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Terry Randall, also known as Terry Fairchild, is the main antagonist of the 1984 American slasher film The Initiation. She's the identical twin sister of the main character, Kelly Fairchild, as well as a murderous institution escapee who wants revenge for her broken family home and her subsequent sentencing when she turned felonious to avenge herself of it, intending for Kelly to suffer in her place.
She, along with Kelly, are both portrayed by Daphne Zuniga, in her first cast leading role.
Terry and Kelly's mother Frances had a mister named Dwight Fairchild, the owner of a department store the affair breaking up her family. Horrified and livid from this, Terry tried to stab Dwight to death, but she was stopped, arrested, and sentenced to hospitalization for an unspecified sentence. The twins' father, Jason Randall, the floor manager for Dwight's store at the time, found out and confronted Dwight, but Dwight fought him and severely set Jason on fire, Jason also being hospitalized with his inmate daughter, working as the hospital's groundskeeper. Suppressing the memories, Kelly only saw the truth in recurring nightmares and visions of hers flashing back to the chaos. She never knew about, thus never even visited or messaged, Terry, and the marriage between Frances and Jason was broken up, Frances choosing Dwight instead, Kelly always assuming Dwight was her father.
Kelly has recurring nightmares of Jason's burning, so psych class graduate assistant Peter works with her on sleep studies, until her mother Frances forbids it instantly upon finding out. Terry, for as long as Kelly's been growing up, was stalking Kelly's life from the hospital by unspecified means and found out when she was rushing the sorority, the current sisters having her and other pledges break into Dwight's multilevel department store to steal the night porter's uniform. Terry sees her chance to get revenge on her family for her father's disfigurement and the life she herself never had, so killing a nurse, Gladys Higgins, with a gardening fork, she causes a hospital riot and the escape of several patients, herself and Jason being among them. As Kelly and three other pledges make it to the store, Terry butchers Dwight to death in his car when he's off for a business trip, stabbing him in the neck with the gardening fork before beheading him with a machete, driving off in his car with his corpse in the trunk.
Terry makes it to the store, where Kelly's there with the other pledges, friend Marcia and roommates Alison and Beth, sorority leader Megan Sanger and coeds Chad, Ralph, and Andy McConnell there to scare them as a prank, as well as the night porter on duty, Hodgkinson. Terry starts to slowly pick them all off one by one, first by stabbing Hodgkinson to death, then killing Andy with a hatchet and Megan with a bow and arrow, before they can even terrorize the pledges. Ralph and Chad get to Kelly and Marcia, their part of the prank working, but when they find Alison again and the five try to leave the store, they find Terry locked them all inside.
Back at the university, Peter and his colleague Heidi trace Kelly's visions to the article on Jason Randall's disfigurement, realizing he's one of the escaped mental patients, encouraging Peter to immediately warn Kelly for fearing she's in danger. Chad goes off to the bathroom while Alison looks around the store, when she finds Hodgkinson's body, as well as Chad with his throat slit and "KELLY" painted in the mirror in his blood. Running back to Kelly, Alison's instructed by Kelly to hide under the desk and Kelly tells her to stay there while she tries to call for help. Tragically, Alison is stabbed to death by Terry when she's found. Ralph and Marcia then have sex in a retail display, but it's cut short when Terry shoots Ralph dead with a harpoon gun. Shocked and covered in Ralph's blood, Marcia immediately flees, finding Kelly and seeking refuge in an elevator. Terry breaks in and drags Marcia into the shaft to stab her to death as well. When Kelly runs to the boiler room, she finds Jason, recognizing him as the burned man from her nightmares. Assuming he's the killer, she run from Jason Up to the roof, then beats him off with a pipe, sending him plummeting to the ground outside to his death.
Peter and Frances rush to the store and find Jason dying, then when they split up, Peter finds and holds Terry, assuming she's Kelly. Once Peter's critically stabbed in his stomach, the revelation officially happens. Kelly walks in and sees in horror her twin sister she never remembered, revealing Terry as the killer and the backstory that ties to Kelly's flashbacks. She brags to Kelly she intends to take her place posing as her throughout her life and framing Kelly so Kelly's in the hospital or dead and Terry's free to roam the world, something she always envied and wanted. After enough a fight, Terry throws Kelly down and is prepared to stab her. But Frances suddenly appears and fires one shot at Terry, killing her quickly and ending her spree once and for all. Peter's carted off in an ambulance on a gurney, while Kelly's left shocked and disoriented by her trauma and her mother's lies.