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Villains Wiki

Spella Yagami is the main antagonist of the Sabrina: Secrets of a Teenage Witch finale of the same name. She is Enchantra Yagami's sister, who according to Enchantra, is even worse than she is.

She is voiced by Rebecca Shoicet, who also voiced Sunset Shimmer in My Little Pony: Equestria Girls.


Spella stops by to prank Enchantra, revealing herself. Sabrina, the kids, and Professor Geist are confused, until Enchantra reveals that Spella and her are sisters. She eventually is able to make the others grow a bond with her by playing games and telling jokes about Enchantra, knowing that almost everything she says about her, they agree with. She even seems to have made Professor Geist fall in love with her, based on the way he talks about her. She later on has Sabrina go find three things for a spell as a test: A shard of ice from an Ice Giant, a dragon scale, and a tear from a Rock Giant. Sabrina gets them and brings them back to school, only to be warned by Enchantra that Spella was manipulating her and planned to use them for a very dark and dangerous spell. Spella then started her full takeover of the school, lamenting on how jealous she was of Enchantra, and how Mrs. Yagami always favored her over Spella.

Spella then conjures a magic soundproof bubble that traps Ambrose, Londa, Zanda, Shinji, and Veralupa, while sending Sabrina and Enchantra to Greendale to stay forever, and Geist starts to realize the danger everyone's in and how he let his guard down because of Spella's dominance and beauty, and tries to help his students escape the bubble, while Sabrina and Enchantra try to get back to Witch World while blending in and seeming normal. Eventually, both sides manage to escape and they all team up to defeat Spella. She attacks them by summoning an Ice Giant, Rock Giant, Nocturna Beast, and Dragon to finish them off, but they cast a spell combining all their powers to kill the monsters and presumably Spella in the process.

Physical appearance[]

Spella is a Japanese woman with blue-black frizzy hair and blue eyes. In contrast to Enchantra's gothic, stereotypical witch outfit, Spella wears a Gypsy/Romani inspired outfit consisting of a red dress with a green shawl and a sun-shaped necklace. She wears a red scarf with a yellow flower and golden tassels on it, as well as large hoop earrings.


Spella is extremely jealous and power-hungry, supposedly worse than Enchantra, and possibly the most evil of the Yagami family. She is shown to be quite the comedian too, with all of her jokes, pranks, and banter she has during her fake "nice girl" act.


           Archie-logoverse Villains

Archie & Riverdale
Aliens | Betsy | Coach Clyde | Chuck Orgle | Dr. Arachnid | Dorsa Finn | Glebo | Maladonia Demon | Medlock | Maria Naut | Mr. Avericci | Nilnewz | Potato Aliens | Prad and Whitney | Queen Cockroach | Riverdale Reaper | Scarlet Helsing | Stanley 9000 | The Genie | The Great Potato | Vampronica | Vinnie Wells | Alice Cooper | Archie Andrews | Andre | Arthur Adams | Black Hood | Blossom Family | Bret Weston Wallis | Cassidy Bullock | Chad Gekko | Charles Smith | Chic Cooper | Chuck Clayton | Claudius Blossom | Clifford Blossom | Darla Dickenson | Dodger Dickenson | Donna Sweett | Dreyfus Starkweather | Edgar Evernever | Elio Grande | Evelyn Evernever | FP Jones | Francis DuPont | Fredreich Werthers | Gargoyle Gang | Gargoyle King | Geraldine Grundy | Ghoulies | Gladys Jones | Hermione Lodge | Hermosa Lodge | Hiram Lodge | Holden Honey | Joan Berkeley | Jonathan | Julian Blossom | Kurtz | La Llorona | Malachai | Marty Mantle | Michael Matthews | Mustang | Nick St. Clair | Paul Boucher | Penny Peabody | Penelope Blossom | Percival Pickens | Reggie Mantle | Rose Blossom | Sheriff Michael Minetta | Sister Woodhouse | Small Fry Boucher | Southside Serpents | Sugarman | Sweet Pea | Tall Boy | The Milkman | Trash Bag Killer | Warden Norton

Sabrina the Teenage Witch & Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Satan (Netflix) | Father Blackwood | Billy Marlin | Madame Satan (Netflix) | Weird Sisters (Prudence Blackwood, Agatha Night, Dorcas Night) | Batibat | Dorian Gray | Constance Blackwood | Dezmelda | Gryla | Pesta | Shirley Jackson | Sycorax | Judith Blackwood | Judas Blackwood | Anti-Pope | Crimson Avenger | Plague Kings (Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Purson) | Demons (Aphophis, Bartel, Volac)| Jerathmiel | Mehitable | Gideon | The Pagans (Pan, Circe, Nagaina) | Caliban | Jimmy Platt | Metatron | Green Man | Katrina Spellman | Anirbas | Libby Chessler | Jezebelda Spellman | Drell | Irma Spellman | Brad Alcero | Tim the Witchsmeller | Gem Stone | Slugloafe | Lord of the Dance | Malissa Forethought | Dawson and Felicity | Tiffany Torry and Margaux Lee | Cassandra Troublefield | Wish Spirit | Olivia | Enchantra Yagami | Shinji Yagami | Spella Yagami | Charles MBA

Katy Keene
Alexander Cabot | Alexandra Cabot | Mr Cabot

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Villains
