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Villains Wiki

This Villain was proposed and approved by Villains Wiki's Pure Evil Proposals Thread. Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a futile "heroic" attempt of redemption) and the user will have high chances of being terminated blocked. You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first.
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Villain Overview

You know Zizzy... I was once living in your world. I was young and quiet... I felt alone often, so I made myself a friend. One from beyond. We were great friends. Perhaps... too great. I started to become just like him in more ways than you could imagine. He wasn't too happy about that. He made that clear... very clear to the world. When my time ended there, my time here began. Look at me now! I'm more than I ever once was. Isn't it surprising to see what can come of a quiet young child?
~ TIO explaining his backstory to Zizzy.
I have but one thing to leave you with, stay out of my business. If you continue to follow down your current path, you will live to regret it.
~ TIO warning the Player of what will happen if they continue to hunt for the cure.

TIO is the overarching antagonist of the Piggy franchise.

He is a very mysterious entity and the founder and leader of The Insolence who appears to people within their minds and makes deals with them. He has done this to the Player, Pony and Zizzy. He offers them to join him in order to gain their trust and "help" them.

He was once a lonely person who decided to make a "friend from beyond". Unfortunately, his "friend" betrayed him after he became more like him. TIO used his newly found powers to start the Infection. He would then begin to get into people's minds and make deals with them in order for them to see their loved ones again. He had tried to get into Pony and Zizzy's minds to make them join him, but they declined his offer.

Once getting into the Players mind, he offers them to join so he could see their friends again. The player declines knowing his tricks. TIO attempts to murder the Player the second time they encounter them, along with Georgie Piggy, Pony and Zee. He is soon defeated thanks to the Players memories of Doggy, Bunny and Zizzy. He is also the Player’s arch-nemesis.



Although TIO has never been shown as a child, a few drawings show that he may have been a human according to the body features. Alongside this, he might've been nice considering that in most of them, he's shown constantly smiling.


Whilst normal, and as an adult, TIO appears more differently. He is shown to be a tall humanoid person. He is also shown to be wearing a purple blazer with three black buttons going down it. Underneath it, he's also shown to be wearing a purple shirt. He also has dark purple pants and black shoes. He also wears white gloves.

TIO also wears a crimson bow tie. His head is also hidden, only showing a grey sack. It's also stitched to show a creepy grin that shows nothing but darkness. His left eye is also covered up like a pirate showing a black button and a stitch making it look like a cross. His right eye instead reveals it to be an Insolence eye. TIO also wears a purple top hat that has an Insolence eye on it instead in the shape of a flower.


In his distorted appearance, he takes on a more grotesque look: He is a tall, slender, black creature with a white-glowing heart in the center of his body. He has an Insolence eye, a white button-shaped eye, and a creepy smile on his face. There are many holes that can be viewed outside of his entire body. He wears a black hat that has many glowing Insolence eyes, along with a red bow tie on his neck.

The 100% Official Piggy Survivor Manual Description[]

"This one goes by many names: The Entity, The Insolent, The Iniquitous One... The main thing is he's the villain behind this whole story. As a child, he felt alone, and so he made a friend... from beyond. When they fell out, he was banished to another dimension. He reaches people through their subconscious minds, seeking to recruit them to serve his own, mysterious ends.

Much of the Iniquitous One's past and intentions will probably never be known. He's ultimately defeated by turning his manipulation of other's memories against him."


Judging by how he's been more and more direct with us, I think it's safe to say he doesn't like what we're doing.
~ Pony explaining the Player TIO's ways of tricking them.

Due to his horrible past, TIO can be shown to be a cruel hearted, deluded, and manipulative mastermind. As said by Pony, TIO uses his wicked powers and bribes to torture people to get them inside of their mind in order to contact them much to his delight. This makes it show that TIO has no care for anyone but himself as he likes to do this and furthermore torture them to get them to join him. Once he gets people under his control, he makes them do his bidding by making them attack people with more brute strength than regular Infected have.

TIO also has no care on harming anyone as not only did he attempt to kill the Player and Pony, but also Georgie Piggy and Zee who are children whilst the Player and Pony are adults showing more of TIO's sadistic manner. He can also be shown to kill his victims very harshly as, in his death animation, TIO grabs the Player with his hand and holds them up in the air. After a few seconds, TIO slams them on the ground quickly and harshly and uses their free hand to slam down on the Player. Whilst this may show that TIO kills his victims in a slow start and fast end, this could most likely be due to the Player ignoring their warnings and continuing with their journey to find the cure and is full of joy to finally kill them.

