"Terry" may be referring to two or more different villains. If you're uncertain which one you're looking for, just flip a coin. If you came here from a link, please go back and make the right link for one of the villains listed below.
Terry may refer to:
- Terry (Banjo-Tooie), the boss of Terrydactyland from Banjo-Tooie.
- Terry (Dragon Quest), the character with antagonistic moments from Dragon Quest.
- Terry (Secrets), the step-father of Treasure from the novel Secrets
- Terry Akers
- Terry Bates
- Terry Bouffant, the news reporter from ChalkZone.
- Terry Cox (The Gunman)
- Terry Crowley
- Terry Duckworth, the villain from Coronation Street.
- Terry Fawles, a minor antagonist from Phoenix Fright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.
- Terry Filkins, the bully from Drillbit Taylor.
- Terry Glass
- Terry Hawkins, the villains from Last House On Dead End Street.
- Terry Higgins
- Terry Lizer
- Terry Milkovich, a supporting antagonist in the TV show Shameless.
- Terry Perry
- Terry Randall
- Terry Simmons
- Terry Silver, the antagonistic instructor from the film Karate Kid 3.
- Terry Spice
- Terry Thorpe
- Terry Two-Toes
- Terry the Turtleborg
- Terry and Dennis
- Bobby Terry
- Scary Terry
See also[]
- Terry on the Heroes Wiki
- Terry on the Neutral Characters Wiki