Sugamechanger is a minor antagonist in the Netflix series adaptation of the Captain Underpants franchise, The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants, serving as the main antagonist of "The Shocking Showdown of the Staggering Sugamechanger".
Sugamechanger is a robot created by Melvin Sneedly to destroyed the camp so that the parents don’t sign their kids up for next year.
It's vocal effects were provided by Patrick Hickey Jr., who also voiced The Yellow Rabbit and William Afton in Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit, a clown in Joker, D'Ken in X-Men: The Animated Series, and Professor Kindly in Moville Mysteries.
When Mr. Krupp promises George and Harold he will rebuild the camp with everything they ever wanted, Melvin tells George and Harold that Mr. Krupp will double crossed them as he know Mr. Krupp as he works with him. Realizing Melvin is right, George and Harold team up with Melvin to make sure that Mr. Krupp doesn’t get away with his plan, so they make a comic about a villain which is half sugar, half video game and half trampoline monster named Sugamechanger. Melvin agree to build it, but however doesn’t care if the parents who come on parents-weekend at camp get killed during attack.
Mr. Krupp, in order to make sure George and Harold come back to camp next summer, tricked them by saying he is going to replace the cabins with treehouses which they fall for it. They then try to call off Melvin’s plan, but Melvin, not caring and he claims he is the evil villain while George and Harold the comic relief, started his plan and turned on his robot to destroy the camp to scare away the parents and bring them to a new, better camp.
Unfortunately, the robot got out of control, leading George and Harold turning Mr. Krupp into Captain Underpants to defeat the monster, but failing to, due the monster to him thinking this is a video game. Captain Underpants tries to make a move only getting shooted by sugar, causing to get sugar-rash like a power up, in a video game. He then use it to finally defeat Sugamechanger, causing him to lose points and blows up.
He is a giant robot that is half sugar, half video game and half trampoline.
- He is the first invention made by Melvin Sneedly to use against Mr. Krupp.
External Link[]
- Sugamechanger on the Captain Underpants Wiki.