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Suletta Mercury... I'd love to meet her. I wonder if I ever will.
~ Sophie's obsession over Sulleta and the Gundam Aerial.

Sophie Pulone is a minor antagonist of the anime Mobile Suit Gundam The Witch from Mercury. She, together with Norea Du Noc, are pilots working for the Earth-based terrorist group Dawn of Fold. She is a girl that follows her instincts of love of violence, mocking her enemies when shooting them down or not caring that her enemies' Mobile Suit's explosion could possibly harm innocent. She is the pilot of the EDM-GA-01 Gundam Lfrith Ur.

She is voiced by Shiori Izawa.


Sophie is the polar opposite of her co-worker, the calm and silent Norea. Sophie enjoys a good fight with her enemies and is far more energetic. In fact, her love of violence makes her a wild card as sometimes she would not listen to order from her boss Naji Geor Hija. She would even mock her enemies when their trick didn't work, as shown when the Antidote from several Beguir-Pentecost Mobile Suit failed to knock her Gundam out.

At the same time, Sophie has a mischievous and playful side, causing mischief at Asticassia with Suletta and greatly admiring her, seeing Suletta as her “big sister”. Deep down, Sophie desires love from a family and has a normal life, which are unfortunately denied for her due to her being an orphan.


Sophie, together with Norea, were originally former GUND-format test pilot that eventually winded up on Earth and worked for the Earth based terroristic mercenary group Dawn of Fold. At some point, Shaddiq Zenelli hired Dawn of Fold to attack the space station Plant Quetta, of the Beneritt Group. Before she headed off to space for the attack, she watched the promotion video of Miorine Rembran's company GUND-ARM Inc. and was amazed by Suletta Mercury, wishing to meet the Witch from Mercury personally.

On the captured Dawn of Fold, Guel, under the name of Bob, recognized the Jeturk Mobile Suits Desultor and confronted Naji, asking how terrorists like them obtain them, to which Sophie replied by threatening to kill Guel, only to be hold back by Naji. Before the mission, Sophie was still watching videos of the Gundam Aerial, wondering if she will see Suletta during her mission (with Norea complaining about her obsession over the promotion video). With that, she, together with Norea and other mercenaries, headed off for their mission in their respective Mobile Suits.

On Plant Quetta, Sophie and Norea fired their mega particles cannon with their Gundams at the space station, cutting and separating Block C out of the remaining space station. Despite Naji telling Sophie that her next job is to provide a diversion, the pilot refused and decided to head into Plant Quetta to kill Delling directly. Once she entered it, she would unexpectedly saw Sulleta with her own eyes, much to Sophie's excitement and Suletta's horror.

However, luckily for Sulleta, Sophie quickly left to regroup, Naji reminded Sophie of her role in serving as a distraction. While Sophie objected at first, Norea mocked if she is afraid, thus motivating Sophie to head off to distract the Plant Quetta defence force, which made out of a group of Beguir-Pentecosts, despite the pilots' effort of using the Antidote to disable the Gundam Lfrith Ur, Sophie rose Permet Score to four, nullifying the effect but at the cost of giving her heart pain. With that, Sophie wiped out all Beguir-Pentecosts and headed back to Plant Quetta to look for and duel the Aerial Gundam. Sophie blasted through the gate and faced the Gundam Aerial Rebuild, Suletta, having just been encouraged to fight by Lady Prospera, overpowered and pushed Sophie out of the space station, with the psychotic mercenary commenting on how scary the Gundam Aerial Rebuild look and said that she preferred its old look. Regardless, Sophie and Suletta entered combat, both of them were in an even match, even when Norea stepped in to assist Sophie, Sulleta was still undefeated and fired a massive beam at them, which both the Witches from Earth dodged. Just then, Naji, seeing that the time for the mission is up, ordered Sophie and Norea to retreat, with Sophie commenting on hoping to meet Suletta again.

