The Team Super Phoenix is a major antagonistic faction in the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne Arc of the anime/manga series Kinnikuman.
They are a group led by Kinnikuman Super Phoenix, one of the Five Fated Princes, after he came in contact with the God of Intelligence.
After Kinnikuman Super Phoenix met with the God of Flight who convinced Super Phoenix that he may be the real Prince of Planet Kinniku, Super Phoenix hired a group of four powerful Chojin who he would grant high status to once he was King, to become King, Super Phoenix alongside the other Five Fated Princes and Kinnikuman would fight in the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne to determine who was the real prince of Planet Kinniku.
Team Super Phoenix would be set to fight against Team Big Body. During this match, one by one, most of the members would be killed by Mammothman, with Kinnikuman Big Body himself being defeated by Kinnikuman Super Phoenix.
In the next round, Team Super Phoenix was set to fight against Ataru Kinniku's version of Team Soldier. They would win, kill all of the members and erasing Ataru Kinniku by having his page the Muscle Prophecy Book burnt by Mammothman.
In the final round, both Satan Cross and Prisman would be defeated, leading to a three-vs-three match with Kinnikuman, Robin Mask and Neptuneman fighting against Kinnikuman Super Phoenix, Mammothman and Omegaman Dexia. During this battle, Mammothman would betray Team Super Phoenix in order to have a fair fight against Robin Mask, both of who were erased when their pages in the Muscle Prophecy Book were burnt. Next Omegaman Dexia would fight against Kinnikuman after turning into his master, Prince Kamehame but it would end with him being defeated and being erased like Mammothman.
In the final match, Kinnikuman Super Phoenix and Kinnikuman would fight against each other, all the while, the strain of Super Phoenix's heart grew. Super Phoenix would be empowered by all Five of the Evil Gods and almost killed Kinnikuman, but after his Burning Inner Strength was returned to him, Kinnikuman would defeat Super Phoenix, putting an end to his and the Five Evil Gods ambitions.
When the Five Fated Princes were tasked with fighting against the Choshin, it was revealed that all of the Team Super Phoenix was revived. They all chose to fight the Choshin various Choshin, with them either losing and being killed or defeating the Choshin and dying afterwards but using the last of their strength to aid the Justice Chojin.
- Kinnikuman Super Phoenix (Leader)
- Mammothman (Deceased)
- Satan Cross (Deceased)
- Prisman (Deceased)
- Omegaman Dexia (Deceased)