Suzaku, also known as the Crimson Sparrow, is an antagonist in the manga and anime Yu Yu Hakusho. He is the secondary antagonist of the Spirit Detective Saga, being the main antagonist in the Maze Castle Story Arc, as well as the leader of the Four Saint Beasts.
He was voiced by Nobuo Tobita in Japanese and Jerry Jewell (who also voiced Barry the Chopper in Fullmetal Alchemist, Caesar Clown in One Piece, Eis Shenron in Dragon Ball GT, Kaworu Nagisa in Rebuild of Evangelion and Lyon Vastia in Fairy Tail) in English.
Suzaku is a demon that resembles a human more than he does a demon. He has long orange hair, with red streaks that are actually antennae.
After three of the four Saint Beast were destroyed, the leader, Suzaku, found out that Yusuke has a weakness, which was Keiko, and decided to use that weakness to help his chances of winning. When Yusuke met Suzaku for the first time, Suzaku proved that he was more than a match for Yusuke. He was able to block all of Yusuke's punches with one hand, and even deflect Yusuke's Spirit Gun. Suzaku also seemed to love to torture Yusuke, because he electrocuted Yusuke slowly and painful. He also decided to increase his chances by multipling seven times and continue on electricuting him. In the end, Yusuke used all of his life energy to give him enough power to kill Suzaku and his seven clones.
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