When people are experiencing a hallucination or a nightmare of a distorted place they've been to, TIO taunts them by adding messages on the walls. He does this for Zizzy by saying "Do you miss them?" just to make her have more guilt on leaving her sisters to turn Infected. When she encounters him for the first time, TIO offers her to join him due to, in his words, being a "strong, resilient and talented warrior." He even adds, "There is much you can do for me in return." showing that he only wants her to join his group due to her being strong and powerful and nothing else.

TIO can also be shown to stalk his prey quietly as he hunted for the Player and, as soon as he spotted them, gave them no chance to run by heading straight to them to finish his job on killing them. This also makes it seem that TIO likes to hunt and stalk his victims more likely to make it more joyful for him. Overall, TIO is by far the worst person that the Player and their friends have ever met during their adventure.


Early Life[]

Isn't it surprising to see what can come of a quiet young child?
~ TIO explaining his origins to Zizzy.
TIO with his "friend".

TIO with his "friend".

When he was young, he was a normal person in the living realm, although he was very lonely. To deal with his loneliness, he made “a friend from beyond”, this friend is likely either Mr. Stitchy or the Friend character that appears in the Port chapter, and The Hunt implies it may be the former. After a while, he began to become more and more like his friend, which it didn’t like. So, the friend, in TIO’s words, “made that very clear to the world” and presumably exiled TIO to the dimension he currently inhabits, only being able to toy with others’ minds.

What happens afterwards is unknown, but if the diary entry in the Mr. P’s Lab event is to be believed, then he at some point tricked Mr. P into testing Substance-128, despite the doctors telling him it was unstable.


TIO appears at the end of this chapter to Zizzy. In it, he attempts to manipulate her into joining him, seeming to make a connection between his offer with Pony and his offer with her. The trick worked, but before Zizzy could accept the offer, a hand similar in appearance to the hand of Friend or Mr. Stitchy grabs her and pulls her into a portal, likely to get her infected.

Chapter 10: Temple[]


TIO making his first appearance via illusion.

TIO first appears in the savior ending cutscene of Temple. After the player stops for a rest, we are then seen in their mind. TIO appears to the player as Bunny before later revealing himself and tells the player about all that was meant to happen to the player, but the player pleads him to leave them alone, and lunges at them as the hallucination ends.

Chapter 12: Lab[]

TIO appears in the Savior: Tigry ending after Pony reveals he got infected at the Docks, where he appears to the player, with the player accepting his deal. He also appears in the Hidden Ending, where you have a boss fight with him. When he gets defeated, then he is dragged into a portal and he says to the player "YOU... BUFFOON... WHY?!", before being dragged into the portal, and it is unknown what happened to him afterwards.


Despite not showing up during the chapter, he covers an important role. Once Tigry infiltrates in the enemy base, TIO makes him hallucinate places of his childhood while making him believe Danny is a creature named Ombra. He is indirectly responsible for Danny's death.



  • Mr. Stitchy - Former best friend

The Insolence - Brainwashed pawns[]

  • Penny Piggy - Brainwashed pawn
  • Elly - Brainwashed pawn
  • Alfis - Brainwashed pawn
  • Kolie - Brainwashed pawn
  • Markus - Brainwashed pawn
  • Delta - Brainwashed pawn
  • Mary - Brainwashed pawn
  • Ben - Brainwashed pawn
  • Eloise - Brainwashed pawn
  • Memory - Illusory creation
  • Twins - Illusory creations
  • Ombra - Illusory creation
  • Sentinels - Illusory creations/Presumed guardians


  • The Player - Victim of psychological torture/Attempted pawn/Attemped victim/Presumed co-killer
  • Officer Doggy - Presumed co-killer
  • Bunny - Presumed co-killer
  • Pony - Victim of psychological torture/Attempted pawn/Attemped victim/Presumed co-killer
  • Zizzy - Victim of psychological torture/Attempted pawn/Presumed co-killer
  • Georgie Piggy - Victim of psychological torture/Attempted victim
  • Zee - Attempted Victim
  • Zuzy - Attempted Victim
  • Mr. P - Victim of psychological torture/Presumed victim of coercion
  • Tigry - Victim of psychological torture

Powers and Abilities[]

While Normal[]

