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Villain Overview

Spinel is one of the secondary antagonists of Pokémon Horizons: The Series. He is an admin from the Explorers organization, as well as Liko and Amethio's arch-nemesis.

He is voiced by Matt Mercer in the English version.




Spinel has cyan hair with fluffy strands that extend down to his shoulders, with a dark cyan tint near the end of his bangs. His eyes are narrow and are colored in two tones between soft pink and sky blue.


Unlike his direct competitor, Amethio, Spinel is a ruthless, morally-rotten admin who will do whatever it takes to fulfill his mission, up to and including indirectly murdering other members of the Explorers to die to achieve a goal or just to remove potential competitors. He has no qualms about harming children like Liko, nor any hesitation to go as far as brainwashing her to get her pendant.

His Pokémon[]

  • Umbreon
  • Beheeyem
  • Magneton


  • ????


           Pokémon the Series Horizontal Villains

Team Rocket
Giovanni | Team Rocket Trio (Jessie | James | Meowth) | Jessie's Wobbuffet | Matori | Dr. Zager | Butch | Cassidy | Dr. Namba | Madame Boss | Domino | Attila and Hun | Tyson | Professor Sebastian | Iron-Masked Marauder | Pierce | Miyamoto

Team Aqua
Archie | Shelly

Team Magma
Maxie | Tabitha | Brodie

Team Galactic
Cyrus | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Charon

Team Plasma
N | Colress | Ghetsis (Generations)

Team Flare
Lysandre | Malva | Xerosic

Team Skull
Guzma | Plumeria

Team Yell

Macro Cosmos
Chairman Rose | Oleana

Gibeon | Hamber | Amethio | Spinel | Sidian | Chalce | Coral | Zirc | Onia

Other People
Sabrina | Lawrence III | Pokémon Poacher Brothers | Molly Hale | Annie | Oakley | Magikarp Salesman | Phantom the Pirate | Dr. Yung | Colonel Hansen | King of Pokélantis | Hunter J | Baron Alberto | Koji | Zero | Marcus | Grings Kodai | Goone | Damon | Damian | Dario | Dolan | Mayor of Trovitopolis | Invincible Pokémon Brothers | Nobunaga | Ninja Riot | Marilyn Flame | Argus Steel | Azure and Crimson | Alva | Leon | Levi | Cherie | Miyamoto | Cross | Viren | Rico | Sheridan | Revengers | Team Break | Alternate World Team Rocket | Dr. Zed | Shamus | Captain Crook James' Parents | Jessebelle | The Bridge Bike Gang | Ghost Girl

Mewtwo (Anime) | Deoxys | Yveltal | Entei | Unown | Darkrai | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Arceus | Chandelure | Cofagrigus | Haxorus & Hydreigon | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Extraterrestrial Clefairy | Red Genesect | Genesect Army | Munna | Malamar | Spiritomb | False Groudon | Giant Tentacruel | Mirage Mewtwo | Evil Togepi | Team Meanies | Hoopa Unbound | Hatterene | Rayquaza
Ultra Beast
Nihilego | Guzzlord | Necrozma

See Also
Pokémon Villains | Pokémon Adventure Villains | Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Villains
