“ | As long as I pull the strings, you will dance. | „ |
~ Tezzeret |
Tezzeret is a Planeswalker and secondary antagonist in Magic: the Gathering. With a body made of enhanced metal created with an element known as Etherium, Tezzzert was built to Esper's standards of perfection. As a Planeswalker, he can travel throughout the Multiverse and visit other worlds. He also has the ability to make and control constructs and is adept in blue mana. Tezzeret is driven by his bad temper and his desire for knowledge. He is the primary henchman of Nicol Bolas along with the New Phyrexians and serves them out of fear and ambition, rather than loyalty. His fate has yet to be revealed.
In Magic the Gathering: Arena, he is voiced by Dave B. Mitchell.

Tezzeret, the Seeker
Tezzeret had a rough childhood on his home shard of Esper. Growing up in the toxic area of Tidehollow, living conditions were poor. Both of his parents cared little for him. His father was very abusive to Tezzeret and his mother was a prostitute too old to work. Fortunately, he did have friends, who gave him his name (which means "Improvised Weapon"). This was given to him when he stabbed a bully. Things changed after his mother died. While Tezzeret and his father were finding scraps (which is illegal), Tezzeret's father taught him a lesson that he would take to heart. That being the strong ruled everything and took what they desired from the weak. Since mages were the strongest beings on Esper, he decided that someday he would become a mage.
When he was nine, he was the only one of his family to do salvaging work (due to his father becoming more lazy). He also gained the ability of rhabdomancy, the ability to find metal. Whenever he was caught, he was beaten badly, but this was intentional because it allowed him to steal more underneath his father's notice. Two years later, he joined multiple gangs and gained a bad reputation. Due to the death of his mother, if anyone crossed him, he or she would find their mother dead. By this point, he has stolen 200 grams of etherium. With the funding this gave, he left his father and went to find a better life. For five more years, Tezzeret honed his artificer skills in a course that normally takes 17 years to complete, but continued to steal etherium to fund his tuition. For another five years, he mastered manipulating magical artifacts faster than most others.
At the age of 19, he was rewarded for his success by replacing his right arm with etherium, a major victory for Tezzeret. He was given Master status and left to go to the Academy of the Seekers. Tezzeret sought to join the Seekers of Carmot, but after losing to a fellow student, was expelled instead. He wanted to speak with the headmaster in order to remedy the situation, but was turned down. In response, Tezzeret murdered the headmaster and continued his training with no one else knowing what happened. Three years later, Tezzert's academic rival managed to join the Seeker's of Carmot, while he was belittled. Desperate, Tezzeret broke into a vault to steal etherium for himself, as well as a tome with ancient teachings. As it turns out, the pages were blank. The other Seekers found Tezzeret and beat him badly.
Before he was killed, his Planeswalker spark ignited and he was transported from his home shard of Esper to the shard of Grixis. After battling a few of Grixis's monsters, he was saved by Nicol Bolas. He offered him great power in exchange for servitude (which Tezzeret agreed to). After joining Bolas's crime syndicate known as the "Infinite Consortium", Tezzeret made many key assassinations of important members who reported to Bolas and replaced them with his own agents, essentially claiming the syndicate for himself.
Agents of Artifice[]
Fearing retaliation from Bolas, Tezzeret went to Ravnica to find Jace Beleren, a Planeswalker with telepathic powers, in order to protect him from Bolas's spies and to weed out any of the dragon's operatives trying to infiltrate the Consortium. After proper training, Jace was prepared to handle mental threats. Tezzeret revealed Bolas's intentions to him, as well as now revealing he knew that Nicol Bolas was in control of the Seekers and by extension, was responsible for lying and shunning him during his time with them. The two went to an unknown plane to settle a dispute with Bolas over mineral rights, with Jace hopefully being able to protect Tezzeret against Bolas's telepathic powers. Unfortunately, this went horribly wrong with Jace's magic useless against the elder dragon and Bolas scoured Tezzeret's mind for any secrets he could find. While Tezzeret was still confident Bolas was unable to harm either of them, he was proven wrong again when a horde of barbarian mercenaries hired by Bolas came to capture them. The two barely escaped with their lives.

