thrown away due to Jack killing the Black Queen and stealing her ring. In the Trolls session, this is however played straight with the Black Queen getting exiled.
  • Her name is written in green, like the rest of the Felt, but the o in her name is written using a black color instead.
  • When Spades Slick revives the Felt using Die's voodoo doll, Snowman could also have been revived, but Slick intentionally chose not to.


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The Felt
Lord English | Doc Scratch | Snowman | Caliborn

Black King | Black Queen | Jack Noir (B1) | Jack Noir (B2) | Jack Noir (Dead Session) | Draconian Dignitary | Courtyard Droll | Hegemonic Brute | Underlings
Midnight Crew
Spades Slick

The Condesce | The Handmaid | Grand Highblood | Imperial Drones | Vriska Serket | Gamzee Makara | Eridan Ampora | Kurloz Makara | Aranea Serket | Trizza Tethis | Soleil Twins | Nihkee Moolah | Chahut Maenad | Amisia Erdehn | Tirona Kasund | Lynera Skalbi | Elwurd | Ardata Carmia | Marvus Xoloto | Wanshi Adyata | Zebruh Codakk | Azdaja Knelax | Konyyl Okimaw | Lanque Bombyx | Remele Namaaq

Other Villains
Bro Strider | Insane Clown Posse | Guy Fieri | Calliope and Caliborn's father | Ultimate Dirk | Jane Crocker (Meat Timeline) | Jane Crocker (Candy Timeline)
