The Super Secret Police are the main antagonists of the 2014 film The LEGO Movie, which is based on the plastic construction toyline manufactured by The Lego Group. They are a corrupt secret organization of evil robots led by the evil Lord Business and (formerly) enforced by Bad Cop. They capture any creative person and bring them to Lord Business to be taken to the Think Tank.
Robo SWATs[]
They are the first branch of Super Secret Police lead by Bad Cop.
Radio DJ Robot[]
A robot that helps out Lord Business in brainwashing everybody to follow the instructions with "Everything is Awesome."
Robot Feds[]
They are robots dressed in business suits that work for Lord Business and attend every one of his secret meetings.
Velma Staplebot[]
Lord Business's robot secretary and what MetalBeard refers to as Lord Business's "overbearing assistant".
Micro Managers[]
Giant rectangular robots that forcefully position every Lego into the exact position Business wants them to be in so that he can use the Kragle on the frozen Legos. Lord Business acknowledges that they should've been called just "managers", but this name didn't sound threatening.
Sheriff Not-A-Robot[]
A robot sheriff who is in cahoots with Lord Business and leads the other Western robots. He is destroyed when he plummets off a gorge to his death with the other Western robots.
Calamity Drone[]
A female robot cowgirl that works for Lord Business. She attempts to kill Emmet with a minigun as he is running from some pigs, but is destroyed when a water tower falls on top of her.
Robot cowboys that assist Sheriff Not-a-robot in capturing Emmet, but fail and fall off a gorge to their deaths.
Wiley Fusebot[]
A crazy demolitions expert robot that assists Sheriff Not-a-robot in trying to capture Emmet. He fails and plummets down a gorge to his death.
Robo Crocodiles[]
As their name implies, they are robotic crocodiles that assist Lord Business in trying to capture and/or kill Emmet, Wyldstyle, and Vitruvius but fail when the trio are saved by Batman.
They are Terminator-esque robotic skeletons that serve Lord Business throughout the last half of the movie. Due to their appearance in the sequel, where they serve Scribble Cop and carry his carriage, they are the only members of the organization confirmed to be still active after its defeat.
Robo Construction Workers[]
They are robotic constuction workers that ask for a disguised Emmet and Wyldstyle's identification, until the latter stalls them with "Everything is Awesome".
Robo Pilots[]
They are Robot Pilots that try to destroy Benny, UniKitty, Wyldstyle, and MetalBeard, but fail and get destroyed along with their spaceships by Benny's quick thinking.
In other media[]
Lego Dimensions[]
The Super Secret Police serves as one of Lord Vortech's forces, as they attack other dimensions in order to find foundation elements for him. They attack dimensions such as The Simpsons (with their boss Lord Business and the Joker, where they successfully take its foundation element - Inanimate Carbon Rod), and Ghostbusters (along with General Zod, where they fail to take P.K.E. Meter) and also appear as enemies in other levels.
- In The Lego Ninjago Movie, Ninjago City police officers are shown wearing uniform with the Super Secret Police logo on it. Whether it means that Ninjago City Police is related to this organization in any way or it's merely a coincidence is unconfirmed.
Villains | ||
Super Secret Police