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~ Strickler's catchphrase.

Stickler is the overarching antagonist of the 2022 Netflix animated series The Cuphead Show!. He is the auditor for The Devil, who keeps track of who's souls he has successfully captured.

While The Devil is his superior, he has no qualms with repeatedly getting on The Devil’s back about capturing Cuphead’s soul, thus driving his boss's ambition.

He was voiced by Andrew Morgado. Who also voices Kollector in Mortal Kombat 11.


Strickler appears as a small teal demon with a large bulbous head. He has pointed ears and tail and a pair of horns, and purple eyes.


Season One[]

"Sweater Off Dead"[]

During the Devil’s celebration party, Stickler interrupted, and revealed the Devil has not collected Cuphead’s soul yet. The Devil tried to ignore him, but he eventually cracked, and went to get Cuphead’s soul. After failing to do so, he lies and said he did. Stickler asked where he had it. The Devil said he put in the soul vault. Stickler said each soul must be registered, but the Devil “accidentally” burned his book. This forced Stickler to do a full recount of all the souls.

"Sweater Luck Next Time"[]

While not making an official appearance, Stickler was mentioned by the Devil in the beginning of the episode, saying “I hate that guy!”

Season 2[]

"Release the Demons!"[]

Sticker reappears in the end of the episode, saying he recounted the souls, and still didn’t see Cuphead’s soul. The Devil said he was going to get it, but Stickler revealed that if the Devil had failed to capture a soul with 30 days, the soul goes back to its original owner. And it had now been 31 days, so the Devil couldn’t claim Cuphead’s soul. The Devil attempted to kill Sticker, but it was revealed he was wearing the invisible sweater, so the Devil couldn’t kill him. The Devil gave up, and the two went back to hell. However the elevator got stuck, and Stickler started singing, much to the Devil’s annoyance.

Season 3[]


Sticker appears as the beginning of the episode, still wearing the sweater. He then reveals that ever since Cuphead released all the souls from Hell, the Devil hadn’t caught a soul in months. Sticker later revealed the bubbles of failure, which covered over the Devil’s belongings (his throne, his bed, his mug, his paintings, his donut, Henchman, his pitchfork, and his elevator), which would stay in the bubbles forever unless the Devil brought back at least one soul by the end of the day. However, without the elevator, the Devil was forced to the stairs,

After capturing Telephone’s soul, the bubbles of failure disappeared. The Devil then sat back in his throne, and shooed away Stickler and Henchman.

"A Very Devil Christmas"[]

Stickler made a small cameo in “A Very Devil Christmas”, where he is seen complaining that someone had been eating his lunches.

Near the end of the episode, it’s revealed the Devil was the one eating Sticker’s lunches.

"Down & Out"[]

"The Devil & Ms. Chalice"[]


  • Strickler's name comes from the word "stickler", which is defined as a person who is overbearing on their insistence on the correctness or exactness of something, traits that the character possesses in regards to the souls that the Devil has captured.
  • Stickler’s appearance is similar to Roger Smith from American Dad.


           CupheadDon'tDealwiththeDevil Logo Villains

Main Game
The Devil | King Dice | Casino Bosses
The Delicious Last Course
Chef Saltbaker | Moonshine Mob | The Devil | Angel and Demon | Mortimer Freeze |

The Cuphead Show!
The Devil | Henchman | King Dice | Stickler
Baby Bottle | Ribby and Croaks | The Root Pack | Cala Maria | Baroness Von Bon Bon | Ludwig | Birnbaum Quadruplets | Werner Werman | Penguin Caretakers