Jace vs Tezzeret.
For Jace's mounting failures, Tezzeret beat Jace and began to question what value the mind mage truly had for him. As more and more failures piled up, Tezzeret became more and more aggressive with Jace. Because of this, Jace fled the Consortium causing Tezzeret to search for him for six months. Jace was captured and was tortured and monitored by Tezzeret's second in command Baltrice until the Seeker could find a way to turn him into a puppet. Jace's lover, Liliana Vess, broke him out and the three engaged in a combat. The cyborg lost the duel on Kamigawa and Jace left Tezzeret's mind obliterated and his etherium arm broken and removed with Tezzeret's own manablade. Jace soon learned that Liliana was responsible for setting him up to fight Tezzeret from Bolas. The dragon also participated to reclaim control over the Consortium 12 years after Tezzeret stole it from him. The Seeker was left braindead and in the care of the nezumi(Kamigawa's race of ratfolk). Bolas eventually arrived and bargained with them for Tezzeret's body. In his clutches once again, Bolas repaired what was left of the Seeker, gifted him a new metal arm, and branded with a forehead tattoo of Bolas's horns to show his loyalty.
Scars of Mirrodin[]

Tezzeret integrating with the New Phyrexians
Tezzeret was sent to the developing plane of New Phyrexia in order to stop the Phyrexians from gaining a central leader by the orders of Bolas. He initially was focused on other things and spent time murdering the imps that the dragon sent to find him. Only after Bolas came to reprimand him personally did he agree to go. Arriving at the city of Lumengrid, one of Bolas's vedalken spies gave him a serum that made him immune to phyresis. After entering Lumengrid, he quickly was integrated with the Phyrexian hierarchy. He was greeted by the praetor Jin-Gitaxias who brought him to the Father of Machines Karn. While watching Karn, he aided two notable Phyrexians named Geth and Glissa against the Planeswalkers Elspeth, Koth, and Venser. After Karn was rescued and cured, Tezzeret sought the throne for himself, which led to a battle with Glissa(The outcome of their fight is unknown). Later, Tezzeret joined the praetors to crown Elesh Norn as the leader of the New Phyrexians. Other Planeswalkers who knew of his involvement with the praetors thought he was killed and had his metal parts scrapped. It eventually was revealed that he survived and much later, it was revealed Tezzeret was working with the Phyrexians in their gambit to compleat the multiverse. Tezzeret had occupied Panopticon and used the Darksteel Eye to spy on the Phyrexians, but it was corrupted by Elesh Norn after she took over the plane. Once he returned to Bolas, he revealed that the Phyrexians had no access to interplanar travel. Tezzeret suggested that New Phyrexia should be destroyed and the dragon agreed. After he became a god again, Bolas's first act would be to destroy New Phyrexia once and for all.

Tezzeret, the Schemer
Tezzeret was later sent to Kaladesh by Bolas to find a Planar Portal able to transport inorganic matter. Shortly after his arrival, he used funds to bribe his way to the title of Head Judge of the Inventor's Fair. He also managed to capture the main enemy of the ruling organization of Kaladesh known as the Consulate. The culprit was Renegade Prime(also known as Pia Nalaar). This put him at odds with the Gatewatch( a group of Planeswalkers who protected the Multiverse including Jace and Liliana) which he sent his assistant, Dovin Baan, to deal with the problem. During the fair, an inventor named Rhasmi created a Planar Bridge that could transport inorganic matter through the Blind Eternities with no issue. Tezzeret declared her the winner of the fair and kidnapped her to perfect the portal. In an arena, Tezzeret engaged in a duel with Pia and almost one, but the Gatewatch interfered. He escaped to the Aether Spire and forced Rashmi to finish the Planar Bridge. After the Gatewatch and newly found renegades regained control of the plane's aether, Tezzeret then retreated to his skyship, Skysovereign. After Dovin analyzed the weaknesses of the Gatewatch members, they figured that Chandra Nalaar(Pia's daughter) was the weakest and sent an officer who Chandra had a bad history with named Baral to distract her. By this point, the Planar Bridge was completed and Tezzeret was ready to use it. Suddenly, Liliana Vess arrived with the intention to kill him. The two had a quick battle ending with Liliana pinning Tezzeret with a zombie she made. Tezzeret revealed that he was working for Nicol Bolas and hinted that he would appear on the plane of Amonkhet. After this revelation, Tezzeret planeswalked away and watched the Planar Bridge's destruction. Little did the Gatewatch know that Tezzeret retrieved the plans for the Planar Bridge and its core before he left.
