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“ | Are you X? I'm under orders to terminate you. | „ |
~ Split Mushroom |
Split Mushroom is one of the eight Maverick bosses and a minor antagonist fought in Mega Man X4. He is a fungus-based Repliroid who worked in the Bio Laboratory, but was deactivated along with his lab by mistake. His weapon, the Soul Body, lets him and others who wield it make an illusory double, although Split prefers to use his version to confuse his foes. He is weak to the Lightning Webs, which Web Spider has in his arsenal.
Split Mushroom was a Reploid who was in charge of the operations in the Bio Laboratory. When the lab was decommissioned, Mushroom was also deactivated, but he was later revived by Sigma. Now a Maverick, Mushroom reactivated and fortified the Bio Laboratory, being given orders to terminate X and Zero but also attacking any visitors merely for fun. He was eventually confronted and defeated by the Hunters.
Split Mushroom starts the fight by jumping into a wall and using his Soul Body, where he creates various hologram replicas of himself which then launch themselves at the player. After this he'll jump to the middle of the arena and scatter powder, creating a replica of himself. He and the replica will then move around the arena in a circular motion, eventually bouncing and crashing into the ground, releasing poison powder when doing so. His weaknesses are the Lightning Web with X and the Raijingeki with Zero.
Split is a manchild, despite his age, which makes him all the more dangerous. When X and his friends confront him, Split reveals his orders to terminate X. Split is quite impressed to see X in his lair, and challenges X to test him.