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“ | The Trees are not trees. | „ |
~ "Everett" to Virginia Arnoldson during her time in Wonderland. |
“ | The forest fell swiftly, as the lumberjack swung. Except for the special tree, which could not be stung. She missed her friends, and the hymns they sung. So she started a tune, that broke the man's lung. | „ |
~ Unknown, in their poem titled The Special Tree. |
“ | The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. | „ |
~ Thomas Jefferson |
The Special Trees are the overarching antagonists in the alternate history analog horror THE MONUMENT MYTHOS franchise.
Throughout their appearances, these "trees" have caused nothing but immense suffering unto those who have the misfortune of interacting with these inter-dimensional rabbit holes.
The Special Trees take on the appearance of roots more than trees, with a dark coloration and a rough texture, and a few small branches on the upper half of most Trees. They are usually much taller than normal trees, ranging 50' to 500' in height. They are much more durable then regular trees, and can heal themselves, as well as bending themselves into arcs to create large flashes of lightning. They will then return upright after bending. Sometimes, they appear as humanoid. In the one case we see this, it is female. In Wonderland, they create several layers of surfaces, each mirroring each other with each peak of a Special Tree touching an exact copy of the same Tree, but upside down. The surfaces are covered in a powdered substance that has been described to have the smell of baby powder.
WARNING: This biography will not be fully chronological due to the multiuniversal and time travelling elements of these entities.
Special Trees vs. The Empires of Egypt[]
NOTE: Due to Leonard Morlin's unwilling deal with the ADA to spread misinformation among reliable sources, this part of the Trees' biography is under skepticism. Aspects of this part of the biography have been confirmed through implications.
The earliest mention of the Special trees is given during an interview with Leonard W. Morlin, a former senior advisor. Special Trees were growing around in areas of Egypt, and the pharaohs has taken notice. Because of this, they had appointed warriors called Guardians, who would strike the Trees with blades made of Giza Glass, an anomalous substance strong enough to cause harm to the growing Trees. They would ingest chemicals to induce a lack of fatigue and pain and would strike the Trees for days at a time, causing the Trees to focus on healing instead of growing. This bought time for the pharaohs to build the Pyramids of Giza to contain them, as well as several other pyramids that would later be buried in the sands of Egypt. These Pyramids were infinite spire structures that stretched down into the earth to block both outward and upward growth by the Trees. This had stopped the Special Trees from appearing for thousands of years.
After the Air Force One Angel divides itself through the time stream and avoids The Great Division caused by its confrontation with Freedom, it was revealed that similar obelisks made from pyramids existed on the polar ice caps of Mars, revealing that the Egyptians actually built the obelisks, and that they were extraterrestrial in nature.
The Sinking Man and the Forbidden Fruit[]
In 1738, a 6 year old George Washington accidentally cut what he thought was his father's apple tree, however upon contact with it, the Tree revealed itself to be a Special Tree and caused him to fall into the Horned Serpent Metastructure (HSM), being charred and stretched after a failled escape attempt by trying to climb the trees, Washington transformed into the Horned Serpent himself. Washington's distorted body is contained underground through unknown means and is eventually fed through the Statue of Liberty in 1878. Washington's role in history is taken by a doppelganger, who is eventually replaced with a third doppelganger after falling and freezing inside the Delaware River.
The Washington Monument[]
The second Special Tree that was discovered by America appeared in Washington D. C. in 1840, where the government had decided to contain the Tree within the later to be Washington Monument. In this process, they begin construction of the monument, but halt due to the Civil War in the 1860s. Prisoners of war from the Confederacy were sometimes seen being led into the Tree, assumedly left for dead and forced to commit suicide due to the sounds the Tree emits. The monument sees its completion in 1888. Later in 1910, after several people had noticed this noise this tree emits, the U.S. government decides to cover up its true origins via a tourism campaign to listen for the noise within the walls, hiding its deadly nature in plain sight. Between the years after this decision, and 1971, 21 people go missing inside the monument, which were labeled the Washington Absentees. In 1972, many news outlets leaked a classified video called the Washington Standard Operation. In this video, it shows how people who enter the monument are entranced by the sound it makes, causing them to enter a dolly attached to a hoisting cable, knowing it will lead to their death, before the dolly drops them from over 500 feet onto the ground. In 2000, the monument is vandalized with mentions of an infection. This infection occurs in 2003 due to the payloads dropped by the Air Force One Angel dropped over the monument, causing the Tree to be freed from it's containment, and creating the Washington Zone. There is a 22nd absentee which will be spoken about in a later section.
