Stephen, also known by his gamertag Silent Strike, is an antagonist in season 6 of Arby 'n' The Chief. He first appears as a level 3 member of TOSERS, granting him administrator privileges. However, he is eventually revealed to be a double agent for Chaos Theosis.
He is voiced by Matt Dannevik.
Stephen was assigned as Master Chief and Arbiter's chaperone when they were still level -1 TOSERS. He was shown to be fairly reasonable and got along very well with Arbiter.
Stephen used his powers as an administrator to let the four members of Chaos Theosis on the main server for TOSERS, allowing the four to cause havoc on the server.
Arbiter and Master Chief later learned about Stephen's treachery from Trent Donnovich and after Trent's defeat, the two hunted down and banned Stephen.
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Noob Control Chaos Theosis Eugene's Clan Other |