  • Magic: As being in a different world, TIO is able to make people transport into his world.
    • Teleportation: TIO is able to make multiple Infected, including ones under the Insolence, to be teleported. He does this by teleporting most infected to Doveport and some to the Military.
    • Transformation: TIO is able to turn himself into a distorted version of himself in order to kill the Player and their friends.
    • Hallucinations: He is able to make his victims hallucinate their loved ones.
    • Mind Manipulation: TIO can make his victim see distorted things. He does this to the Player at the Plant by making them see multiple locations they've been to. When he takes control over Zizzy's mind, he makes her hallucinate distorted parts of the Refinery and makes her sisters look infected.
    • Memory Manipulation: Much similar to the previous one, except, TIO can make people hallucinate others as he made the Player hallucinate Doggy in the Hospital and then Bunny, Zizzy and Doggy when encountering them for the first time.
  • Genius-level intelligence: TIO is very smart as he is able to get into the Player, Pony and Zizzy's minds and tries to manipulate them in order for them to join them. Following this, TIO offered the Player to see their friends again, offered Pony to see his family again and offered Zizzy to be back with the Safe Place members.

Whilst Distorted[]

  • Brute Strength: When he is in his distorted form, TIO is able to pick up the Player and smash them to the ground before crushing them with his hand as seen in his death screen.



Are you sure about that?
Tell me, do you recognize this?
How about this?
We are in your memories (username), it's not the first time you've been here.
The memories, the hallucinations, the whispers...
You see, I've been... fascinated by you for quite a while. You're unique, (username).
Incorrect. You're extraordinary, and you're not like the others. You're supposed to be infected. You were attacked at the Piggy residence.
But you're not. You're alive. You're...
Don't you see? You're immune to the infection. You have much potential to do things beyond your understanding.
I can help you see your friends again.
Are you rejecting my offer?
Hm. So be it. They're always stubborn at first. Then, when they have no one left, they come right back to me.
I have but one thing to leave you with; stay out of my business. If you continue to follow your current path, you will live to regret it.


Greetings, Zizzy.
It is a pleasure to meet you. I've noticed your predicament, and would like to help you out.
You are a strong, resilient and talented warrior. There is much you can do for me in return.
You know Zizzy... I was once living in your world. I was young and quiet... I felt alone often, so I made myself a friend. One from beyond. We were great friends. Perhaps... too great. I started to become just like him in more ways than you could imagine. He wasn't too happy about that. He made that clear... very clear to the world. When my time ended there, my time here began. Look at me now! I'm more than I ever once was.
~ TIO revealing his backstory to Zizzy
Isn't it surprising to see what can come of a quiet young child?
I sometimes wonder... if she'll end up the same.
She has never spoken a word, Zizzy. And she never will.
No, I want you to join me. A skilled fighter like yourself could do incredible things.
Me? Perhaps not. But, your friends...

Lab (Hidden Ending)

I must say, I'm rather disappointed in you, username.
TIO. That's my name. Or, at least, what I am called. I am also called 'The Entity', 'The Insolent', 'The Iniquitous One'...
~ TIO revealing his full name to the Player
I warned you not to follow this path. I am trying to save everyone from themselves, can't you see that?
Free will is destructive. Free will is what destroyed your world. Look at what Mr. P has done.
This cure... many will fight over it. Many will lose. What you're doing with this... you're causing another grand war.
This time, it won't be against the infected. It will be against your own brothers and sisters.
I see you are too oblivious now to foresee the destruction of the future.
I suppose now I have no other choice but to stop you and your friends myself.
~ TIO's last line in the Piggy series after his presumed death.


  • Before Store released, MiniToon made a tweet on Twitter of an emoji man called Harold. After Temple released, people speculated Harold was what TIO's real name was.
  • Many people believe TIO has survived the events of the Hidden Ending due to the camera zooming out revealing an Insolence portal with someone watching them.
    • Some people also believe that the members are actually in memory and are stuck in it. However, most people have believed the previous theory.
  • Most people believe that TIO's "friend from beyond" is actually Mr. Stitchy due to Mr. Stitchy having the same Insolence eye.
    • In The Hunt: First Edition, this was proven true. When going into one of the bedrooms upstairs in the first phase of the map, players can find multiple drawings of Mr. Stitchy and TIO. A doll of him can be seen as well.
    • Alongside this, people believe that TIO might've been a Prince and the son of King Milo and Queen Viola.
  • Some have believed he might be the Player from the future due to TIO having a human-like body.
    • This was proven false as TIO was implied to be born in the medieval times as shown in The Hunt chapter.
    • However, as the drawings in the chapter show TIO as a human, it could be possible he's the Player’s ancestor.


