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But loss is part of growing up, isn't it? Part of growing up is accepting the inevitability of death. The inevitability, Mr. Miller, of death. My father told me that. You will be a hero to your children too. I hope that gives you comfort.
~ Solomon to Jonathan Miller before executing him.
It's not about winning!
~ Solomon after killing Montes and also his final words.

Solomon is the main antagonist of the 2011 video game Battlefield 3 and its novel adaptation Battlefield 3: The Russian, and the overarching antagonist of its 2013 sequel Battlefield 4. He was a former operative of the Central Intelligence Agency and the field commander of the People's Liberation and Resistance, and Sergeant Henry Blackburn's arch-nemesis.

He was portrayed in motion capture by Mark Ivanir, who also portrayed The Doctor in Metro Exodus, Nikolas Brezin in Law & Order, Pavel Morozov in Metro: Last Light, and Mikael Abramov in Law & Order: Organized Crime.


Events of Battlefield 3: The Russian[]

Born in 1971, the man that shall come to be recognized as Solomon was in Lebanon in 1987 while American missionaries held him under their wing and took him to Florida where he's gone to school. His guardians named him Solomon after the Wise King of the Bible's Old Testament due to the amnesia he suffers, so he cannot remember his name. When Solomon was 16, he was bullied in school for months. As retaliation, he slaughters three of the abusers with a machete. After the event, he disappears on a cargo ship headed for the Persian Gulf.

Solomon ends up in Kandahar, Afghanistan, close to the end of the Soviet invasion by 1989, supporting the Mujahideen forces, known as "Suleiman," to them, before Dimitri Mayakovsky, at the time undercover, secretly sought him out for his ability with languages, discipline, and ruthlessness. He then learned in Russia for two years in the Russian Spetsnaz program and was taken as a pupil of Dimitri from then forward within the GRU.

Beirut, 1991[]

Solomon was on his first GRU enlisting with Dimitri in a plot to catch one of the physicists which was behind the top-secret Iranian nuclear program, a man named Khalaji. During their secret meeting, Solomon runs aside after eight American operatives intercede to capture Khalaji for themselves. At the same time, Solomon takes aim from behind close at the parked cars and kills the operative that would've otherwise shot and killed a then disarmed Dimitri. But as Solomon rescued Dimitri, this costs the two a availing asset in the Iranian nuclear program because the American operatives takes Khalaji.

After Beirut[]

Shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, Solomon left, but he re-emerged once more following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Despite not connected to the attacks, he was imprisoned in the prison of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. However, being as smart as he was, Solomon offered intelligence on terrorist cells and intelligence from working with the GRU so he could be released. His release is gifted, and he served as a CIA operative for intelligence and deniable operations.

Events of Battlefield 3[]

Operation Swordbreaker, March 15, 2014[]

By 2014, Solomon was working for the PLR, probably as a field commander in Iraqi Kurdistan. Shortly after the earthquake, he commanded his forces to take captive wounded US Marines that were caught in the debris. It was the first time for Blackburn to see Solomon, which was hidden amongst the remains of a crumbled building. Blackburn witnessed Solomon giving another Marine two choices, either to live or to die, before he gave an order to a PLR soldier to drag him away. Blackburn escaped the direct area without being spotted by Solomon nor his forces.

Operation Guillotine, October 31, 2014[]

Seven months later during the events of Operation Guillotine, Misfit 1-3 watched Solomon on camera footage in the Metropolitan Bank, accompanying the chairman of the PLR, Faruk Al-Bashir. He was revealed that he had planned terror attacks on the West via detonating nuclear apparatuses acquired from Russian arms dealer Amir Kaffarov. His terror cells targeted both Paris and New York City. His lair was in the underground vault of the Metropolitan Bank of Tehran, where Blackburn's team found out the plans of his attack and one of the three portable nukes.

Capture of Sergeant Miller, October 31, 2014[]

At some point, following the raid on the bank, Solomon presented himself during the execution of Tank Commander Jonathan Miller, seen alongside Al-Bashir. Solomon briefly spoke with the prisoner, teased him about his coming soon death and the sorrow it will bring Miller's family. In the execution video, Solomon was the one that took Miller's life by slitting his throat with a knife. Sometime after the recorded video and until the 14th of November, Solomon had gone to New York City with the nuclear bomb. Two days following the execution, the place, where Miller was killed by Solomon, was discovered by Blackburn and his teammate, Campo.