Later, under the arrangement of Shaddiq, both Sophie and Norea were sent to the Asticassia school colony under the disguise of students. They requested to join the Earth House under the reasoning that they came from Earth. Sophie enthusiastically called Sulleta her "big sister" as Suletta took Sophie for a trip around the school on the next day, to which Sophie greatly enjoyed despite Sophie being a trouble maker, such as yawning loudly in lesson or taking other student's food. Soon, they bumped into Elan Ceres who trie to ask Suletta out for a date, only for Sophie to drag her big sister figure away.

However, as Sophie's trip of the school ended, she and Norea sneaked into the spaceship of Earth House to investigate Elan's Gundam Pharact, as they have been ordered that if it is necessary, they have to destroy the Gundam. However, they were tracked down by Nike Nanaura, who is aware of their true identity as terrorist. She threatened that they either leave the school or she will report them along with herself, since she found out they joined the school under a dummy company. Sophie responded by throwing a helmet at Nika and kicking her, breaking her arm. Sophie proceed to mock and threaten Nika to not get in their way before Norea told Sophie to back off as she is about to kill Nika with the Pharact. But before she could do so, Nika was saved by Suletta, while Norea originally wanted to kill Sulleta too to leave no witness, Sophie protested meanwhile Suletta challenged her "little sister" to a duel, so that should Sulleta win, they won't hurt Nika anymore. This is something Sophie accepted, much to Norea's annoyance.

Eventually, Elan once again tried to seduce Suletta, luckily Sophie dragged Suletta away, after commenting on how disturbing Elan is being, Sophie revealed her idea of her stake in the duel: If Sophie wins, Sulleta has to be her big sister. Sophie even commented that if they become a real family, she would refrain herself from killing Miorine too. After Suletta replied that she made a promise to Miorine about not losing a single duel, Sophie answered that if she killed Miorine, would allow her to see how Sulleta is back in Plant Quetta. Before Suletta could ask more questions, Secelia announced the start of Rumble Ring, thus Suletta left to prepare to take part in it.

During the Rumble Ring, where different Houses of the school have a mock battle in their Mobile Suits, almost every sides focused on taking out Sulleta's Aerial Gundam and Elan's Gundam Pharact first. As Lauda attempted to attack Suletta with his Dilenza, Sophie and Norea broke into the colony with their Gundams, and Sophie rammed the Gundam Lfrith Ur's Gatling gun into the Dilenza's head, wounding and knocking Lauda out instantly. Sophie then fired at the surroundings meanwhile Norea killed one of the students. Sophie soon revealed the mind-controlled unmanned mobile suit drones, Gundvolvas under Shaddiq's order, as they continue to cause chaos so that Shaddiq could have Grassley House to kidnap Sarius Zenelli. Meanwhile, Sophie forced Suletta and her Gundam Aerial Rebuild out of the colony. Sophie soon started ranting about how she simply wanted a satisfying meal, a warm bed, warm shower, comics, video games and finally, a family that loves her. Which are all things that were denied to her due to her being an orphan. While Suletta tried to point out murdering for need of love is wrong, she is quickly reminded how she crushed a terrorist to protect Miorine in Plant Quetta.

As Sophie becomes increasingly manical when she ranted about how Gundams are violence machines, conflicting with what Suletta believes in, the Aerial Rebuild released a data storm that trend the Gundvovas against Sophie, forcing her to rise her Permet Scores to six, causing great recoil to Sophie. While Norea tried to convince Sophie to stop, she warned her to stay away meanwhile continuing to chase down the Aerial, she soon saw an illusion of Ericht Samaya, whose mind has been uploaded into the Aerial. At the same time, the Aerial is going to strike the killing blow, while Suletta ultimately convinced the Aerial to stop, it was already too late for Sophie, as she ultimately perished from the recoil of Permet System, which fried her mind. Suletta opened the Lfrith Ur's cockpit, and was shocked to see Sophie's lifeless body. Leaving a sorrowful Norea to drag her corpse and the Lfrith Ur away, the news of Sophie's death eventually spread to the young refugees on Earth, who built a grave for their well-respected big sister figure.


Mobile Suit piloted[]