Recent Encounters[]
After Bolas defeated the Gatewatch on Amonkhet, Tezzeret arrived, surprised that he won so quickly. He was then ordered to go to Ravnica to meet a Planeswalker named Ral Zerek to check up on a future project. It was also revealed that the Planar Bridge was grafted to Tezzeret's chest and he used it to steal the Immortal Sun, an artifact that prevents planeswalkers from planeswalking with Vraska's help.
War of the Spark[]

Tezzeret in War of the Spark
Before the War began, Tezzeret infiltrated the Guild Summit and attached a collar to Lavinia(guild champion to the Azorius Senate) to allow Bolas to control her. Nicol Bolas used Lavinia to kill Hekara(champion to the Cult of Rakdos). Shortly after, Tezzeret aided Bolas in the construction of his citadel. With the Planar Bridge now incorporated in his body, Tezzeret went to Amonkhet to activate the Bridge. Afterwards, the Dreadhorde was able to travel to Ravnica through the Bridge and Bolas's invasion was ready to begin. Opening the Bridge at the Embassy of the Guildpact also disrupted Ravnica's mana leylines so Jace couldn't use his powers as the Living Guildpact. In an attempt to stop more of the Dreadhorde from coming to Ravnica, Karn, Dack Fayden, Ob Nixilis, and Samut traveled through the Bridge to stop Tezzeret and destroy the Bridge. Though the group had to deal with the eternals that were with Tezzeret, Karn managed to use a miniature drone Saheeli crafted to make the portal the Bridge formed to implode on itself. After the group succeeded, Tezzeret managed to seal the gaping hole in his chest with a mystic gesture. He congratulated them and wished them luck against Bolas. He warned them that with Bolas defeated, no one would be able to stop him in his future endeavors. After the war, Niv-Mizzet tasked Ral Zarek to stop Tezzeret due to his involvement with Bolas.
After Tezzeret's defeat on Amonkhet and the near destruction of the Planar Bridge, he fled back to his home of the Alaran shard of Esper. He was greeted by the half devil planeswalker Tibalt who had informed him that Nicol Bolas was killed on Ravnica. Tibalt hoped to feed on the Tezzeret's despair for the loss of his master, but the opposite happened. Tezzeret was very pleased that Bolas is gone because with him gone, he believed that no one would be able to stop his machinations. With the help of a gargoyle named Brokk and a homunculus named Krzntch, they reclaimed the Seeker's Sanctum and they began plotting.
The planeswalker Ral Zarek was tasked by the living Guildpact Niv-Mizzet to murder Tezzeret for his involvement with Bolas and with the aid of the Wanderer, they went to Esper to stop him. When the two arrived, Tezzeret sent an army of etherium gargoyles to stop them but all but the lead gargoyle Grokk were killed. After battling through Tezzeret's trap-filled lair, they reached the Seeker only for the Wanderer to be knocked out. She automatically planeswalked away leaving Ral and Tezzeret to fight each other. Tezzeret had the advantage in this brawl, using the Planar Bridge to redirect Ral's lightning. The two engaged in hand-to-hand combat only for Ral to be beaten within an inch of his life. Tezzeret, not wanting to be hunted any longer, offered his broken mechanical arm as a way to fake his death in exchange for Ral's life which he accepted.
Afterwards, Tezzeret returned to Ravnica where it was revealed that he formed an alliance with the Guildleader of House Dimir Lazav. Because Ral revealed to Niv-Mizzet that Tezzeret still lives, they had no way to blackmail him. But, they had their sights on disrupting the order of numerous Guilds on the plane.
Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty[]

Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh
While Tezzeret was initially introduced attacking Kamigawa's emperor when Kaito Shizuki was 14, she ultimately disappeared after his attack, though Kaito managed to hit Tezzeret with part of a roof.
Kaito learned years later Tezzeret was involved with the Phyrexian praetor Jin-Gitaxias and he wanted to learn more about his foe. It was also revealed that Tezzeret was giving aid to the New Phyrexians and it was because of his Planar Bridge that Jin-Gitaxias managed to reach Kamigawa in the first place(and probably how Vorinclex managed to travel to Kaldhiem). His investigation mostly proved unsuccessful aside from learning about an incident where Tezzeret was found by the nezumi with a broken mind inflicted upon him by a former colleague and they watched over him until a dragon came to collect him. After Kaito learned the moonfolk Planeswalker Tamiyo was trailing him, she gave him more information since they faced a common enemy. Tezzeret was using a device called the Reality Chip on Kyodai the night of the Emperor's disappearance in an effort to control the great kami. His experiment backfired and modified the Emperor's Planeswalker spark and now she goes by the Wanderer. The two scoured one of Jin's abandoned labs in an effort to both find the Reality Chip and destroy Gitaxias's progress, but were ambushed by Gitaxias and Tezzeret. He barely remembered Kaito form their previous encounter but seeing him now, Tezzeret was left disappointed. They revealed they were dissecting kami to have a better understanding of the the nature of souls in relation to Planeswalker sparks and used this lab as a trap. Kaito attempted to damage the metallurgist, but his mastery of metal easily overpowered Kaito. Even when Kaito was going to detonate explosives to take Tezzeret down with him, the Seeker gained control of them and made them useless. The two Planeswalkers were captured and were going to be experimented on, but they were rescued by the Wanderer.

Tezzeret being chased by Kaito
Tezzeret and his forces battled the three Planewalkers until his minions were easily bested. Tezzeret was paralyzed by one of Tamiyo's scrolls and was left unconscious after Kaito hit him in the back of the head with a crate. Though he appeared to be knocked out, Tezzeret managed to recover since Tamiyo's attention was placed on the Uprisers allowing him to escape. Tezzeret attempted to flee with Kaito in tow throwing debris at him. The two engaged in combat and though Katio managed to get a few good hits in and even landed a kick to Tezzeret's head, the master of metal overpowered him with the Planar Bridge at his disposal. Though he almost managed to incapacitate Kaito, his sister threw a dagger into Tezzeret's leg and Tamiyo used a scroll to paralyze him once again. Tezzeret revealed he already had what he needed and gained control of Tamiyo by using the Reality Chip. The two traveled to New Phyrexia where Jin-Gitaxias experimented on her creating the first Phyrexian Planeswalker. Though he didn't trust this former enemy turned new ally, Jin was convinced she was loyal to Phyrexia.
Streets of New Capenna[]
Tezzeret traveled to New Capenna with the Phyrexian praetor Urabrask. He wished to have Vivien Reid meet the praetor and claims they are on the side of freedom. He also reveals to Vivien that the Planar Bridge has been corrupted after sending the praetors to and from other planes. After revealing that he was working for Elesh Norn and Vivien questioning his motives, he hinted that the Grand Cenobite had promised him something, but he can't use it if all life in the multiverse is compleated or if he was. Vivien had the feeling that Tezzeret was playing both sides which released some of her tension. She reluctantly followed Tezzeret underneath the city where the girders supported it and was introduced to Urabrask. The two are in this metropolis to obtain and study Halo, a valuable magical substance native to this plane that has magic-enhancing properties(it would be later revealed that Halo is harmful to Phyrexians and it was used to cleanse them from the plane in the past), as well as to find Elspeth Tirel so the Mirrans and the Quiet Furnace have a chance to defeat Elesh Norn. Tezzeret couldn't stay long since he had to transport Phyrexian forces and other praetors as well as to prevent Norn from suspecting his betrayal.
