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I don't know the names of the women I've killed, but I've killed many of them.
~ Stuart Ackerman.

Stuart Ackerman is a minor antagonist in the video game L.A. Noire.

He was one of the two main suspects in "The White Shoe Slaying" homicide case. While none of them were the true mind behind the murder of Theresa Taraldsen, Ackerman admitted to being a serial killer himself during his interrogation.

He was voiced and motion captured by Andrew Rothenberg.



Stuart Ackerman was a World War II soldier selected by his piers for flame-thrower detail, because of his height. With all the pressure he was under, Ackerman learned the harsh truth that he was sent to die in the battlefield, as the life expectancy for grunts like him was merely five minutes. He survived the war, but suffered from severe burns across his face and body, caused by his own weapon. He also developed some degree of post-traumatic disorder.

Ackerman became homeless some time after his return to Los Angeles. He gathered a significant amount of followers in the local homeless community by spreading his anti-American beliefs. Ackerman held a special grudge towards women and would frequently venture around the city looking for opportunities to assault them, physically and sexually, and kill them, presumably through neck trauma.

The Black Dahlia Murders[]

On a rainy night, Ackerman watched as Theresa Taraldsen drukenly stumbled near his camp. She was later murdered by the Black Dahlia killer. An old woman witnessed the moments prior to Taraldsen's death and informed the police about the unwanted looker. At dawn, The Black Dahlia killer planted the murder weapon and Taraldsen's belongings inside Ackerman's shed. After going through several other leads, detectives Cole Phelps and Rusty Galloway arrived to the hobo camp, only to be greeted by an angry mob, led by Stuart Ackerman. Phelps fought Ackerman in hand-to-hand combat, while Galloway opened fire at his followers. Ackerman was arrested and, during his interrogation, openly admitted that he had killed many women, but had no recollection of Taradsen. Nevertheless, he was charged for her murder. However, he was admitted to a mental hospital, instead of receiving the death penalty for his crimes. After the real killer was discovered, Ackerman was quietly released alongside other people that Mason had framed.



  • Despite his resentment towards the army, he still kept memorabilia from his time as a marine, such as his helmet, dungaree blouse and duffel bag.
  • Stuart and his followers supposedly express communist (or at the very least anti-American) sentiments, calling himself "Comrade Stalin" during the interrogation in a joking manner, even going as far as referring to the police as "fascists", which is a common tactic employed by the people who hold Stuart's beliefs. Captain Donnelly also calls him a "filthy red" on multiple occasions.
