Tadodaho is a historical chief of the Onondaga nation within the Iroquois Confederacy. He is said to have been a malevolent and oppressive warlord who struck fear throughout the Iroquoian nations. However, he became a peaceful and democratic leader once the Peacemaker and Hiawatha convinced him to end the war between the Five Nations.
Tadodaho was a warrior and the chief of the Onondaga nation. According to legend, he is said to have been a sorcerer who had snakes entangled in his hair and had the power to kill his enemies without even seeing them.
Tadodaho conducted a series of raids on villages within the Cayuga and Seneca nations, resulting in a civil war between the Iroquoian nations. During the war, an Onondaga man who would later be known as Hiawatha lost his three daughters and wife to Tadodaho's magic and left his village grief-stricken.
After collecting wampum to deal with his grief, Hiawatha joins forces with a prophet known as the Great Peacemaker and a woman named Jigonhsasee to bring peace between the Five Nations. They managed to convince the chiefs of each nation to unite, with only Tadodaho being the only obstacle left to end the war. A solar eclipse occurs and Tadodaho relents as Jigonhsasee talks to him privately. Afterwards, Hiawatha combs the snakes off Tadodaho and heals his body with herbs and wampum. Tadodaho then joins the council of peace and was declared chief of the newly created Iroquois Confederacy.