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My enemy...the enemy of every human who ever lived! It's a ghastly sight, monstrous beyond belief! I feel my blood begin to boil...I feel the pain as my skin blisters and smokes...This is the life-force that watches over the dinosaurs. This is what the Saurian called..."The Supreme Monstrosity"!
~ Elijah Thorn when he encounters the Monstrosity face-to-face.

The Supreme Monstrosity is the main antagonist of the 1988 Topps trading card series Dinosaurs Attack!, as well as its 2013 IDW comic adaptation. He is the Satan-like leader of all dinosaurs that was brought over to the 20th century after a group of scientists develop the TimeScanner project, which involves the use of a giant satellite in space which brings people, artifacts, and animals from the past into present time. From doing so, the device also brings dinosaurs, marine reptiles and other prehistoric animals from various prehistoric time periods, and they wreak havoc onto the world, killing billions of people. What the Monstrosity ultimately has in mind is to wipe out all of mankind, and have prehistoric animals rule the world by killing them all in gruesome ways.


The Supreme Monstrosity, as entailed by his name, is an enormous humanoid dinosaur-like abomination. Like all of his brethren, he has scaly skin that is reddish-orange in appearance, long horns all over his body, a pair of large wings, and a set of six eyes on his face. His entire body is also engulfed in flames, to the point at which Dr. Elias Thorn is covered in burns as soon as he is grasped by the demonic entity.

He appears the same way in the IDW comic based on the trading card series, though his body is green instead of orange.



According to a bonus card in the 2020 set Mars & Dinosaurs Attack History, the Supreme Monstrosity had existed even eons before the universe had existed. Prior to that, the universe was what humans nowadays refer to as "Hell". During this time period, there were nothing but rocky precipices and molten geysers spurting from both the ground and the sky.[1]

Dinosaurs Attack![]

In 1988, the Temporal Physicist and Space Station Director Dr. Elias Thorne worked on a revolutionary device that would harness "videos of the past" into the present known as the TimeScanner, despite protests from other scientists and many civilians that this could potentially be a dangerous idea. The plan was to attach the device onto the Prometheous probe, and engulf the entire world in a "harmless" ray that would send these projections into the present. He decides that the first task he should assign the device is to bring projections of dinosaurs into the present in order to study what had caused their extinction.

However, as soon as the device is activated, a primordial swamp seemingly appears on Earth, but is then followed by a set of malicious reptilian eyes on the screen, indicating the Prescence of the Monstrosity himself, and then a massive explosion that killed 3 officers at the Central Operations. Unaware of the entity at the time, Elias still insists that the device is "stable". As a result of the Monstrosity tampering with the device, numerous prehistoric animals begin materializing onto the Earth, and causes mass carnage all around the world. As soon as a pair of dinosaurs destroy the Leaning Tower of Pisa, amongst other disastrous events, all of the civilizations down on Earth begin cursing Dr. Thorn, blaming him for all of the disasters. Despite numerous efforts from armies across the world, the Dinosaurs were also able to successfully kill their commanders and leaders.

For the next forty hours, Dr. Thorn and his team work many sleepless nights trying to find a way to bring all of the dinosaurs back to their respective time periods, which causes him to meet a reptillian humanoid in a dream. The benevolent entity informs Dr. Thorn about the nature of the dinosaurs, telling him that unlike humans, dinosaurs have no sense of right and wrong, and are instead led by their satanic leader, an entity he refers to as the "Supreme Monstrosity", who plans on killing all humans in order for his children to conquer the world.

By the time the dinosaurs start attacking every continent, they become much more catastrophic threats, destroying the Adler Nuclear Power Plant, and raiding the New York City newsroom. In the meantime, Elias and his wife Helen are almost complete in their goal to send the dinosaurs back, though they are interrupted by a large scaly hand engulfed in flames grabbing Elias, and pulling him through the TimeScan monitor. The entity that had grabbed Elias is in fact the Supreme Monstrosity that the Saurian had warned Thorn about earlier.

Thorn orders his wife to finish the final mathematical sequence that would send all of the dinosaurs back, even though doing so will kill him in the process. When Helen does this, many of the dinosaurs that were attacking Earth are ripped to shreds, though some of them still stay intact, and the Prometheus monitors all explode, destroying the satellite. The exact fate of the Mostrosity is unknown, though it is highly likely that he survived the ordeal, as he is last seen with Elias in his hand, and then killing him, after all of the other dinosaurs are brought back.