  • He was modelled by Axel Glow, who also modelled the Crawl Trap.
  • His distorted form was modelled by Supernob123, who also modelled and animated The CEO from Jailbreak, another Roblox game.
  • He shares his jumpscare sound effect with Mr. Stitchy in APRP.
  • The soundtrack played in his cutscene is called “Insolence”, by BSlick. In APRP, the badge skin uses the soundtrack as it’s own but slowed down.
  • His skin can be obtained by completing the Hidden ending of Lab.
  • It is unknown whether he is defeated for good or not.
    • In the Hidden ending of Piggy: Book 2, it's shown at the end that someone was still watching the Player and the other survivors. Some have speculated that it might be TIO, who may have survived and plots to have revenge.
  • Despite being the mastermind behind the entire franchise's plot, he only physically showed up in 3 chapters out of the 28 chapters in the game (if counting the extra chapters), those being Distraction, Temple (Savior ending) and Lab (Tigry Savior and Hidden ending).
  • Since he was originally nameless when he was first introduced, fans started calling him "Dude Man", a trend started by KreekCraft.
  • Many fans theorize his name used to be "Harold". This theory originates from a Tweet MiniToon posted back when the store was released, portraying a stickman made of emojis which greatly resembles TIO with the caption "Harold".
  • Due to the fact that most names in Piggy start with the letter of the species (e.g. Willow-Wolf, Penny-Piggy) and that TIO's appearance looks somewhat more humanoid than other characters in the game, people have also theorized he was a human, which would make him the second human in the storyline so far, after the Player. Coincidentally, TIO is the Player’s arch-nemesis.
  • Considering the quote "TIO. That's my name. Or, at least, what I am called." It can be assumed that TIO isn't his real name.
    • Furthermore, this is confirmed by the fact that MiniToon said he'd probably never reveal his real name.
  • According to Axel_Glow, TIO's eye was based on a pet chicken he had when he was a kid.

External Links[]


           PiggyVillains Villains

Mainline Games
Piggy | Mother | Father | Sheepy | Teacher | Beary | Zompiggy | Clowny | Foxy | Elly | Grandmother | Robby | Torcher | Soldiers | Badgy | Rash | Dessa | Raze | Alfis | Kolie | Dakoda | Archie | Kenneth | Bobby | Pepper | Markus | Spidella | Delta | Mary | Ben | Eloise
The Silver Paw/TSP
Willow | Tigry | Kitty | Pandy | Felix | Katie | Filip | Baren
Foxy | Rash
The Insolence
TIO | Penny Piggy | Elly | Alfis | Kolie | Markus | Delta | Mary | Ben | Eloise
Distorted Creations
Distorted Piggy | Sentinels | Memory | Twins | Friend | Ombra | Umbra
Piggy Family
Penny Piggy | Mother Piggy | Father Piggy | Memory | Grandma Piggy
Tigry's Family
Tigry | Tigry's Dad | Tigry's Mom
Mr. P | Duocara | Tigry's Bullies (Leon, Wally, Dane) | The Capitol | Rabbit Monster

Piggy Novels
The Infected
Penny Piggy | Spidella
The Insolence
TIO | Penny Piggy
Dalton | Queen of Kindergartens

Piggy Fanverse
The Lost Book | Branched Realities

Disambiguation Pages
Penny Piggy | Spidella | TIO


Malak | Agatha | Puppet King

Chapter 1: No Way Back
Murder Monkeys | Chef Monkeys

Chapter 2: Into Madness
Agatha | Gold Watchers | Titan Watchers

Chapter 3: Retribution
Dread Duckies | Doom Ducky | Clown Gremlins | Goliath Clowns

Chapter 4: Mortal Ramifications
Reaper Nurses | The Matron | Joy Joy Gang (Lucky the Rabbit, Penny the Chicken, Hangry the Pig) | Joy Kill | Jocelyn | Mama Bear | Trigger Teddies

Chapter 5: Fated Conclusion
Mannequins (Red Stalkers, White Mannequins) | Puppet King | Dark Star | The Blob | Malak

Victor | Doug Houser's Mother

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals
Chef Monkeys | Titan Watchers | Alphabet Letters | Spider Clowns | The Brute | The Fiend | Evil Nun | Ayano Aishi | Fun Girl | Dark Song | Robbie the Rabbit | Nurse | Pyramid Head | Huggy Wuggy | Kissy Missy | Penny Piggy | TIO