The 1934 Christmas Tree[]
In the years leading up to 1934, oil tycoon J. D. Rockefeller had constructed a center in New York for the celebration of Christmas, and he only required one thing: a tree to put in the center of the Center to uplift the spirits of the citizens of the city. He had a specific goal to find a tree like no other. When looking in the Babylon Forest for one, he had stumbled upon a Tree, and immediately decided to put it up in the center. This task was not easy though, as he attempted continuous chopping and dynamite did not free the Tree. After this fails, Rockefeller decides to pay a group of gravediggers in Babylon to free the Tree, which takes three years to do so. When the Tree is freed, it is brought back to America, and placed in the Center in New York. A girl named Virginia Arnoldson takes notice of this Tree, and decides that with a group of friends, she will try to put an ornament on top of the Tree. Virginia and her friends decide to stack on top of each other and create a tower of people so that Virginia can reach the top of the Tree. This is successful, but the Tree then bends and flashes, sending Virginia and the other kids to the HSM, or what she will affectionately call "Wonderland." In the HSM, Virginia had described a world of infinite planes, each connected by a Tree tip to end, mirroring each other each level, with surfaces of powder, which she described to smell like baby powder. She would meet a man named Everett, who would deal with what would occur with her in the HSM. She would be forced to act out various scenarios, which are copies of reality that the Metastructure preserves, as it acts as a data bank for every interaction between people within the multiverse, including erased universes. She would do this until exhaustion in a timeless space. Some of these scenarios include running, dancing, and other random physical actions with Everett. Every few seconds she would flash through these scenarios through flashes of the Trees. This occurred for a very long time, until one day, a final flash occurred, and she returned back to reality. This reality was not the one she resided in before, but the second universe, where all the anomalies reside in. When analyzed medically, she was diagnosed with hysteria due to her poor knowledge on the second universe, referencing her knowledge from the first. She was also diagnosed with situs invertus (mirrored organs). Because of the bizarreness of the case, President J.D. Rockefeller would inspect the children. His findings were horrifying, realizing the nature of the trees and how they kidnapped these children and swapped their realities.
Virginia Arnoldson eventually went back to the Tree after spending a part of her life in an orphanage, and it, now taking the form of a humanoid female, telepathically speaks to her. The Tree explained she would need to sacrifice something to the Tree before being able to go back to her reality, and told her to come back in three years. This loop of returning to the Tree happened four times, making her wait twelve years. During the fourth loop, she met a man who was sent by the government to watch her due to her anomalous circumstances and her communications with the Tree. She would fall in love with this man and have a boy with him named Everett. This man was Leonard Morlin. She would return to the Tree while pregnant, and the Tree gave directions to the Washington Monument. She walked hundreds of miles and reached the monument, and stepped inside. It treated her similar to past absentees, brainwashing her with music, and lifting her on a dolly, only to drop her. She did not die, though. Her soul ends up falling through the Earth, and ends up in her body in the first Universe. She is severely injured, and had lost her child, Everett, but is kept alive by the Tree. Everett became the 22nd Washington Absentee. The Unification of 2003 occurred, causing millions to die, as personnel from the U.S. government escort her out, explaining everyone she knew was dead. The US government would later would force her to get a lobotomy, causing her to lose her speech.
Unification Trees[]
As a byproduct of The Horned Serpent being perturbed, several Trees were ejected out of the HSM. This occurs three times: 1980, 2003, and 2022. The number of Trees ejected is indeterminate, but can be estimated to be anywhere from thousands to millions, depending on which Unification you speak of, with the 1980 Unification creating thousands, while the 2003 Unification most likely released millions of Trees. In the penultimate 2022 Unification, which successfully destroyed the Earth, released millions of Trees in clumps out into the cosmos, creating the Cornerworld.
The Pyramid Trees[]
NOTE: Due to Leonard Morlin's unwilling deal with the ADA to spread misinformation among reliable sources, this part of the Trees' biography is under skepticism. Aspects of this part of the biography have been confirmed through implications.
After the Trees were contained within the Pyramids, a spaceship from Mars taking the shape of The Sphinx goes to Earth, and despite attempts of neutralizing it, it landed, delivering several amorphous blobs of light. These blobs of light were dubbed the False Children, due to their similar ability to the Trees. They formed into the Starry Sphinx to distract onlookers as the Martian ship escapes, but this fails, as several infinitely tall spires with the tips being the Pyramids of Giza rise out of sand to stop the movements of the mothership.
The True False Children and The False False Children[]
As stated before, several amorphous blobs of light delivered by the Martian ship are falsely called The Flase Children, with the real False Children being an array of Trees used to capture Freedom via activating a gaseous substance made from the sands of Giza called Giza Gas.
- Because of the nature of the Trees, it can be assumed other world monuments were built to contain the trees.
External Link[]
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TFMDs GOD and His Extensions Villainous Groups (Deanverse) Villainous Groups (Nixonverse) ADA Fabrications People The House In The Ocean |