Speaker Banki was a speaker themed member of the Banki Clan Gaiark and the main antagonist of the 6th episode of Engine Sentai Go-Onger.
He was voiced by Issei Futamata who previously voiced KK Esu, Porupo and later voiced Zuboshimeshi, Pin Spot Shadow and an Advanced Yokai Konaki-jiji.
The Speaker Banki made his first appearance in the human realm as he was using his microphone spear to suck the music that is coming out from the flute that Seiji is playing all doing this while he hides himself behind a bush so the Go-Ongers won't see him. He then revealed himself to the three as he plan to use the music that he stole to create a destructive sound that's so loud that it obliterated a tree.
After the intro the Speaker Banki wants to know who Saki is as she revealed herself to be Go-On Yellow and not to mention Go-On Red is in the area as well which makes the Speaker Banki annoyed at the duo. With that said the battle was on if they want to get the music back that the Speaker Banki just stole. With the music that he stole the Speaker Banki used this ability very loud that both Go-Ongers and the musician has to cover their ears. Once that was done he fired another destructive sound wave sending the duo rolling downhill around the same time the remaining Go-Ongers showed up to aid in this fight against this robot. Thankfully Renn provided the team with earplugs to cancel out the noise that the Speaker Banki is making. After that they used their Mantan Gun and open fired on the Speaker Banki as it destroyed the speakers on the side of his head. With that said the Speaker Banki retreats the area to get his speaker fix not before long as the music that he stole was brought back to the flute.
A while later the Speaker Banki was at the Hellgailles Palace as he deeply apologies to the minister as he failed to pollute the planet with its noise. However Kitaneidas was very please for his display against the Go-Ongers with his destructive noise. However Kegalesia points out that it was very useless if the team used the earplugs to block out the noise. Which means Speaker Banki is in need of an upgrade that will blow away both the earplugs and the Mantan Guns.
A while later the Speaker Banki has appeared in the city as he stole the music from this city and then used the destructive sound wave to destroy a bunch of buildings leaving only the men to battle against the Speaker Banki. With the upgrade that the Speaker Banki got those earplugs will be useless to these highly loud noises as shown when he puts it at output mode and even then they used the Mantan Guns to open fired on the Speaker Banki, but guess what the sound waves that the Speaker Banki firing out also creates a barrier to deflect those kind of attacks making this guy one tough and noisy opponent.
However when Saki showed up to aid the gentleman in the fight against the Speaker Banki she used her Mantan Gun to open fire against the Speaker Banki, but the Speaker Banki is quite confident that they're no match against this kind of upgrade that is until she fired at the nonfunctional speakers located at the Speaker Banki's feet. After that he was down for the count by these two finishers which are Highway Buster and Junction Rifle both in pole position.
However with the Bikkurium still running in the Speaker Banki's system he manages to revive and enlarge himself via Industrial Revolution prompting the core members to bring out Engine-O to battle against the Speaker Banki. However during the fight even at giant size the Speaker Banki still used this ability as it sent Engine-O falling to the ground. However thanks to Gunpei quick thinking he brought out Gunpherd and open fire on the Speaker Banki. With the Gunpherd as the armament they combined it with Engine-O to form Engine-O Gunpherd. The Speaker Banki tries to fire out his destructive sound wave at the mecha, but with Engine-O being armed with Gunpherd they easily pierced through the sound wave barriers and landing a hit on the Speaker Banki. After that, the Speaker Banki was then destroyed by this finisher called Gunpherd Gun Fire.
Speaker Banki was chaotic, destructive and determined to pollute the Earth for his masters Gaiark. But he is also loyal to Kitaneidas and loyally follows his orders.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Sound Attacks: Being a speaker themed Banki monster, Speaker Banki used sound as his main weapon and could project the powerful sound waves to attack his enemies.
- Microphone Staff: Speaker Banki wielded a microphone staff in battle.
“ | Sucking up the beautiful sound. I've taken your beautiful flute music to create destructive sound waves! Listen! Speaker! Begin output! | „ |
~ Speaker Banki's first words. |
“ | Doing the weekly test now. Take care. Students still here should go home. Bing bing bing. | „ |
~ Speaker Banki's last words. |