Taka, originally known as Hebi, are antagonists in the manga series Naruto and part II of its anime adaptation Naruto: Shippuden. It was four man squad led by Sasuke Uchiha.
After abandoning Orochimaru, Sasuke decide to get those who were originally his subordinates or test subjects.
The first member was Suigetsu, who wanted to collect the seven swords from the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. The second member was Karin, a descendant of the Uzumaki clan who is the only female member and who wants to get close to Sasuke. The last member to join the team is Jūgo, a friend of Kimimaro's who is the source of Orochimaru's curse mark seals.
Their main goal was to kill Itachi, but Tobi of the Akatsuki tells Sasuke the truth about the brother and his mission, so Sasuke decided to take revenge against the Leaf Village and teams up with Akatsuki.
- Suigetsu is the only member that his eyes don't match his hair color.
- When resting atop Madara Uchiha's statue in the valley of the End, Tobi wondered whether Sasuke, the next time the young Uchiha "shedded his skin", would stay a "snake" (蛇, hebi) or turn into a "hawk" (鷹, taka). Madara, who Tobi was impersonating at the time, was stated to have the hobby of falconry. The team's name is connected to Tobi also through a Japanese proverb: "a hawk born from a kite" (鳶が鷹を生む, tobi ga taka o umu), meaning that an extraordinarily gifted child can be born from ordinary parents.