The Brothers' War[]
Tezzeret was revealed to be working for Elesh Norn for the purpose of obtaining a new body made of indestructible Darksteel, his current body having been damaged from the Planar Bridge. Tezzeret planned on leaving afterwards and hiding while the Phyrexians continued their corruption across the planes. He was present with Ajani Goldmane and one of Norn's suture priests when Karn was being disassembled and attached to a slab that inhibited planeswalking. He revealed that he was the one who hired Kaya to tail Vorinclex on Kaldheim and gave Jace Beleren information about Koth and the Mirran Resistance. Though he wished not to witness this he was forced to stay because of the priest and Ajani and secretly wished for Karn to break free and planeswalk away. Tezzeret demanded to know the status of his new body, but the priest informed him he had to complete another task before he could receive it.
He carried Karn's broken body with his head still attached along with a Phyrexian guide as they descended further into the plane in order to deliver the former Father of Machines to Norn personally. After Tezzeret tried to interrogate the guide on the location of his body, he failed to learn anything and killed his monstrous company. The two delved deeper through New Phyrexia to access Panopticon, the plane's visual command station that was operated by both Karn and Memnarch. Karn revealed he was still alive and granted Tezzeret access though warned him he wouldn't find what he was looking for. He wished to use the Darksteel Eye to find his new body, but he saw everywhere except for Urabrask's domain and Norn's sanctum. He noticed the Phyrexian armada eclipsed Bolas's Eternal army. The two had a talk about their roles in advancing New Phyrexia's plans but Karn figured he was hearing Phyrexian whispers. This hinted that the inoculation given to him by Nicol Bolas to prevent phyresis may be wearing off. While Tezzeret was augmented by the Quiet Furnace to be resistant to this illness, he feared that with Bolas's absence and the possibility that his body was tampered with, he would succumb to Phyrexia's will.
Tezzeret and Karn reached the Mycosynth Gardens, New Phyrexia's eighth sphere, to see Elesh Norn as requested. She was pleased to see Karn and hoped that he would appreciate the work they were doing for him. Tezzeret inquired about his body and Norn thanked him for helping in the creation of Realmbreaker, New Phyrexia's invasion tree. It dawned on him that all of this was his direct fault. Norn ordered Tezzeret to be their herald on Dominaria along with dealing with the planeswalkers who would stand against her and that he would get his body in time. He knew she had no intention of upholding her end of the deal, causing Tezzeret to despise the Mother of Machines and now more actively stand against her. After witnessing Karn denouncing her, Tezzeret went to his post but was pleased that Karn did this on purpose.
On Dominaria, he convened with the Phyrexian sympathizer Rona and wished for a status report. She rejected his authority saying she only took orders from Sheoldred, but after easily beating her in combat, convincing her subordinates to stand down after demonstrating his power, and threatening to send her through the Planar Bridge while having her skin melt off her body, she relented. The Phyrexians on Dominaria were monitoring their planeswalker enemies along with Dominaria's armies and their forces were weakened after their invasion. It would take a month at most to replenish their forces and the Seeker was pleased he had a bit of an advantage over Norn. The two lead an army against the New Coalition and their artificial army. The Coalition led by Jodah, Elspeth Tirel, and Chandra Nalaar dealt a significant blow to the Phyrexian forces. Rona then managed to stab Jodah with her glaive which took him out of the fight and managed to put Elspeth on the defensive. The two ended up weakening each other only to be greeted by Tezzeret who knocked out Rona before she could kill Elspeth. He was surprised to see Elspeth again. He then took Rona and suggested that Elspeth tend to Jodah. She wasn't surprised Tezzeret hadn't changed, but was when he didn't finish her off. He hinted that he hoped that Tirel would cause the collapse of the Phyrexians. It was implied this assault was merely orchestrated to weaken the Phyrexian forces on Dominaria. He then planeswalked away with Rona.
Phyrexia: All Will Be One[]

Elesh Norn granting Tezzeret an audience
After the intentionally failed assault on Urza's Tower, Tezzeret returned to New Phyrexia in order to once again convince Norn to make good on her promise to give him a new body. Norn greeted him and questioned why he left his station so he lied saying that Sheoldred betrayed them and he and his forces were overwhelmed. Conveniently, Sheoldred did defy Norn by aiding Urabrask in his rebellion so she found Tezzeret's story believable. After asking about the planeswalkers at the tower, he informed her that they all escaped and he didn't follow them to let Norn know about the traitor in her ranks. He also revealed that the planeswalkers were led by Elspeth causing Norn to show visible fear and shared information about her halo-infused weapon Luxior. After convincing Norn that fulfilling her promise would give Tezzeret the power to defend her against Elspeth, she agreed to give the Seeker his new body and sent him to Jin-Gitaxias.
