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Justine, this isn't funny, you blinded me!
~ Basile Giroux, after being blinded with a hot poker.
I grow tired of my own flesh.
~ Malo, verbally displaying his insane cannibalism.

The Suitors are the main antagonists in Amnesia: Justine, a DLC for the 2010 horror survival video game Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

Each Suitor has a unique personality, disposition and reason for pursuing and attacking Justine Florbelle, the main protagonist villain of the game. The trials in the game are set up by Justine herself, including the addition of the Suitors, adding danger for herself. The trials of the game containing the Suitors are known as the "Cabinet of Perturbation".

The circumstances surrounding the Suitors and their pursuit of Justine is a unique scenario in the Amnesia series, contrasting the idea of a hero or anti-heroic protagonist being pursued by villainous enemies. Instead, the protagonist of the DLC is the core villain, with the Suitors having a completely justified reason for attacking Justine, playing the role of vengeful anti-villains.

The Suitors Aloïs, Basile and Malo are voiced by Scotty Campbell, Jon St. Jon and Jeff Buchanan respectively.


Prior to the events of the DLC (taking place during and/or before the year of 1858), the Suitors became romantically involved with Justine Florbelle, but because of Justine's extremely sociopathic nature, she didn't love anyone, and only used the Suitors for personal gain and self-amusement.

The Suitors in question are Aloïs Racine, Basile Giroux and Malo de Vigny. Justine was in a relationship with all three of these men at once, causing immense tension between them.

Basile stopped being infatuated with Justine at some point and lost interest in her. Justine sought out Basile and drugged him, then imprisoned and blinded him as she did with the other Suitors.


The Suitors function exactly the same as The Gatherers in the original game, in that they wander around a specific area patrolling for the player. The only difference is that the Suitors are completely blind, making them easier to avoid. They can still hear perfectly, and will immediately pursue the player if they stand too close. Also, similar to The Gatherers, staring at them will drain the player's sanity.

The Suitors are blind because, as mentioned before, Justine blinded them herself. This is seen from the bloody, gaping eyeholes of the Suitors, and this is further evidenced by a phonograph recording revealing how she specifically blinded Basile: a hot poker is seen near the phonograph along with a bottle of absinthe, explaining how she was able to drug and imprison others. The appearance of each Suitor before they were mutilated is never shown to the player.

Though the Suitors can speak, their mouths do not move, and they constantly emit eerie gasping sounds while walking around. There are also gruesome, torturous cuts along their body, as well as chains around their wrists and ankles. A metal wheel is placed around their necks, which prevents them from sleeping, as it would choke them if they tried.

Though this is never fully explained, the Suitors have immense strength despite their tortured, agonizing and presumably weakened state. They are able to kill the player with just one strike, as well as run at the same speed as the player, if not faster. The third Suitor is able to obliterate objects in his path with just one strike.

Regardless of the player's actions, Justine keeps everyone locked in the Cabinet of Perturbation, meaning that it's likely Justine keeps everyone there until they starve to death or continued torturing them. The fates of the Suitors are left unknown.


Aloïs Racine - The first Suitor encountered by Justine. Aloïs has a self-harming fixation with Justine, willing to continue that behavior as long as it pleases Justine. He speaks in a sad, heartbroken and longing tone. Despite his saddening way of speaking, he is easily just as dangerous as the other Suitors.

Basile Giroux - The second Suitor encountered by Justine. Basile is shown to be the sanest of all the Suitors, as well as the most angry, simply because he wants to exact revenge on the woman who ruined his life. He speaks in a furious, vengeful tone of voice.

Malo de Vigny - The third and final Suitor encountered by Justine. Malo is the most insane of all the Suitors, and turned to cannibalism, even to the point of eating his own flesh. He speaks in a faux-friendly, sarcastic demeanor, further showing his mentally-ill nature.


Each run-in with a Suitor becomes more difficult as the player makes progress.

The first Suitor encountered by the player is Aloïs, who is found near prison cells. He is the easiest to avoid, as he has a specific walking pattern, and it's very easy to hide from him until he despawns. The second Suitor, Basile, is seen in a library basement and more of a challenge to circumvent, as he does not despawn once he enters the area, and will patrol the same area near the player until they escape. The player must sneak past Basile, preferably throwing objects around to distract him.

The third and final Suitor encountered is Malo, who is found in a flooded area, and because of this, he is the most difficult Suitor to escape from. The area Malo is found in is very cramped and partially flooded with water, making player movements very easy for Malo to hear. Any kind of mistake around Malo will cost the player dearly, so the player must strategize their actions to stay alive.

In this area, a policeman is being held hostage. It is up to the player to save him or leave him there to be brutally killed by Malo. If the player ignores the policeman, then the player will have extra time to escape due to Malo being momentarily distracted. If the player chooses to save the policeman by closing a door so that Malo can't get to him, the man will be safe, but this spends precious time for the player to escape, adding more difficulty to a difficult encounter.



No! Stay!
~ Aloïs attacking Justine
Hush now, it's alright.
~ Aloïs killing Justine
Is that you, my love? You came for me!
~ Aloïs detecting Justine
Where did you go? Come back!
~ Aloïs losing Justine
Please, come back!
~ Aloïs losing Justine
Is that you I hear?
~ Aloïs hearing Justine
Why did this happen?
~ Aloïs laments on his situation
(Sobbing) Come back!
~ Aloïs' grief towards Justine


~ Basile attacking Justine
~ Basile attacking Justine
~ Basile killing Justine
(chuckles) You won't get away this time!
~ Basile detecting Justine
I have you now!
~ Basile detecting Justine
I found you once, I'll find you again!
~ Basile losing Justine
This isn't over yet!
~ Basile losing Justine
I will find you!
~ Basile looking for Justine
Yes, keep making those sounds!
~ Basile looking for Justine
I will kill you, you cunt!
~ Basile threatening Justine


(laughs) Come here!
~ Malo attacking Justine
I want you!
~ Malo attacking Justine
Unlike the other two suitors Malo only makes gutteral and deranged choking noises when killing Justine
I see you!
~ Malo detecting Justine
Bonjour! (Hello!)
~ Malo detecting Justine
Hide and seek! Hide and seek!
~ Malo losing Justine
Come out! You'll like what I have planned!
~ Malo looking for Justine
Justine! Let me taste you! (chuckles sinsterly) I grow tired of my own flesh!
~ Malo's depravity towards Justine
(laughs insanely) I can't believe, this is what it feels like! (laughs insanely)
~ Malo's insanity towards Justine




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Frictional Games Logo  Villains

The Archaic | Tuurngait | Clarence | Tuurngait Infected | Richard Eminiss | Wilbur Frisk
The Dark Descent: Alexander of Brennenburg | The Shadow | The Gatherers | Kaernk | Daniel
Justine: Justine Florbelle | Suitors
A Machine for Pigs: The Machine | Manpigs (Wretch | Engineer | Tesla | Failed Experiments) | Oswald Mandus
Rebirth: Empress Tihana | The Shadow | Harvesters | Wraiths | Yasmin | Hank| Leon De Vries | Doctor Metzier
The Bunker: The Beast | German Army | Toussaint Beaufoy | The Shadow | Rats
The Warden Unit | Johan Ross | Construct | Scavengers | Fleshers | Terry Akers | Proxies | Robot Head | Viperfish | Anglerfish | Jin Yoshida | Leviathan
