“ | My name is Sturm. Hear it and tremble. | „ |
~ Sturm upon his victory in Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising. |
Sturm is the leader of Black Hole who seeks to dominate the Wars World and the primary antagonist of Advance Wars and Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising.
Sturm stays behind the scenes for most of the first game, stirring up conflict between the nations of Cosmo Land so once they have been weakened he can swoop in and conquer it. In Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising, Sturm takes a more proactive role, spearheading Black Hole's conquest of the four Wars World nations and leading its COs.
In Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, he was voiced by Craig Lee Thomas.
Advance Wars[]
“ | Hunted down? Me? You've done nothing but enter the door that I opened for you. [...] Did you think I didn't notice you, little girl? You and your pathetic strategy games! Is that all you're good for? [...] You've made one stupid mistake after another... Did you image yourself a match for me? You conceited fool! It's time to put an end to this face. Time to pay the piper, was it? | „ |
~ Sturm rebuking Sonja at the beginning of "The Final Battle." |
In order to weaken and divide up the other four Wars World nations, Sturm creates a clone of Orange Star's Andy to carry out attacks on Blue Moon, Yellow Comet and Green Earth, causing the nations to all declare war on each other so he can swoop in and conquer them afterward. However, his deceit is discovered by Yellow Comet's Head of Intelligence Sonja and the four nations team up to stop Sturm and the Black Hole army. Though his armies are defeated, Sturm survives and escapes, vowing to return and invade the four nations once again.
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising[]
“ | Sturm: Our objective is clear, is it not? Hawke: To establish a base of Black Hole operations here on Wars World. Sturm: Yes. Recently, I instigated a great conflict between the countries here. I sought to conquer them all amidst the unrest. I failed. Hawke: That was in Cosmo Land, was it not, my lord? Sturm: I will not make the same mistakes again. This time, I will have a base and invade at my leisure. To that end, I need materials and money... |
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~ Sturm talking to Hawke in the intro. |
Sturm returns in Black Hole Rising, now with four new COs under his command. He tasks each of his four COs with conquering a different country: Flak with Orange Star, Adder with Yellow Comet, Lash with Blue Moon and Hawke with Green Earth to gather the money and resources needed to fuel an invasion of the entire Wars World. After the four COs are defeated and pushed back, Sturm engages in a final battle with the combined forces of the four allied nations at the Black Hole headquarters. His forces crushed, Sturm prepares to detonate a bomb to take out both him and the other forces' COs as a final hurrah. However, rather than be blown up, Hawke turns against Sturm and kills him, bringing an end to Sturm's reign of terror.
“ | Sturm: I will ascertain how strong they've become with my own eyes. You wretches report to the missile platform and assist Lash. Adder: Understood. Flak: Yes, sir. (beat) Sturm: Good riddance. Pathetic fools. They have served me poorly. When this is finished, I will make... adjustments. |
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~ Sturm at the start of "Hot Pursuit", voicing how much he values his subordinates. |
Sturm is a coldly direct and callous tyrant who will make anybody in his way to disperse, or he will trample them. He is prone to throwing insults around, especially the calling-name "worm". He is generally disdainful towards everybody, from his enemies and even his own subordinates.
Powers and Abilities[]
“ | Such power... I regret crushing it. | „ |
~ Sturm using Meteor Strike in Advance Wars 2. |
As a CO, Sturm is an utterly overwhelming force that has few-to-no weaknesses to exploit. In both games he is in, all his units can move across any terrain unaffected, allowing him to effectively out-pace every other CO in the game. He also possesses an absolutely horrifying CO Power, Meteor Strike, which strikes at 3x3 grid and reduces all affected targets' HP to 2. Furthermore, in Advance Wars 2, he receives a notable defense boost after he has used Meteor Strike.
His daily Attack Power and Defense change between games, being weaker in the first and much stronger in the second. In the first game's campaign, Sturm has 130 Attack and 80 Defense - with his lacking defense being his only weakness in the game. His multiplayer version has his stats reversed, making him more defensive than offensive. This is not the case in Advance Wars 2, where he always has base 120 Attack and 120 Defense.
“ | Sturm: Look what I've found. Sonja: You... You're Sturm! Sturm: And you're the little girl who likes playing with soldiers. Here you are again, sneaking around where you don't belong. |
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~ Sturm taunting Sonja at the beginning of "Final Front ". |
“ | Hawke, you trai...tor... | „ |
~ Sturm's final words |
- Sturm's appearance seems to be modeled after a Nazi SS Officer wearing a gas mask. Fittingly, his name for the western releases is German for "Storm". Likewise, his original Japanese name is "Herr Böse", which is German for "Mr. Evil".
- His original appearance also resembles a Snifit from Mario, which is a source of jokes in certain Advance Wars communities.
- Sturm has one of the most powerful CO Powers in the game, causing him to be banned from many competitive tournaments.
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Advance Wars Advance Wars: Days of Ruin |