Though Tezzeret had been unconscious for a while, Jin was prepared to do what was asked of him, even if it was on such short notice. After explaining that he would melt Tezzeret's etherium body, reshape it, and use it as a bonding agent to hold him to his new Darksteel body, the praetor went to work and successfully attached the Seeker to a body made of Darksteel. He appreciated the Core Augur for his help, but soon realized he was unable to planeswalk and saw he was bound to the same material that Karn was. Jin-Gitaxias revealed he intended to corrupt his body into Blightsteel by using glistening oil and a new version of the Reality Chip that he created. Tezzeret warned that Norn would have his head for defying her, but after opening a wall revealing one of Urabrask's chief lieutenants, he revealed he was aware of Tezzeret's betrayal this whole time. Controlling the weakened lieutenant, the Seeker helped free him, allowing him to knock Jin to the ground afterwards. The Phyrexian also freed Tezzeret from his restraints. The praetor got up and killed his attacker, but before he could capture the Seeker again, he planeswalked away.
He returned to his home of Alara to his old family home where he was ambushed by a gang of Esperite children. The leader threatened to stab Tezzeret with his knife, but after he animated it and forced it through the boy's palm, most of the ruffians fled in a panic. Only a boy named Estel remained and the two broke into the abandoned home. He discovered an old music box made by his late mother which reminded him of her death. Inside the box was etherium which he had intended to give to Estel, but he was interrupted by the start of New Phyrexia's invasion of the multiverse. He instructed Estel to go to Bant, find their general Rafiq, and tell him that he was a friend of Elspeth to both give him shelter and to prepare for the arrival of the Phyrexians. He hoped the angels of Bant would stand a chance against them and after seeing Estel flee, he planeswalked away.
Traveling from world to world, Tezzeret noticed Norn's expansion was happening faster than he anticipated. At least three worlds fell to the Phyrexians and two were close too. Tezzeret was trying to reach safehouses established back when he controlled the Infinite Consortium that Baltrice had set up and found a brief reprieve on the plane of Kamigawa. While trying to enter one of his safehouses, Tezzeret was confronted by Nashi, the adopted Nezumi son of Tamiyo, who was looking for his mother. He remembered Tezzeret when he burned down his village and threatened to kill him if he didn't answer him. The Seeker allowed Nashi to have his revenge, but when he backed down, Tezzeret exploited his hesitation and knocked Nashi out. More Nezumi came to fight Tezzeret, but they were handled easily. Before leaving, Tezzeret told Nashi his mother was alive, but he would wish he had killed her.
After entering the safehouse, he discovered currency from multiple worlds, a manablade, and a magical crystal with visual properties. After traveling to a forgotten plane, he pondered who the Gatewatch's battle against the Phyrexians was going. Tezzeret knew that when one side was close to wining and the other was weakened, that would be his time to strike. Ready to reclaim power again, the Seeker began work rebuilding the Consortium.
“ | You can’t hope to comprehend the plans that are in motion. | „ |
~ Tezzeret |
“ | When I grafted the Planar Bridge into myself, I felt my Planeswalker spark flare beyond my body. The Multiverse was my plaything. It felt … incredible. | „ |
~ Tezzeret |
“ | I appreciate the depravity of noble designs turned to devious ends. | „ |
~ Tezzeret |
“ | What separates us from mere beasts is the capacity for self-improvement. | „ |
~ Tezzeret |
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Planeswalkers Phyrexians Multiversal Threats Villains by Plane Mirrodin/New Phyrexia Kamigawa Ravnica Lorwyn/Shadowmoor Alara Zendikar Innistrad Theros Tarkir Kaladesh Amonkhet Kaldheim Ikoria Arcavios Unknown |