New York City, November 14, 2014[]

The day after PLR cell succeeded in detonating Paris, killing eighty-thousand people, on the dusk of November 14, Solomon triggers his terror attack in New York. He and his plotters use a subway train handled with explosives to carry the nuclear device through the city. Blackburn, who just breaks free of the CIA's captivity, forcefully jumps onto the train from an overpass and assaults the last subway car, killing a part of the terror cell as he moves on. Blackburn aboard onto the next car via emerging from the window before it explodes. When he sees Solomon inside, he shoots Blackburn, but Blackburn somehow survives and makes it to the front of the train.

Solomon surprisingly seizes Blackburn and threatens him with his gun so he can find out if the Marine is alone. Blackburn uses this advantage to break free of Solomon's grip and overpowers the PLR operative with the detonator to the explosives on the train. Solomon states that Blackburn is good, and Solomon is not afraid and asks the question how about the Marine. Blackburn, in response, detonates the explosives to stop Solomon from achieving his objective.

However, Solomon, Blackburn and the remains of the PLR survives the blast, with Solomon and his men fleeing through the subway tunnels with the nuclear device, chased after by Blackburn. When Solomon drives a SUV, he is driven off the road by Blackburn and Montes, who have commandeered a police car.


Dazed by the crash, Solomon recovers in time to kill David Montes before Montes can kill him, claiming, "It's not about winning." He then tries to shoot Blackburn, only to be out of ammunition. This allows Blackburn to take opportunity to attach himself to Solomon with handcuffs, and the pair fight each other, with Solomon knocking Blackburn out momentarily by pinning him to a car, headbutting him, then punching him.

As Blackburn falls to the ground, Solomon tries to activate the nuclear case, but Blackburn trips him up before picking up a brick and bludgeoning him repeatedly with it, killing him in the process. With the final nuke secured at Blackburn's hands and with the other PLR plotters either dead or arrested, Solomon's plot to destroy New York City ends with him.


Solomon was the former member of the Mujahideen, then the GRU, and then the CIA, and a manipulative, violent, vengeful and ruthless mastermind as field commander of the PLR, having no loyalties to anyone but himself. He hated the United States as well as Russia. He was responsible of most of these events, including the Iranian coup d'état, theft of nuclear devices from Russia, and terror attacks on the West.

Solomon was shown to have a sadistic streak to him, appearing to enjoy the suffering of his foes. He seemed to relish in mocking Miller shortly before executing him in Al-Bashir's video, having no empathy for the grief that Miller's death would bring to his family, let alone his son. Additionally, according to The Russian, he chose Paris as one of two cities to instigate nuclear terrorist attacks on solely because Dima's illegitimate son happened to be working there at the city's stock exchange.

Solomon also seemed to have a nihilistic view of life and the world. While mocking Miller, he told him how in life, one had to accept "the inevitability of death," implying that he viewed what people did with their lives to be meaningless. Additionally, during the attempted attack on New York City, he stated to his "brothers" that "no one" was innocent, and that everything would burn, further hinting at a low opinion of life as a whole. According to Solomon, this was something that his father had told him, presumably at some point before the latter's death.


  • Jonathan Miller - Throat slit.
  • David Montes - Shot in the head.





  • On his left hand, Solomon has a black star in between his thumb and index finger.
  • Solomon and Vladimir are the only characters in Battlefield 3 to have to their own songs in the soundtrack.
  • In an early casting call for Battlefield 3, there was originally supposed to be a character named Joseph, who was described as being an international terrorist with dual citizenship between the United States and Lebanon, along with having "fatalistic philosophical leanings." It is likely that at some point, during the game's development, this character was changed into Solomon, as they both match the casting call's description.
  • If the player/Blackburn fails to stop Solomon from detonating the nuke, the campaign ends with the same final cutscene with Dima and the end credits.

External Links[]


           Battlefield logo Villains

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Commander 31 | The Burning Flag

Bad Company
Legionnaire | Legionnaire Mercenaries

Bad Company 2
Arkady Kirilenko | Rico Escopar | Latin American Militia | James Wyatt

Battlefield 3
Solomon | Faruk Al-Bashir | People's Liberation and Resistance | Amir Kaffarov | Captain Quinton Cole

Battlefield 4
Chang Wei | Bohai | Russia | China

Captain Dawes | Carl Stoddard | Neil Roark | Tony Alpert | Preferred Outcomes | Remy Neltz | Henry Kang | Tyson Latchford

Battlefield 1
German Empire | Ottoman Empire (Tilkici) | Clyde Blackburn | Austro-Hungarian Empire

Battlefield V
Peter Müller | Lieutenant Weber | Schroder
